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I've been feeling particularly tired these last few days. Wonder if I'm dying.

Here's the refined sketch for a commission I've been too slow at tackling because of other work and stuff. This is the 6th page of 8, so hopefully it'll be done relatively soon so it can be put out there on the interbubs. 

Link enters a room with a mirror in it, then a Dark Link forms from the mirror and then they mud-wrestle. Pretty hot, right? Yeah. The mud wrestling bit works fairly well with my whole concept of Dark Link being like a puddle of dirty, muddy water, as opposed to just a physical shadow. I guess I haven't given a lot of thought to the concept yet, but it's sort of a reference to Dark Link appearing in the Water Temple in OoT. Plus, water's a reflective surface, so a dirty pile of water representing the dark reflection of Link is just pretty cool conceptually.

But that's not ideas for this comic. This comic is about silly sexy stuff like mud-wrestling.

Hopefully I'll get some more of this done within the next few days, while also taking care of some other work, and maybe playing with new art-making toys. I keep wanting to dabble in GameDev but I haven't gotten around to it - and I've recently developed the interest in 3D sculpting with ZBrush or something, but I'm apprehensive and worried it'll be too inaccessible for someone of my skill level. I guess we'll see.



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