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Though he suspected Yamato simply wanted to increase the chances of summoning Momo, Leon made his way through the spacious halls of his palace while contemplating the idea of taking a woman named Ageha Kuki as his Queen. Summoning her would probably take a Blue, if not an Indigo Crystal, but as the CEO of the most powerful mega-conglomerate back in her world, she was doubtlessly suited to the position...

'Well, at least she should be incredibly hot...' thought Leon, entering the Menagerie with the intention of spending some time with Syliva, Ember, Luna, Luca, Lop, Zooey, and the other Pokemon who inhabited the large enclosure.


As it was fairly late in the evening, Leon wasn't surprised to find there were no Pokemon near the entrance of the Menagerie, which was dark due to reflecting the conditions outside. He did, however, pick up on a familiar cry, drawing him to the location of a small cottage made from a hollowed-out giant mushroom, presently emitting warm yellow light from its glassless windows.

Masking his presence, Leon approached a group of Pokemon, including a few he recognized, who were observing whatever was going on inside the cottage through the windows like a bunch of voyeurs. A fairly fast-paced 'thumping' could be heard as he got closer, and when he joined the group of peeping Pokemon, Leon was unsurprised to find Nanachi being ridden by a rather 'vigorous' Lopunny while several Bunneary pinned down their splayed arms by sitting atop and grinding against them.

"You okay in there...?" asked Leon, causing the group of peeping Pokemon to startle and cry out while the Lopunny riding Nanachi bounced headfirst into the ceiling, smacking her head against one of the support rafters put in place to ensure the structure's stability.

"Na-na-na-na-na!? W-What are you doing here so l-l-late, Lord Leon...!?" exclaimed Nanachi, using a blanket to conceal their crotch as the upper half of their face glowed beet red through their fur.

"It was a bit late for me to do my usual night crawling, so I decided to drop by and spend time with some of my favorite Pokemon~" explained Leon, caressing the heads of Luna and Zooey. Umbreon and Zoroark were nocturnal, meaning they were more active at night than during the day, so they were among the more than twenty Pokemon watching the show.

"My life is over..." lamented Nanachi, falling onto their hands and knees in despair. The Buneary and Lopunny who lived with them approached to try and comfort them, but the bunny-eared gynandromorph sported a dead-eyed expression as they couldn't believe their 'secret' had been exposed.

"What's the problem?" questioned Leon, leaning onto the window sill and smiling as he remarked, "You realize I've known you were both a boy and a girl since the second day you were summoned, right? You shouldn't feel ashamed of things you have no control over."

"But it's not normal..." muttered Nanachi, shifting to a seated position and petting the Buneary that sat in their lap as they explained, "Besides, I only became like this later. I wasn't born this way..."


Realizing what must have happened, Leon remained silent for several seconds. In the world they originated from, Nanachi was originally just a normal human. Only after an exceptionally traumatic event involving the brutal sacrifice of their best friend did they become the rabbit-eared ball of fluff they were now. 

"Well, if it bothers you, I'm almost certain we can come up with a solution to let you choose the gender you prefer," said Leon. "There should be at least one person among the people Skunk and his friends summoned who knows how to make Gender-Swap Potions. We just need to have you drink a version that changes your gender permanently."

Blinking in surprise, Nanachi asked, "Is...is such a thing really possible...?"

"I mean, you went from a fairly normal human to a rabbit-eared fluff ball with male and female genitals..." remarked Leon. "Is it really that much of a stretch for a potion that can change genders to exist...?"

"I...I suppose not..." replied Nanachi, a fierce blush coloring their face as they hung their head to avoid Leon's gaze. Then, as the latter felt like they had overstayed their welcome, Leon raised his hand in a farewell gesture and said, "Anyways, sorry for dropping in like this. As for the potion thing, leave it to me. I don't know when it will be ready, but it shouldn't take too long if I get Wil to look into it."

Without waiting for Nanachi's response, Leon turned to leave, prompting more than half the group of voyeuristic Pokemon to follow after him. In his wake, Nanachi hung their head to organize their thoughts, but before they could, the Lopunny from before abruptly pushed them down to continue where they left off, causing Leon to hear a resonant, "Nnaaaaaaaaaaaa~" as his entourage moved away from the cottage to have some fun of their own...




"So, how are things between you and your sister...?" asked Leon, sitting atop Tatsumaki's thighs as she lay face down and topless atop a beach towel, arms crossed under her head as he applied sunscreen to her pale and slender back.

"Thanks to a certain someone saying unnecessary things, she's become increasingly insolent..." droned Tatsumaki, staring at Leon from the corner of her bright green eyes.

"You've already lost her once..." muttered Leon, taking advantage of the situation to massage Tatsmaki's back as he asserted, "You should cherish the opportunity you've been given..."

"I don't need you to tell me that..." grumbled Tatsumaki, her voice pouty as she closed her eyes to enjoy Leon's massage. Even when he wasn't serious, his massages felt amazing. Thus, while part of her was tempted to send Leon flying or bury him up to his neck in the sand, Tatsumaki let him do as he pleased, including grinding against her ass. She could feel Fubuki spying on them using her psychic powers from a distance, but as she would prefer Leon fucking her to some random guy who might not be able to protect and support her, Tatsumaki pretended to be oblivious to her younger sister's burgeoning plot to become Queen of the impending Asheford Kingdom...





