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here you have my friend this are the suggestions for this month, thanks for your suggestions, and remember the six more voted characters will be the winners for this month, this poll will close until next monday so choose the best option.

special thanks to:
falconvillager, HypnoSpiral, matthew, Seth Howell, edd44choo1000, Kyle Hurley (letter), Pierce Brennan, Jack Lewis, Okko Knuuttila, Tommaso Bertazzo, bob mathews, Brian, ThanosSnap0, Buckskin-bonnie,Taco , Stringy,  Fraser Hogarth, beeRich, Bradders, Jhon Glenn, Alan Mandernoone, Mariela contreras, matt harris, siegfried blades, barffon, Matthew Taylor, bh71737573, RioDecade96, Theonlyfish, Matt Harris and dillon 999



Here's hoping Rimuru makes the cut.