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on the comments of this posts, the persons who have the perfect tier can put some pose ideas for the characters suggestion for this month.

special thanks to:
falconvillager, HypnoSpiral, matthew, Seth Howell, edd44choo1000, Kyle Hurley (letter), Pierce Brennan, Jack Lewis, Okko Knuuttila, Tommaso Bertazzo, bob mathews, Brian, ThanosSnap0, Buckskin-bonnie,Taco , Stringy,  Fraser Hogarth, beeRich, Bradders, Jhon Glenn, Alan Mandernoone, Mariela contreras, matt harris, siegfried blades, barffon, Matthew Taylor, bh71737573, RioDecade96, Theonlyfish, Matt Harris and dillon 999



Maybe for Len he can be coiled in the air while being playfully squeezed. If possible he can still have his footwear on


For len, he could be shirtless with Kaa balancing Len's back on his tail tip while licking his belly or feet to tickle him?