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This was a somewhat spontaneous sketch that wound up having more work done to it - I didn't plan to make an illustration out of it initially. Still, it's pretty cool, and I suppose, a bit different when compared to other stuff - still a bit rough, especially in non-essential areas, but not a colour scheme I use often- in fact, the saturation (or lack thereof) was a bit of a challenge.

I've been playing Bloodborne a bit the during the weekend - for the first time, really. It's a neat enough experience. I look forward to playing more. It's designed pretty well and might help ease me into playing the previous FromSoftware games in the Souls franchise - I own them, but they've always felt inaccessible to me. I think a big issue was their designs, from early on, encourage the use of shields - making new players more passive, and scared. Bloodborne's lack of a shield means you have to be aggressive, and that's a lot more fun a way to play.




Very nice, "good hunter". I'm loving this. Bloodborne is a solid game. Dark Souls 2 is actually where the discouragement of relying on shields started. Only one starting class in DaS2 has a sheild and you have to used a crappy broken sword as the trade off. Also few shields in DaS2 block 100% physical damage. Bloodborne went even further to get the point across, basically calling people who use shields cowards via it's item description. Being as I never relied on shields in the Souls games, I felt at home playing Bloodborne. I still need to finish it though. I keep getting destracted by other games.


They didn't call them cowards - they just recognized that shields encourage passivity and have seen the flaw in their game design - introducing a shield so early in the game in the context of an environment that suggests shielding as much as you can.


Well not outright because FromSoftware was being nice about it. Nicer about it than I would be. Which is understandable. Shields are nice but being as effective as they were nullified some of the tension in the games.


This, too, is true. They gave the players the option and made it too effective on top of that. It was an issue they created. Unintentionally, I would assume. You're right.