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With Rem and Ram flanking him, Ember and Luna sleeping atop his chest, seven Gardevoir and more than a dozen Kirlia snuggling in his bed, Latia curled up near his feet, and Sylvia affectionately 'grooming' his dick while everyone else slept, Leon got the impression that, just maybe, he had let things go too far.


As Leon hadn't arrived despite Miu waiting up for him, her Pikachu, Ame, took it upon herself to come and check on him, emerging from the heating duct of his room and hopping up to the nightstand next to his bed.

Adopting a half-lidded deadpan, Ame muttered a disproving "Pikaaaaa..." while Leon gazed over with a wry smile. Fortunately, while his body was trapped, nothing was forcing him to stay inside of it.

Sensing Leon's presence disappear from his body, Sylvia immediately lost interest in his dick, raising her head to ask, "Leon...are you leaving...?" in a concerned tone, prompting Latia to awaken and raise her head.

"I'm just going to visit Miu. I'll be back soon..." whispered Leon, phasing through Ember, Luna, and his bed to caress the duo's heads and soothe their nerves. Latia, in particular, was prone to separation anxiety, but she eventually calmed down after he caressed the underside of her neck and throat for a bit.

"Keep everyone safe for me..." whispered Leon, kissing the shield-like crest at the center of Latia's head before moving over and possessing Ame, causing her to start, drop to all fours, and shake from head to tail like a dog drying itself off before ferrying him over to Miu's room...




"Well, this is a treat. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Lord Leon~?" asked Cynthia, leaving Leon wide-eyed and slightly slackjawed as she answered her door in some of the sexiest undergarments he had ever seen. Her top was a black bikini with golden strings, barely covering more than her nipples. Beneath that, she had a lacey black garment that reminded Leon of a corset but only covered her ribs, while, further down, she wore a transparent, black-lace thong with a complex pattern that did little to divert from her visible slit. And that was just the tip of the iceberg as she also wore a furry choker, transparent arm coverings that ended in furry manacles, thigh-high, fur-lined boots, and translucent silk stockings, all completely black.

Narrowing her eyes and smiling, Cynthia stepped aside and asked, "Would you like to come inside? My room, I mean..."

"Right..." replied Leon, stepping into Cynthia's room, which, despite only a few days passing, had been personalized with predominately black decor, including a canopied bed encircled by black curtains.

"You really like the color black, don't you...?" asked Leon.

"Because it suits me..." replied Cynthia, punctuating her words by closing and locking her door. Then, strolling past Leon, she asked, "Would you like something to drink~?" while meandering over to a black minibar lined with a variety of alcohol. Leon's gaze naturally lowered to her voluminous ass as she passed, but since her long and flowing golden hair concealed it, he could only imagine amazing it looked. And it 'had' to look amazing as not only did Cynthia possess the most mature physique of any woman on the island, surpassing even Rosanna, but she stood at an impressive height of 188.4cm, nearly a full head taller than most other women...

As Leon still hadn't said anything, Cynthia took the liberty of half-filling two glasses of wine with a deep brown liquid resembling tequila before carrying them over with slow, alluring steps as she asked, "Does my Lord like what he sees~?"

"It's more than that..." replied Leon, accepting the glass presented to him as he asserted, "Your body is like a work of art...a genuine masterpiece..."

"That's quite the substantial compliment..." mused Cynthia, extending her glass and prompting Leon to do the same, a glassy 'clink' echoing through the room.

Following the customary clinking, Cynthia left Leon feeling slightly taken aback as she brought her glass to her lips and gulped down nearly all of its contents in a single go. Doing so left her with slightly flushed cheeks, but she didn't appear drunk or slur her words as she asked, "Is that what you came here for? To compliment my beauty...?"

Shaking his head, Leon explained, "I wanted to ask for your advice. As someone who reached the pinnacle of your world as a Trainer, I figured you'd have a lot of wisdom to pull from..."