As he felt like her 'development' was reaching the pinnacle of what could be achieved without delving into BDSM and more extreme practices, Leon was slowly fucking Miu in a full nelson in front of a mirror, permitting her to see what he had done to her directly. Her tightness was such that she could crush the dick of any ordinary man or, at the very least, cause their toes to curl, but seeing a cock nearly the size of her forearm penetrating her without issue caused Miu's face to flush, her blue eyes tearing from a mix of shame and incomprehensible arousal as she was one 'heart trigger' short of a completed laurel.

"I'm not a bad person..." whispered Leon, his voice low and reverberating as his words burned Miu's already crimson-tipped ears.

"This is the consequence of your constant temptation and your incredible body..." stated Leon. "Even though I told you we could never be together, hardly a day has passed without you actively seeking me out or tempting me to your room. All I have ever wanted for you was for you to be happy, Miu, so tell me...what do you want me to do?"

"Please...please release Master's seed...deep inside Miu's pussy..." panted Miu, the hearts in her eyes and above her womb pulsating with such force Leon could hear the sound of a heartbeat echoing through her room from all directions. He had let his curiosity get the better of him when he asked if Miu would help him experiment with his [Mirabelladonna's Favor] to see what effect it might have when pushed to its limits. Her current, incredibly slovenly state made him feel a little anxious, but since she had consented and he wasn't a coward, Leon increased the intensity of his movements to the point her tits were bouncing violently as his glans penetrated directly into her womb over and over, causing her to scream out, laugh, and moan incoherently as she sprayed the mirror with her fluids.

"TAKE...IT...ALL...!" groaned Leon, finishing things off by burying his cock as far as he could before pumping Miu's already overflowing womb full of his faux seminal fluids. As he did so, the heart on her abdomen appeared to explode, releasing a blinding flash of pink light and causing Miu's voice to penetrate the soundproofing of her room and carry far beyond, causing nearly everyone in the palace to stop and perk their ears.

'H-Holy shit...'

Feeling Miu's pussy tighten and 'solidify' around his cock, Leon squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his teeth. The pleasure he typically got from sex wasn't nearly as intense as it would be if he had a proper body, but at that moment, he felt like his entire body was tingling with the sensation of an appendage that just had its circulation restored after becoming numb. The pleasure was overwhelming, and as strange as it sounded, he felt like his very soul was being sucked out of his dick and into Miu's womb.

[You have successfully formed a Master-Servant Contract with Miu Furinji. So long as the contract remains in effect, you can vest her with up to half your stats and provide Mana to her from afar. In exchange, so long as you are on the same Floor, you receive all bonus rewards from killing monsters and accumulating achievements. Furthermore, your Servant can now offer up Quest rewards and drop items as offerings, allowing them to be placed into your Storage or converted to Mana, irrespective of distance.]

As the light from Miu's crest faded, and Leon was gradually released from the wave of pleasure that crashed into him and washed over his mind and body, a very conspicuous notification filled his vision. However, more than that, his gaze was drawn to the tiny, pink, heart-shaped tattoo and, most notably, the heart-tipped 'key' that was sticking out of where Miu's womb should be. The woman in question was currently catatonic, staring off into space with unfocused eyes and her tongue sticking out, so Leon carefully set her down on her bed before, out of curiosity, touching the key sticking out of her womb.

[Master recognized. Would you like to adjust Miu Furinji's Permissions and Access Rights?]

'Sure...?' responded Leon, prompting a far more detailed profile of Miu to appear. It was kind of like a mix between the Status and Assign tabs, but instead of simply being able to dictate orders, there were various sliders for things like breast and butt size, as well as options to restrict who Miu could interact with and who could have sex with her...

Unable to restrain himself, Leon tentatively adjusted the slider for Miu's breasts, causing them to become notably larger before he changed the value in the opposite direction, causing them to shrink. There was also an option for 'default,' so he eventually returned them to their original state before eyeing some of the values and check marks in Miu's preferences tab. Nearly every box was ticked, including things like kissing, vaginal insertion, anal, and creampies, but the thing that caught Leon's attention was the unchecked boxes for 'virgin' and the value showing the number of times he had creampied the buxom blonde, an amazing 1,206. In essence, he had cum inside her an 'average' of three times a day since they started having sex...

Since he could alter them freely, Leon caused Miu to moan and writhe about in pleasure as he ticked the box for virgin before curiously sticking his fingers inside her pussy. To his immense surprise, even though he had seen her breasts literally inflate and deflate, not only had her hymen been restored, but the 'pliability' of her pussy had decreased considerably, as if it had never been developed at all...

Regaining her senses while Leon was probing her curiously, an incredibly alluring smile adorned Miu's face as she immediately spread her legs and used her fingers to spread her vulva, mewling, "Miu doesn't want Master's fingers..." in a cutesy, sensual tone. Her brain was completely muddled by pleasure, so when she saw Leon rooting around inside her, she assumed he wanted to keep having sex. Pleasuring him and receiving his affection were the only thoughts she had in her mind at that moment, so while she felt something was off when Leon shoved his dick inside of her, prying her open and tearing her hymen, Miu released a loud, sonorous moan without showing any signs of pain or discomfort...






Thanks for the chapter and interesting new perk


Thx for the chapter