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Howdy, everyone.

Patreon is making a change to the service on December 18th. It's nothing to be too stressed over, but still something worth discussing. All Patrons will receive an email about this from Patreon later, but I'm informing you now.

The change is to ensure Patreon creators (like me) are able to take home exactly 95% of every pledge. Prior to this change, Patreon has operated by presenting the creator with fees in order to process the money every month. As a result, I have been receiving less of your total pledge amount. This does not include the Paypal fees.

So, for instance, instead of receiving $80 - $90 out of $100 dollars worth of pledges, I'd get $95. Instead of giving 7-15% to Patreon, I only give 5%. So in theory, this is pretty great and helps ensure I can continue producing content with a more predictable paycheck.

However, in order to make this change, You, the Patron, will pay more. This fee, for you, is 2.9% + $0.35.

If you have difficulty processing this and would find a visual of this change:

I do not know what your current fees are, but if you are pledging a certain amount, below will be the amount you will wind up paying instead:

  • $1 > $1.38
  • $3 > $3.44
  • $7 > $7.55
  • $10 > $10.64
  • $30 > $31.22

Patreon has run experiments and found that many Patrons were happy knowing that this change will send more of their pledge to their favourite creators. However, because it is YOUR money - money coming out of your available funds, it's important to me to hear how you feel. I like to build my Patreon with both you and myself in mind, and have even been planning changes in the hopes of making it a more fulfilling experience for you - so this new Patreon setup is worth talking about.

So with this in mind, I need to be aware of your feelings and thoughts.

Is this change going to be difficult for you? Does this change encourage you to select a lower reward tier, or perhaps drop off entirely? Would you prefer if the pledge values were lowered, for instance, the $7 tier reduced to a $5 tier? Would you instead prefer I offer more rewards & quirks to each individual pledge? Or are you fine with the change?

Your support is important to me and in order to shape supporting me into a more optimal experience, I need to know how you feel.

If you need to know more about this change, you can check out this FAQ.



I'm indifferent to it all since I'm not in a postion where I'm going to need to decrease my pledges to the creators I support. I just find it pretty peculiar that patreon would have patrons help fit the bill when they are the customers, not the entrepreneurs using this platform to make money. Just an odd business move to me. I thought it was obvious Patreon was taking a cut of the content creators' income since this is thier platfrom in the first place. Nothing in business is without a cost. But I remember reading patreon ran a poll and based on the results, most patrons were ok with the increase? Since it ultimately benefits content creators, giving them a more stable income. If that's the case, then it's fine. But it still might result in some creators losing patrons, which is going to suck. Either way, I'm keeping my pledge amount the same for the people I do support.

Crissa Kentavr

I don’t like fee-on-top systems, but I care more that creators receive predictable amounts ^-^


As my only $1 patron at this time, do you see this impacting your willingness to pledge?


I appreciate the concern, and it may impact other pledges I have, but I've come to like you and your art enough to stick with it and let you get a little extra.


I think for some people this may be problematic, but for me personally it is not. I only back 4 artists. However, if you decided to alter some of your tiers, maybe some people would be willing to stay at higher tiers?