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Work's been a bit slow this week, but I've spent a lot of my time writing, which tends to take much longer to see results from than my illustrations. I hope you don't mind.

Script Writing

Writing stories is such a long, arduous process sometimes… I've gone from a handful of different concepts, taken the things I liked from them, made a couple of different outlines, and then eventually formatted my results into an actual script. The plan is to provide an introduction to the ideas of the characters and their world, with enough vagueness to generate potential further interest. This story definitely doesn't feel like a COMPLETE story, but hopefully it's a sufficient short story -- like a day in the events of the characters lives.

The script is comprised of 39 pages, not including the cover, so it's ultimately 40 pages of art content. This doesn't include any additional pages that are added along the edges. That's… A lot. In fact, it's almost twice as much as what I was expecting… That's, admittedly, a bit scary -- and it runs the risk of being even less healthy a project to endeavor upon for the release date I want. But I did plan to spend this month dedicated to this project, so perhaps I shouldn't be too scared.

It's important to me that I'm able to complete a large chunk of it this month so I can participate in Linktober without any issue, but I have to try my hardest to be mindful of my health and not overwork too.

This Upcoming Week [09/08 - 09/14]

This is what I'm expecting the rest of this week to look like.

  • Elayne Beaumont Comic - Concept Art & Composition Sketches
  • Elayne Beaumont Comic - Start Inking (tentative)
  • Concept Art & Discussion Lite (Saturday)
  • NSFW Sketch Suggestions (Saturday) (tentative)

(Items labeled 'tentative' mean I am uncertain about their inclusion.)

Thoughts about Upcoming Week

Since scripting took longer than planned, I'll spend time next week with concept art & composition sketches as my priority. Perhaps I'll be able to begin the inks, but this early foundation work is vital. If I'm able to get a solid foundation to work on, then the actual drawing portion can be much smoother, and I don't have to worry about changes interrupting my flow at a later point.

I previously mentioned that I might be less efficient with this month's NSFW Sketch Suggestions, but I'll try to manage my time to get some out this week for the weekend.

While I don't know that I can begin the inks this week, the Concept Art & Discussion thread will likely be out by the end of the week. Though different from the usual ones, they won't be as long and filled with copious amounts of text. I expect I'll just share the concept art, sketches, and some ideas. These Concept Art posts take a really long time to write, but that's time better suited towards drawing this month. I'm sure you understand.

Anyway, I'll try to make this a good week regardless of the circumstances.

This Month

Link's Awakening is releasing 9/20, and that's sure to be an interruption to my workflow… I will need to be mindful of that, but I should allow myself down-time to relax too, so perhaps it won't be an issue.

Beyond that, I'm not entirely sure what the next few weeks will look like, since so much of this month is dedicated to the Elayne Beaumont comic, which I can't fully envision my workflow for since I've never done something this large before. Still, I'd like to also get some other sketches done -- I definitely need to prepare for next month's Linktober, so I have to concept & sketch my ideas for that too…


Thank for your support, and your patience. 

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


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