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I haven't drawn a good brellomascot in a while, but I'm pretty content with this.

I recently started my 10th sketchbook file, and I've been keeping my hand pretty loose and gestural, much slower than my usual brush strokes. It's very comfortable. Though I must admit, I do have some concern that it's not ideal for finished work - but I don't want to stop either. So something I have to think about.

My cat likes to jump on my lap whenever he can, which is nice and all, if you ignore the fact that he needs a bath (which I'm good at doing). But his motions interrupt the flow of my drawing and the accuracy of my marks, so I have to remove him from my lap. Though I woke up to find him on my desk this evening, so perhaps I shouldn't get him accustomed to the idea of being high up...




What you mentioned about being loose and gestural shows here. This came out pretty solid. Brellomascot is still a qt. Thanks for the reminder.


That's a really great Brell, Brell.