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EDIT: Images added to Environment section.

NSFW Warning: Content contained within this post may be considered graphic.

Length: 40 pages
Deadline: October 31st

Hopefully I'll finish it sooner, however. As previously said, I want to devote most of myself to Linktober in October. That means I'm going to have to work extremely hard on the comic this month if I want to make an impressive dent in my workload.

The story has been fully scripted and will function as a Chapter 0. It is not the first part in a story, so it won't be essential reading -- it may not even be entirely canon. This story is more appropriately defined as a prototype; something that will communicate the basic idea and provide a bit of context for some of the characters and their world.

This particular Concept Art thread will be significantly shorter than most. I'll usually spend several days outlining & writing them up, but I'm short on time and need to focus on the actual work of the month. I'm sure you'll understand.

Main Actors

The characters above will be the most important figures in the story, and you'll probably recognize most of them. Amaranth has reappeared with a design differing from his usual, and while it may not be a permanent change, it should serve decent enough for now.

One of my biggest issue with designing an outfit for Amaranth is making his colour work, but since this comic will be black & white, I won't have to deal with that issue. 

Secondary Actors


Assorted designs for background villagers. They are not fully formed characters, so they don't need to look unique. I can even mix and match features if needed. This is, if anything, just a way to get an idea what some of these villagers might look like.


There's a great focus in the musculature and naked bodies of these monsters, which makes them feel a bit extraordinary compared to the villagers. They're not really the kinds of guys you wanna mess with, and they're less prudish about their bodies than civilized society.

I may deviate from these designs or exaggerate them further in the comic itself. Like the townsfolk, however, they aren't characters in their own right, and thus, don't need to be too unique from one another.

I don't like centipedes. I had to look at centipedes when I drew this.


I used Dreams (PS4) to quickly design one of the spaces featured in the comic. This is pretty cool, as it should provide me with a quick way to establish the scene, as well as view it through a different camera angle. Hopefully, this will make drawing the space  faster.

The Script

I am uncertain as to whether or not I should make the script available for reading in the Monthly Dropbox Archive, as it would mean you can be spoiled before the comic is finished. I'm sure it'll definitely be added once finished, but not sharing it earlier feels awkward since my general behavior has trended towards full transparency... 

What are your thoughts on that?

Now what?

I'm going to begin working on the comic proper starting tomorrow. I will post everything that I draw at the end of the week in a single post using Patreon's new Gallery feature. 

My plan is to spend the rest of Sunday creating the 3D spaces for other relevant scenes, so they can easily function as establishing shots in the comic. There are 2-3 other locations.

Monday & Tuesday will be dedicated to sketching the entire comic.

The rest of the week following will be entirely devoted towards drawing the comic proper.  This comic will be my only goal for the week, so let's see how much I can do in that time.

Thank you for your support.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.



I like that Amaranth is boob height compared to Elayne. And nice to recognize Richard! I advise releasing some of the script to dropbox early, some later.


Elayne is supposed to be taller than average, after all. Is there a specific rate you think works best? I suppose, if anything, I could just update the script as I progress through the drawing phase.


As a row is finished, you could post accompanying script stuff.