"Wisdom..." whispered Cynthia, the word rolling off her tongue before a somewhat self-deprecating smile developed across her face as she said, "I suppose you could call it that..."

Finding Cynthia's response peculiar, Leon raised his right brow and asked, "Did I say something wrong...?" in a confused tone.

Shaking her head, Cynthia regained her alluring smile and replied, "Quite the contrary. I was just thinking about how...different the common sense of this world is compared to my former one. Back there, while some might regard me as beautiful, my only suitor was another Champion nearly twice my age..."

Before Leon could ask why, Cynthia brought her right hand to her lower abdomen, caressing it and tracing the band of her panties as she stated, "Very few would dare tread the same...territory as Dragon-type Pokemon. Particularly those of larger breeds..."


Understanding what Cynthia meant, an awkward smile adorned Leon's face as he admitted, "I would be lying if I said I couldn't understand their apprehension. But, regardless of how many Dragon-type Pokemon you've 'tamed,' it doesn't change the fact you're a remarkably beautiful woman..."

"Keep flattering me, and I might try to tame you as well..." mused Cynthia, an alluring, almost predatory smile adorning her face as she narrowed her silvery eyes and licked her lips.

Narrowing his own eyes into a smoldering, undaunted look, Leon placed his untouched wine glass into his Storage before causing Cynthia's brows to rise as he reached forward, slipping his thumbs through the band of her thong and causing it to ride slightly as he snaked his hands around to her large, soft, and exceptionally toned ass before pulling her forward so that her easily g-cup breasts were squished against him, their faces separated by fewer than five centimeters. 

"You'll find I'm not so easily broken..." whispered Leon, pressing his bulge to Cynthia's hot and perceptibly moist pussy. If he was being completely honest, the fact she had likely been fucked by Latios did bother him. But it would be pretty hypocritical of him to judge her when, less than half a day prior, he lent his dick as a demonstrative to a group of Gardevoir and Kirlia as Rem taught them how to perform a proper hand and blowjob...




'I never thought I would actually use this thing, especially on a person...' thought Leon, breathing heavily through his nose and moving his hips like a machine, forcefully pounding Cynthia's ass with a knotted 'dragon' dildo nearly 35cm long. The fact she could take its length was a marvel in and of itself, but he was more surprised by her pussy's elasticity, allowing it to gobble up even the knotted section of the dildo despite it being nearly as bulbous as a grapefruit...

More impressed than disturbed by the sight, Leon went knot-deep inside Cynthia's pussy when an almost guttural groan emanated from her throat, her pussy convulsing and contracting wildly as her entrance tightened to such an extent his knotted cock was trapped inside. That seemed like as good a time as any to blow his load, so Leon steeled himself, placing his hips flush against Cynthia's ass as he filled her with nearly 300ml of faux semen, enough to cause her stomach to bulge as he came directly inside her womb.

'She's more Pokemon than human at this point...' thought Leon, feeling like his very soul was being drawn out by Cynthia's pussy. The suction wasn't nearly as intense as Latia's, but with her cervix wrapped around the tip of his dick and her entrance trapping his knot inside, he was at her mercy as she wrung out every milliliter of faux seminal fluid from his cock's sizeable reservoir.

Nearly five full minutes later, after coming down from her own climactic high, Cynthia gazed back at Leon over her shoulder, her sweat causing her bangs to stick to her face as she smiled and asked, "Should I let you go~?" before clenching her pussy even tighter.

"I don't mind if you want to talk like this..." replied Leon, punctuating his words by smacking Cynthia's right ass cheek.

"Hmmm...let's change positions first..." said Cynthia, unexpectedly shifting forward, forcing Leon off balance as her pussy remained clamped around his cock. Then, with most of his weight on top of her, she promptly rolled over, resulting in her lying atop him before she sat up, causing him to feel a mix of pain and pleasure as she turned around, adjusting her position so that she was facing him, all without loosening her pussy.

