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It has been 11 days since the last Patron-Only Feed update, which is slightly longer than usual, but not too much so, as I typically try to space them 7-10 days apart.

It's been a pretty slow week, I think; I spent a lot of it writing the Concept Art & Discussion thread. It's been much less analytical than my usual threads, since it was about concepts rather than the art, itself. I wonder if what's why it took so much longer, and doesn't feel as fulfilling to me, personally. Still, that's done, so you should check it out if you haven't!

Also it's for $7 patrons. Check that out HERE. Check the other ones out if you haven't either.

The focus of this final week should be on NSFW Sketch Suggestions.

Those E3 Doodles

The earliest illustrations of the month sure took a lot out of me -- it broke my new flow of napping during the day, and I guess it was so much work, so quickly, that I tired myself out. You ordinarily would not see so many $3 Posts so quickly, or so early in the month.

What about, like, the comics, dog?

A lot of people decide to support me in April because of the promise of Female Link comics among my work -- and I have not forgotten about that, nor do I wish to give the impression that I've neglected that promise.

Making things takes a lot of time -- especially starting it. But I guess I've also found the work intimidating. I often feel like my comics may lack the excitement other people want, which makes it hard to feel like it may be worth doing... But I should really be doing it for myself more than others anyway.

The answer may simply be to just jump into creating it. 

Elayne Beaumont is another concept too, though one in need of much more work, I think. As cool as she is, though, she's definitely not one of my more popular concepts, so that also becomes hard to make motivating too. But the answer may be the same.

The topic of the last Concept Art thread concerned that -- though for Female Link comics.

Public Reception of my Artwork

I don't THINK if I have spoken about this subject yet, because I've spent the last two months going through numbers & writing a long essay about it -- but I think I'll spare you the long, agonizing read. Sometimes I roll just a bit too hard.

After observing the public response to my work on Twitter, here is my takeaway:

  • My rendered illustrations don't perform better than my watercolour illustrations.
  • Female Link is my most popular character, and does reliably better.
  • Illustrations containing sexy qualities receive greater engagement.

My refined illustrations will typically do either just as well as my watercolour-like pieces, or they won't do as well in the same period of time. My investment in the watercolour sketches sees a more efficient output for my input; meaning they're harder to justify based on those numbers alone. This watercolour-like style is going to stick around, it seems.

That being said, my recent animation performed very well on Twitter. Though that could be because it was socially relevant, as Cadence of Hyrule had just come out (good game btw). This animation also features Female Link & contains sexy qualities. It's a high effort post too, and in motion -- which may be factoring into the equation as well.

It's possible that more high effort, sexy artworks may be needed to test that. I'll see about slower production times in favor of even more ambitious illustrations so we can determine the response to that kind of work.

Tired, tired, and even MORE tires

I've found myself growing more and more tired as of lately. I'm not entirely content with the circumstances around me. Remember how I talked about getting rid of those cardboard boxes earlier in the year? Yeah, I still haven't done that. I kinda just want to get it over with.

Perhaps it's time that I hone in on something that I could conceivably devote my work to.


It's been pretty cool. Technically my first Igavania, as I never played the Metroidvania styled Castlevania games. Though I hear it's pretty much what you should expect from a game like Symphony of the Night.

I made a Not-Elayne. I have a flame whip now.

Cadence of Hyrule

It feels like classic NES Zelda with a built-in randomiser, more modern 2D Zelda features, and rhythm based action. I finished my first run in approx. 9 hours, but I could see myself doing it much faster on my second run. Best of all, the world itself changes with each new instance of the world -- so that's plenty of replay value.

Anyway that's enough for now. I expect to talk more about the prospective direction of this Patreon later, but I'm very tired right now.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


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