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Time for my monthly assessment.

Created a few neat doodles, and there's enough individual pieces inside the Dropbox Archive for every day of the month, though I still think it's a bit lacking. I kinda took it easy the last week or two; my creation rate slowed and so did my social media usage. I've been dissatisfied with the quality of my work, and I've found it creatively un-fulfilling.

Direction is something I've lacked, and as a result, my uploads were based on impulsive whim - which is neat, but it doesn't offer much to be motivated or disciplined with creating.

I'd like to spend more time on finished illustrations and comics, both of which are liable to be higher in quality than my usual doodles. Here are some examples of those kinds of things here:

They tend to have cleaner linework, more thought-out compositions, stronger colour rendering, and less mistakes I'd leave alone.

Those kinds of works are slower to produce, though hopefully they'll be worth the time it takes to create them. Of course, I still plan to continue sharing sketches, which I think is one of the most appealing things about supporting me on Patreon, but I'd like to improve their general quality whenever possible too. I hope slowing down a bit to work on higher quality works will leave both you and I more satisfied.

I'd really like to make comics more regularly, so I'm going to have to spend some time writing. I'll be sure to talk about my ideas on Discord while doing them.



Would dig seeing comics, even if limited in color.