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Time to review the last month - that sure was a month, wasn't it? I'm exhausted!

First and foremost; engagement has risen up just over 30% since the month of December, so that's great. The total pledge has dropped in the last month, but that's bound to happen sometimes; finances can be tough for people.

Snow Daze & Income:
This week has been a pretty quiet one from me, because I just finished up work for Snow Daze (that NSFW hypno visual novel). So that's pretty cool. But maybe -- just maybe -- there might be a little Snow Daze art from me!

With that being said, this does mean Patreon is my only means of income now, and it's not a live-able one. So I'll have to either find a way to gather some more patrons, or work on something to provide additional income.

Patron Sketch Suggestions:
I've been enjoying the suggestions, even if I haven't done them all. There were a number of good ones I wanted to do this last month, but didn't find the time to do so. So I should keep them in mind for the future, or just let them be suggested again this month.

I mentioned it before, but I set up a Discord server a few days ago; maybe that's something you'll be interested in. It's a pretty slow start now, but I expect it'll get livelier if the general populace realize there's a link to it on my tumblr blog - and once I start actively creating again this month.

New Fan Art:
A new illustration in the Community Tab was drawn by KDhynamo, one of our Patron peers! It's a SFW illustration - at least as SFW as you'd get in the $3 tier. There's some sexy boobage, but absolutely no nudity. Check it out if you're interested!


All in all, I'm looking forward to the new month. I hope we can continue making cool stuff. I'm pretty exhausted now, so you'll definitely hear more from me in the next few days. Don't forget to eat and sleep.



God speed