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I lost some work earlier. My computer froze and I hadn't saved it in CSP, so that's sad. I then tried to draw something different and colourful to feel a bit better.

I've been interested in drawing Zelda as of late, probably because of being  able to play as her in a fan-made ZeldaClassic quest that I've been enjoying as of late. I beat the first quest, and it's finale, along with the start of the second quest was AMAZING. I'm not as enthusiastic about the second quest though...

I've mixed some elements from the BotW Princess, her cartoon portrayals, and the original NES Zelda. I'll want to keep her fairly lithe and sleek, so she looks more elegant compared to Link. Still, I'd like some rougher, tomboyish elements there too. I'm not entirely sure about the hair, but maybe she'll change it from time to time, who knows?

There's a bit of perspective wonky in the head too. I should practice my heads.




ohhhh that hair