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This week's content has been rather Link-centric. Turns out that there are a bunch of fans who miss my drawings of Link. I lost some drive with her in recent months, but I'm hoping to make her future illustrations exciting.

Some recent works are so lewd that even when cropping them, there's still some vague objects peeking into the frame. 

There is some creepy content, such as Bloodborne's Eileen, but also a lot of cute, wholesome Female Links kissing other Female Links. That is likely to keep happening...

Overwork & Illness

If you follow me on twitter (or are on Discord), you might know I've been feeling exhausted and ill during all of last week. I've overextended myself, so I have been trying to take it easy.

Almost all of last week's uploads were a buffer created at the very start of the week, just to give you an idea of how much work I did last weekend.

Turns out I'm probably not eating well enough either.

New Patreon Upload Schedule

Art takes time, and I've been consistently churning out content on a near daily basis. That means unrefined art work, not enough rest, and creative bankruptcy. So I have been considering a new Patreon work schedule. 

Here's what a typical work week might look like:

[$1] Patron Only Feed - Sunday
[$3] Finished Illustration - Friday
[$7] Sketch Upload - Monday & Wednesday
[$10] NSFW Illustration - Saturday

In order to improve the quality of my art, in addition to taking better care of myself, a work schedule adjustment seems like an overall good idea.

This particular schedule uses suggestions from Patrons like you. I want my Patreon to be enjoyable for everyone, so please share your thoughts with me. It is only through your feedback that can I improve my Patreon.

This is NOT to say you are always only getting 2 sketches a week. I fully expect to spend every day making art. It simply means that I am giving myself more breathing room between posts so that I can spend more time creating better illustrations, comics, and maybe even video games. I am just not obligating myself to post something new EVERY day.

It would be really nice to make more ambitious NSFW pieces, high quality comics, and paintings with beautifully rendered environments.

That being said, change is a bit scary. I don't want you to feel as though you are being cheated. If you have thoughts about this, please share them with me; I want this to work for all of us.

Food for Thought...

As I've talked about not eating enough, I am looking into Amazon Fresh as a means of having more accessible food. Though I am a bit uncomfortable about spending my money on more food for myself, ridiculously enough.

I'm considering a weekly budget of 50 bucks or so on additional food, so if I can consistently receive 2 coloured sketch (stream) commissions a week, I can definitely make that work without feeling so insecure.

Minecraft Update..?

This is a silly thing to put in the Patron-Only Feed.

Minecraft just recently updated to 1.13, adding new biomes, oceanic fauna and flora, and new mobs. The update has made me want to start playing more actively again. I've been spending a bit of time on a new attempt on my Female Link skin, but it's probably going to be minecrap. Still WIP.

There's a lot I really like about it, but the decreased contrast worries me. Colours are easier on the eyes because the value range is less intense, but it pops less as a result.

Don't forget to eat and sleep.

Update: Looks good!

EDIT: This post has been made public because it is a good example of what to expect from a typical Patron-Only Feed Post.



You're the Jonathan Hickman of Patreon, Brell! So many charts!


My thoughts... Charts are highly useful. That schedule seems fine to me. Id be okay with you running with it. I HEARTILY encourage the use of Amazon Fresh and other things to eat properly. I want you to get good food and plenty of it! Dooooo it. <3


Have you killed the water zombies with there own Tridents yet, in Minecraft? It's quite fun


I've yet to actually play the new update. I've mostly just been watching Hermitcraft and working on other stuff since it updated.


First and foremost I want you to be healthy, so anything that forwards that goal is good in my book. As someone who's gone through some of the things you're experiencing now, I can assure you that getting better food definitely helps. Nutrition and sleep are two things you shouldn't ever skimp on or else your entire life winds up devolving before you realize it. So I support the new schedule and I hope it makes you a healthier and happier person.