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Sharing a Work-in-Progress with you lot. I've actually spent the majority of my waking hours yesterday working on this comic, being very meticulous about my line work so that it's crisp and clean. If only my line width were more consistent too! But solid art takes time.

This is only half of the comic. I hope to have the entire strip finished to share publicly on Sunday evening, so it's within the week of the end of the month. Ideally, I'd have had the finished product finished today, but alas. It's not a big deal, but I like to have finished art on Patreon a few days before it goes out publicly, but perhaps seeing it develop will suffice for the time being.

I am using my usual brushes from the psudobrush pack, just less energetic and rough. I always feel uncomfortable when slowing down and doing the clean & crisp lines thing, so I hope the change in approach for this work is well-received when it goes out online.

I'd love to do more comics, but gosh diddly dang - they take so much time. It might be worth setting up another Patreon goal to afford spending time on comics regularly, but it would have to be okay with my Patrons (You guys) if my general finished product output slows down (seriously, as if im not slow enough) a bit in order to spend more time on comics and REFINED illustrations - as opposed to the simple sketches I upload here every other day.

Anyway, if all goes well, the finished product should be posted to Patreon later tonight.




Even if you're uncomfortable with doing more meticulous lineart, I think it looks good here. Clean lines are easy to decipher and they read more easily to an audience. Also they're super easy to color.