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You will not believe how tired I am. It is very. I spontaneously streamed for a few hours, but stopped not too long ago. Eyes were straining to see a bit and now I'm typing this while tired, so it'll definitely be quality reading material.

I'm waiting for a package to deliver - they failed to leave it on my porch EVEN THOUGH I ASKED THEM TO twice now, alas. So that's why I'm still awake - waiting for a box, which contains a plastic box that I can put things into. 

Also I had a random thought to draw a robo Link type thing being all pure sci-fi ish so I started sketching this. Turned out neat enough, I may decide to revisit this idea again in the future. Though I think I want to work on making my faces appear less like flat 2D planes in which the facial features are simply drawn onto.



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