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Some of my more recent works have been multi-figured, so that's good. I've wanted to do something that was more than just a single figure on a white background ALL the time.

And some assorted sketches here and there. Don't forget to look into the Dropbox if you've got access to it.

Less overworked. Less ill.

In the last Patron-Only Feed Post, I mentioned feeling unwell. I've taken much of the previous week off, and I feel better now. I still haven't made efforts to get my hands on food regularly yet, but I had been resting a lot.

I've been waking up pretty early (with exception to the last two days). So hopefully I can maintain good balance between work and rest. Hopefully I can make the new Patreon schedule work, which I talked about briefly last week and received no complaints about. 

And Onto the Future...

After taking some rest, I'm excited to get back into actively creating stuff. I have some prospective illustrations directions I'm interested in trying out, so I hope they're well received. Overall, I'd like to make things I'm more passionate about, whether they're beautiful or sexy. I hope I don't suck!

Game Development on the other hand, seems trickier. I'm not sure what I want to do yet, and making art always seems to be the toughest part...

Goofing with RPG Maker because I'm literally 12...

Slightly on topic, but not entirely related, I succumbed to pressure and bought RPG Maker (2000, 2003, XP, VX Ace, and MV) from Humble Bundle (sadly not DRM-free). 

I don't expect to do anything WITH them, as I already have Game Maker Studio 2 (which offers greater control), but I am a sucker for creation tools and I had a lot of fun with RPG Maker in my youth. So I was just messing around with MV for fun.

So much has been improved since XP. The mapping system is different, and is in some ways better, but feels like such a chore and lacks depth compared to XP (literally, they don't have layering anymore). Because it lacks layering, sometimes I'd have to go over spots multiple times to get the visual depth correct. Even the default tile sets feel a bit downgraded.

Here's something I made (that took way too long for me) using the default assets packaged with the program.

And here's a map created using XP's Default assets...

(Not my Image)

Looking back, XP's tiles are so beautiful. Much more than I remember them being. Wider range of colour choices and complexity. Though MV mapping is more accessible.

Anyway, that was a large amount of space to take up talking about RPG Maker when I'm not even doing anything serious with it. Just thoughts on the mind, I suppose!

I watched Coco. It was very different than the Book of Life, and I liked it much more too. It didn't have El Tigre in it though. Though Coco wasn't in very much of the movie, oddly enough.

Thank you for all your support!



Well glad to see you're doing fun stuff off the grid. I hope to see lots!


Well wishes for new projects. You're very talented, and more importantly hard working. You can do anything you set your mind to. Keep up the great work!


It's concerning to me that you're not being regularly fed, Brellom. Are you going to be OK? Do you need me to send you a care package filled with snacks?


I am regularly fed in that I get dinner consistently across my week. But I don't always eat more than that, missing out on breakfast, lunch, or smaller meals throughout the day. In the following month or so, I'm hoping to get into Amazon Prime Fresh so I can have food delivered. I just have to make a bit more money to feel comfortable with it, so I might open up an occasional stream commission.