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Update: Feel free to adjust your chosen answer.

Congratulations for still continuing to exist! We've made it 6 months into the new year under the new Patreon model, and that's pretty great.

Every so often, I like to stop and check on my progress. Since the year is practically halfway done, it's as good a time as any to do so. If you are a long-time patron of mine, you probably expect this kind of thing by now.

But, this post is less about me and more about you.

It's a Poll!

This post exists purely to allow you to share your feelings with me.

Please share your thoughts with me too. I'll do my best to interact with every single one of your comments so we can create the ideal Patreon experience together.

Take some time to think about the experience & content I offer, and your relationship with it.

What do you like? What DON'T you like? Is there anything I can do to make the experience better for you? Is there anything that could make the experience better for me?

I can't consider new ideas unless I am made aware of them, so please, feel free to do so. It doesn't matter how long you've been a patron, or what tier you're a part of. I value all of your feedback.

Expect further reflection, with a much more in-depth analysis, later in the month.



Someone voted twice! I forgot to set it so that you're only allowed one vote. Be careful with that, guys!


I'll bite, I enjoy this patreon because you're consistently uploading, and you're consistently keeping us up to date with how you're doing, so it never feels like you're gone, or like you don't have a plan/idea for where you want to take this. Sure, it may feel, to you, like you're not getting enough done or that the end will never be in sight, but, at least, for me, it feels like you're consistently moving forward, and keeping us along for the ride, and that's enough for me.


I think I'd definitely like some sort of direction in this patreon still. I'm content with things as they are but either want to see you working towards some sort of over arching goal or narrowing focus and highlighting one or two kinds of content. At the moment it's sort of a random scattershot in the dark as to what kind of subject matter we can expect in the month to come. There's nothing wrong with the state of things now, as this is what Patreon is about. Funding an artist's livelihood so that they might produce and grow. But in this competitive art market, a pledge here means giving up a pledge elsewhere with specific content I might enjoy too. Knowing more specifically what I'd get for that pledge would help me decide where to shift my funds for that month. Having said that though, I feel like the openness, the constant communication, and the in depth design notes make this Patreon very attractive and I feel like I have a much stronger connection to it than other ones that don't communicate well.


I feel similarly. It was my hope that the current model was only the start of something new as we transitioned towards something with stronger creative direction. It does seem a bit aimless, and I worry about stagnating as I follow a routine again too, so I’m very concerned with that right now. At the start of the year, I expressed wanting to create more meaningful art, but we haven’t quite gotten to doing that just yet. I think that should be the next step, though it looks like an intimidating one to take; I’m not entirely sure what directions to take, or how to best execute them. The Concept Art & Discussion threads seem exceptionally well received, and they all build towards something larger than themselves. But we aren’t seeing them amount to anything yet. As cool as they are, however, you’re right – you don’t really know what to expect until it comes out, often near the end of the month. Though that is, in part, due to me also not knowing what it’ll be until later in the month too.


The main reason I pledged was for the Sketches with Female link stuff being a bonus, but now that a comic is both underway and looking promising, I definitely don't regret joining. Plus I've actually started to get invested in the other stuff you draw too, so that's a plus. All in all, this has been a very pleasant experience for my first patreon ever. I Hope for more good things to come, and hope the narrowed focus makes the female link content more potent and fun, while not taking away from the monthly sketches.


The NSFW Sketch Suggestions are the definitive value to the $10 tier, so any further changes under the current model should not mess with that.


I'm mostly happy with how you've got everything set up so far, and have been a $10 patron for the time I've been here. However, I do feel $10 just to see your NSFW work early feels a little steep. Requests definitely feel worth that, and is a big part of why I jumped for the $10 pledge (thanks for the Ran, btw). I tend to shuffle my pledges around based on my current funds and my plans, and since I'm mainly here for your NSFW art, I feel a bit bummed to drop below the $10 tier but still want to support you at least a little. I completely understand if you want to keep early NSFW access to your $10 tier, and I guess I'll just jump back up to suggest Ran again when I'd like (and probably a while off, considering you basically just drew her).


Yeah, the price is mostly justified by the sketch suggestions. I'm notorious for avoiding commissions because drawing for people can be stressful, so offering those suggestions is my way of thanking patrons for their investment. The NSFW tier was set up for the $10 reward pretty early, so I can't really easily change that, since most people have acclimated to that, and some people might not WANT to see NSFW art. That setup might not be ideal for everyone though, because even if I do offer sketch suggestions, I obviously can't do everyone's, so it may be a point of contention for people. Fortunately, it seems to not be.


I feel there is nothing to adjust