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I drew this shortly after the Links from yesterday because I had Fire Emblem Heroes on the mind, so I drew the player character Summoner with a brellomascotface.  I've got 9000-ish points in an ongoing event to get a Masked Marth, and all I need is about 6000 more to get him. 

I observed myself losing visual clarity during the last few days. Even while I was working today in stream, I felt like I was losing vision -- sorta like how your eyes space out when you're tired, or you lose sight for a second after exercising really hard. So I think I'm probably just working too hard and I should take it easy for a few days and work on less stuff.

So yeah, I'm going to try and rest the next few days. You still have some content coming in though, but I should probably re-assess my self care and work habits.




Nice doodle. Also, try not to burn yourself out. I know you probably have a lot on your plate now with that comic pitch you mentioned a while ago. Just remember, rest is important. Be well. PS: Don't forget to eat and sleep. PSS: And stay hydrated.


This is so adorable and absolutely take a break. Rest, drink, play a Zeldu.