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Monthly Poll

  • The Path 32
  • BNHA: Singularity 9
  • Beta Testing 3
  • Keystone 1
  • Mushoku Impact 13
  • EPIC SS: Dragon Ball 4
  • One Piece: Wild Hunt 3
  • Babel 1
  • Maintaining the Balance 7
  • Other(Feel free to make recommendations) 0
  • 2024-02-26
  • 73 votes
{'title': 'Monthly Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Path', 'votes': 32}, {'text': 'BNHA: Singularity', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Beta Testing', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Keystone', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Mushoku Impact', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'EPIC SS: Dragon Ball', 'votes': 4}, {'text': 'One Piece: Wild Hunt', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Babel', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Maintaining the Balance', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Other(Feel free to make recommendations)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 26, 21, 10, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 73}


First off, I wanted to apologize about the slow releases this month. It's not secret that my motivation to write is tied to people's interests in my stories, so I've been struggling due to the lack of traction the stories have gained on sites like Royal Road and Webnovel. I want to make original novels that people enjoy, but it takes time for new, untested stories to gain a following. I plan to keep at it, but since you guys and gals are the ones who support my way of life, I wanted to open the floor to you and ask what you'd like me to focus on in the coming month.



I like The Path, but if ypu are suddenly lacking motivation for updates in that novel, you can always return to the ones you haven't finished for a pair of chapters. Personally, I liked BNHA and Mushoku Impact the most, something that many do from what I see in the voting. Nonetheless, I believe you should write what you want the most, that would always give us the high quality chapters you deliver without fail.


I was going to put this into a long note with examples and send it privately; but let me just say here that your stories ARE original and entertaining. I know you are down about the "fanfic" versus "original"; but here is a fact. The Transworld Metaversal phenomena in BNHA is totally original. And there are a shitton of books out there that have planets with a high proportion of the population having some singular ability or power. They just don't call them "Quirks". Even a hugely successful author like Brandon Sanderson admitted in an afterword that one of his recent books was inspired enough by Harry Potter that he ended up having to rewrite part of it so it wasn't too close. Likewise, the book I was reading "Yumi and the Nightmare Painter" took its initial storyline/inspiration from an anime movie called "Your Name" (Itis GREAT btw, watch it if you have time). What he did was make it his own with his own twists. There is so much out there that coming up with something completely original is pretty much impossible. Rework what you have, clean up some of the sex emphasis (if you want a broader audience), and put it out there as original. Because it is.


Let me just also say that I think you painted yourself into a corner in BNHA; but you could break EPIC into different worlds like in "The Path", and your character development and world building will make it a good read. There are books where worlds had Gods come down to earth; and books with summons of heroes, demons, and Gods; and books about climbing the ranks (or tower) to the top of the heap. Kappa had a really good start, and got sidetracked by the sex. Don't get me wrong: You write such scenes well, and I enjoy reading them; but they often start interfering with the story advancement. Take heart and take another look at what you have already poured your heart and spirit into. Then begin the grind to make them totally yours. We will continue to support you. I have been around since EPIC chapter 56. I am not going anywhere.


Personally I’ve enjoyed all of your novels, the only thing I’d say took me out of the enjoyment when reading was when the stories turned from original concepts in familiar worlds with interesting character interactions, to the main character just constantly having sex and the internal struggle of the main character when they try to maintain their modern sensibilities before succumbing to the pressure of those around them. I’m bad at reading tone when I write, so I hope none of this comes across as hate or anything like that, just wanted to give my honest opinion on your writing style/previous works.


Other: whatever you want, bro-ham!