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as you can see my friends i subtim the poster of the comic for this month with kaa and deku, and also you can notice it was only on color base and no with shadows and ligths, i think will be a diferent and interestng change, but i want to know your opinion what do you prefer, it will be good the comic only on color base or you prefer the normal shadows and ligths i normally put, vote and lets see what will be the final design for this comic.

special thanks to:
Strikereno, Andrew LaVoice, falconvillager, HypnoSpiral, matthew, Nic Kennedy, Seth Howell, Boyo2000, edd44choo1000, Kyle Hurley (letter), Pierce Brennan, Dillon999, Jack Lewis, Okko Knuuttila, Jack E Vassas, Tommaso Bertazzo, bob mathews, Brian, ThanosSnap0, Jwjsm, Zachary S, RioDecade96, Buckskin-bonnie and Taco 



Color base because I know it’s easier for you bud