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as you know the winners have been choosen for you but now i would like to hear yous pose ideas for the new victims and also what place would you like to saw them, also as always i need to remind to all of you onlt the persons who have the  perfect tier can suggest pose ideas and background too, leave on the comments of this pose your ideas if you have one.

special thanks to:
falconvillager, HypnoSpiral, matthew, Seth Howell, edd44choo1000, Kyle Hurley (letter), Pierce Brennan, Jack Lewis, Okko Knuuttila, Tommaso Bertazzo, bob mathews, Brian, ThanosSnap0, Buckskin-bonnie,Taco , Stringy,  Fraser Hogarth, beeRich, Bradders, Jhon Glenn, Alan Mandernoone, Mariela contreras, matt harris, siegfried blades, barffon, Matthew Taylor, bh71737573, RioDecade96, Theonlyfish, Matt Harris, dillon 999 and msid6033



Have Frankie coiled up and being squeezed around the neck Have Lana loud being squeezed while kaa tickles her feet with his tongue


Gwen could be upside-down in catalepsy balanced on Kaa's tail