"There, now we can speak face to face..." mused Cynthia, grinning like a succubus as she grabbed Leon's hands, guided them to her breasts, and proceeded to sway and rock her hips, evidently still raring to go.


Recovering from his brief stupor, Leon attempted to state the reason he had stopped by, but the moment he opened his mouth to speak, Cynthia raised her hips, forcing his own to rise as she said, "Ah, ah, ah...since you tempted me to tame you, you only speak when I permit you or ask you a direct question. Understood? Of course, you could always just run away..."

Without waiting for Leon's response, Cynthia abruptly lowered her hips and reached for a black sleep mask, fixing it over his eyes so he could no longer see. Leon frowned in response, but as he wasn't the type to simply run away, he allowed her to put it on him as he droned, "I see you've got a bit of a sadistic side..."

"You don't rule over and command the respect of Dragons by being a pushover yourself..." mused Cynthia, leaving Leon at a loss for words as she added, "If you continue coming to my room, I'll have you fitted for a proper mask and gag. It might be a little frightening initially, but if he were here, my lovely little Lucario would attest to how 'liberating' it is to entrust yourself to another fully..."

Though he couldn't have imagined it before he arrived at Cynthia's room, the image of a bound and gagged Lucario entered his mind, utterly at the mercy of the golden-haired woman as she held his leash taut.

"Now, what advice do you seek...?" asked Cynthia, resuming the slow and gradual movement of her hips.

"I wanted to know how you deal with temperamental Pokemon and those that have become used to being coddled, but now I'm not too sure I want the answer..." replied Leon.

Exhaling a throaty chuckle, Cynthia gradually increased the intensity of her movements as she explained, "Pokemon are hierarchal creatures. If one of your Pokemon is misbehaving, it's because you did something to make them believe they have leverage over you, reducing your status in the hierarchy. You need to reinforce the notion that you're in charge and that everything you give them is given at your discretion, not something they are entitled to. That can be difficult with bred Pokemon, but those captured in the wild will immediately obey you if they think there's even a possibility the comforts they've become accustomed to will be taken from them. Use those to set an example for the others..."

'That's...surprisingly really good advice...' Leon thought, already thinking of several ways to resolve his current predicament. 

"Well, how was it? Did my advice help?" asked Cynthia, squeezing her pussy and leaning forward to pin Leon's hands above his head, causing him to clench his teeth as it felt like she might tear his cock off with her sudden movements. The pleasure was just as intense, but as he wasn't a masochist, Leon took the opportunity to respond, "I'm not too fond of the direction things are headed, but I'm glad I came. Thanks for your advice, Cynthia...I feel a lot more confident now..."

Not expecting such a response, Cynthia briefly ceased her movements. The thought of 'breaking' Leon excited her immensely, but after hearing such heartfelt gratitude, she suddenly felt afraid of taking things too far and causing Leon to hate or, at the very least, feel uncomfortable around her...

Catching Cynthia off guard a second time, Leon adopted a smile, gently smacked her ass, and said, "Relax. I won't hate you just because you got a little carried away. I could even see myself getting used to this if not for the fact I'm slated to become King. If those who have placed their trust in me found out I was someone else's sub, they would lose confidence..."

"I see..." muttered Cynthia, feeling slightly disappointed but relieved Leon hadn't taken her 'indiscretions' personally. When she released her hold on his dick and tried to get off of him, however, he grabbed her waist, smiling as he appended, "I may not be able to be your sub, but it's 'expected' that you do as I say. And what I want you to do right now is continue..."

Though Leon interpreted it as her acknowledgment, the abrupt tightening of Cynthia's pussy was completely involuntary. Fortunately for Cynthia, he was still wearing an eye mask. Had he not been, he would have been able to see how bright red her face had become...




(A/N: Cynthia outfit reference.)



Thx for the chapter


Yo wtf is that figure LMAO