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Sorry about not having anything for you guys yesterday! I stayed up later than I meant to, and then decided to wait for an important delivery - and then I slept the rest of the day. My new computer came in, so now I can do things with a computer that won't crash on me, which is always cool. It'll be a few weeks before I do the switch over, however, as I have to set up stuff.

Unrelated, Disgaea 5 released on Nintendo Switch yesterday, so that's cool. Definitely something to occupy my time when I'm not in front of my computer. Like on the potty. 

It'd be nice to slow down and do some illustrations that aren't just a simple pinup on a white background one of these days... This is a pretty simple sketch though, taking the same approach with the tiny sketch resized larger and worked upon more. I'm not happy with everything, but that's okay. I took a bit longer on this than I would've liked, but I was trying to be pretty particular with my shapes.



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