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Nothing particularly new -- just some more of what I've been sharing lately. Female Links doing lewd things to each other, some Elayne Beaumont, some Batgirl. The works.

What's going on?

This has probably been the most lax month of mine thus far, as I have been playing Monster Hunter World. I've been exercising some restraint during the last few days, but within the first week or two of release, I had spent virtually all of my waking hours playing. Not good. 

With how little I've drawn, it's become clear just how much time I've been wasting. A tiny buffer has definitely helped, but I haven't spent much time developing finished illustrations. Unfortunately.

Though it is good, however, that I've been taking it easy & stressing less. 

I know that I've changed my upload schedule, but I haven't felt as though I've had control of this month. I wasn't adhering to the "breathing room" between posts, and I've found it a tiny bit difficult to adjust to. It has worried me that I'm not providing the best possible Patreon experience I could, though a few Patrons have re-assured me that I'm not a giant weenie. All the same, it's something I've concern for.

Money, money, money...

Although I'm glad to have made Patreon work as much as it has, it's becoming clear that I probably shouldn't rely on it as my sole source of income. At the time of writing, my earnings are 48% of minimum wage. It would be wise to create additional avenues of income for myself.

I suppose that I'll have to open commissions once again, although I am not inclined towards that. Commissions are often a source of worry. I did recently open $40 sketch commissions during live streams. Perhaps that could work -- provided that I advertise my streams on social media. 

Though I might increase the price a few dollars to compensate for Paypal's transaction fees. A few commissions every month might help me feel more financially comfortable, especially since I plan to buy myself more food.

Outside of commissions though, I'm not really sure what else I could do to generate income... Amassing money is not a forte of mine.

On making a stuff...

I want to create something that people can care about. That's not to say people don't care about my work, as my Patreon is proof enough that people DO care.

However, I'm not creating anything in particular that offers wider appeal than assorted sketches. I keep saying that I want to make something I'm passionate about, and giving myself the time TO make something larger; something of value.

But I don't know what that is. I don't know what I want to do... 

It's a tiny bit distressing. 

Miscellaneous thoughts...

I've yet to commit to Amazon Prime Fresh (which I mentioned wanting to utilize so I can actually have regular food) but I should get around to doing so within the coming months.

I am kind of tired -- and nocturnal at this point.

Lifehacker is doing a Summer of Adulting series of articles, in which they offer guidance through real-world basics to take charge of one's life. I am ignorant and never properly learned how to adult, so I hope to see a lot of good articles. Perhaps you'll be interested in that. Lifehacker's one of my favourite websites to regularly visit; there is always something of interest, whether it's about productivity, technology, food, finances, parenting, etc.

Don't forget to eat and sleep.



I still wanna commission you more Brell...


Just don't forget to doodle after play. I have to admit though, its hard to put down Monster Hunter Worlds XD (Also if you're having a bit of trouble with finding ideas that can stretch far, try doing a vote poll)