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Last October, I worked on a bunch of artwork to essentially post in quick succession during the last week of the month. I'm considering doing the same this month, with an upload a day during the final week -- but they need to be passable "finished" illustrations.

Remember; if you have access to the Dropbox Archive, give it a peek every now and then, sometimes stuff gets dropped in there without a post to accompany it. That way, you won't miss out on smaller sketches until they get posted onto tumblr/twitter.

A short break has been had...

I've pretty much taken the entirety of last week off to rest and think about things. It's nice to rest, but I have to get back to work. Sad thing is, I'd like even more rest. I'm going to see about going easier on myself so I get adequate rest for myself throughout the week, but I have to make sure I don't fall behind in my art responsibilities...

Anyway, you may have noticed some general inactivity during last week. There wasn't even a Patron-Only feed. Yeah, I took a break. That's why.

I haven't slept yet. I was doing a really good job of getting into bed by 3am, but I broke that routine earlier this week, and I found it difficult to sleep earlier. I smelled something with a slight bit of rot in the air, so I hope the mice haven't done anything like leave a dead mouse carcass under my bed or something.


I've got some mice in the house, and it's a bit of a concern. They're makin' a lot more noise at night than I'd like them to make, and they ate through an entire pack of cup noodles. I seldom get cup noodles, so I'm particularly bothered by that. I really need to do something about that.

My home could use a general clean up. Perhaps I'll spend some time before the end of the year to "spring clean during winter" to prepare for a fresh start by January.


Fun game, though I've spent most of my time in the Character Creation menus & training mode. I'm not very good at fighting games, but I'd better learn to get good if I wanna enjoy playing as waifus.

One of the hardest things about making Link in character customization bits for games is the available hairstyles. The side-swept hair is important, but even more important is the long hairs on the side. Fortunately, this game has a hairstyle that suits Link pretty well.

Outfits on the other hand... Eeeeh. It's been a bit difficult to make Link in an outfit I felt 100% happy with. I either have to use recolours of other characters' outfits, which offer some great dynamic designs, but they're, y'know... recolours, and that's not cool. There's a couple of other generic options, like a linen shirt that would work great for a tunic, but it's really dull looking, even when applying texture patterns to it. I just can't win. Some of the layered wear clashes with one another, so you can't wear them together. If I had to express disappointment in any one thing, it's the lack of breadth of dynamic costume options -- at least for now, anyway. I suppose it's technically okay, I simply expected a lot more. 

So I've just been creating a bunch of different outfits for different weapons, so there's essentially a handful of different "Link " fighters. The middle one has a pretty good approximation of the LTTP Master Sword, so that's great!

Outfits to go with different weapons: Sword & Shield, Master Sword, "Gerudo" Scimitar

Anyway, this is a bit of a short, lazy update, but there's not much yet to report on. I'll touch base with you guys again before the end of the month.

Don't forget to eat & sleep.


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