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"Are you sure this is what you want to do? It feels more like you're doing me a favor than the other way around..." said Bulma, lying face down on Leon's bed in nothing but her panties, chin resting on her crossed arms as he straddled her ass and gave her a massage.

"It's fine," replied Leon, explaining, "For one reason or another, I recently acquired a Skill called [Gratification]. Beyond using it to make people feel good, I can improve blood flow, relieve muscle fatigue, and accelerate the body's proliferative healing process. It's currently at the lowest grade, so having someone to assist me with mastering it is helpful. Besides..."

Circling his fingers near the base of Bulma's spine, just above her bubbly butt, Leon mused, "Even if I wanted to do more, it would only cause me to feel frustrated. I might be able to simulate physicality, but I can't replicate sensations of pleasure. I can't even sleep, so while I could 'definitely' get you off, it would leave me feeling pent up with no hope of release..."

"That...sounds really frustrating. I'm sorry if my coming here made things difficult for you..." said Bulma, feeling slightly guilty.

"It certainly hasn't made things easier, but you'll rarely hear me complain about having the company of a beautiful woman..." mused Leon, shifting back a few centimeters so he could more easily massage Bulma's ass, his thumbs slipping under the fabric of her panties. She trembled in response to the sudden change in intensity, but since she had come there prepared to have sex, she wasn't going to complain about having her ass groped or massaged. Not when it felt really, really good...




'I finally found it...'

Though it required him walking across the bottom of the sea and nearly two months of exploration, Leon finally discovered what he believed to be the Zapdos's current nest. It was a large, jagged rock formation jutting up out of the sea, inaccessible by ordinary means due to the sheer cliffs and coral reef surrounding it. As for how he knew, or at least believed it to be the Zapdos's den, there was a perceptible magnetic field around it, strong enough to affect the surrounding sea, and golden arcs of electricity would periodically crawl up the jagged peaks like an overloaded circuit.

Undaunted by the sensation of wading through a haze of plasma, Leon slowly phased through the rock strata until he entered a dark cave where the stone radiated a faint electric-blue glow. There were large, quartz-like stones that emitted a much stronger glow and buzzed with electricity, but Leon wasn't there to explore or admire the scenery, intending to push on until a much brighter light caught his attention, accompanied by tell-tale shouts of 'Pika Pika!' and 'Pikaaaaa~!'

Following the light, Leon found a total of seven Pikachus surrounding a Raichu, recently evolved if the blue light emanating from its fur was any indicator.

'This explains why I never encountered any on the mainland...' thought Leon, making his way closer without drawing attention. His plan was to possess one, ask it for information, and potentially convince the entire group to accompany him outside, but Leon stopped in his tracks as the Raichu, very clearly a male, celebrated its evolution by mounting one of the five females in the group. This prompted the other two males to try and do the same, but the Raichu thwarted them by flicking its lightning-bolt-shaped tail, sending the closest flying with a spherical ball of bright gold electricity.

As the remaining Pikachus panicked, the male Raichu shouted something that caused them to fall silent. Then, while the females remained behind, huddled together, the uninjured male gently nudged the charred one with its nose, confirming it was dead before fleeing with tears in its eyes.

'What a fucking cunt...' thought Leon, briefly leaving the larger group of Pikachus and their new Raichu overlord to follow the outcast male. The cave was spacious, large enough for the Zapdos to fly through, but there were few places to hide at ground level, allowing Leon to find the outcast male behind one of the glowing blue stones.

Possessing the Pikachu, surprising it quite a bit, Leon said, 'Remain calm. I mean you no harm...' in a soothing tone.

Though it shook its head a few times, causing its rabbit-like ears to flap in an unintentionally adorable fashion, the Pikachu paused and calmed down when Leon added, 'I can help you seek retribution against that Raichu and avenge your fallen brother...'

'You can...?' asked the Pikachu, looking around in an apparent effort to see where Leon's voice was coming from.

'You may not have noticed, but you've become stronger and your senses sharper ever since my voice appeared in your head,' said Leon. 'So long as you're willing to provide me with the information I seek, I will help you get your revenge...'

'What information...?' asked the Pikachu, simultaneously bringing its tail around to the front of its body and tentatively producing sparks from its tip, arcing between the circular red patches on its cheeks.

'I seek the Pokemon known as Zapdos, a large bird with spiky yellow feathers,' explained Leon. 'You don't have to imperil your life by taking me to where it nests, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction.'

'I will take you there,' affirmed the Pikachu, its telepathic voice resolute. 'But first, that traitor must die.'

'You have my support,' said Leon. 'Now, let's go and free the others. Then you can be their new leader.'

"Pika...!" responded the Pikachu, racing back in the direction it had just fled from with much greater speed than it departed. Leon's lowest stat at this point was his Agility, at 903, but the rest of his stats secured his position as the second strongest in the Frontier Expedition Squad. He had no idea what the Pikachu's status was, but with the boosts he provided, it should be able to fodder the Raichu instantly...


Name: Leon Asheford

Class: Fledgling Administrator(Rank 2)

Population: 6,448

Approval Rating: 94%(6,061/6,448)


STR: 1,308

END: 1,447

AGI: 903

SPI: 1,835

MNA: 1,638

LCK: 2,544


[Beginner Spearmanship(B)], [Leadership(D)], [Rejuvenation(D)], [Existence Erasure(B)], [Eavesdropping(D)], [Gratification(E)]


Proving Leon correct, the Pikachu he was possessing moved like a blur, blitzing the Raichu before it had a chance to react, forcing it to pull out of the Pikachu it had pinned down as it was sent crashing into the cave wall, producing a small crater.


Showing no mercy, the possessed Pikachu unleashed a Thunderbolt that hit the Raichu like a physical force, tearing its body to pieces and leaving a deep scar in the rockface. It went a bit overboard, using up more than half its Stamina and all its Mana with a single attack, but the result left it with a contented look as it collapsed forward onto the cave floor, causing the female Pikachus to rush over.

Expecting the female Pikachus to check on the male and make sure it was okay, Leon's nonexistent expression cramped when he saw them roll over the male and start squabbling over who got to rub their faces and cheeks against its junk. Pokemon society was extremely hierarchal, so they were basically fighting over who would be the second-highest-ranking member in the group by being the male's primary mate. Fortunately, the male had enough strength to get them to settle down, permitting Leon the chance to introduce himself and ultimately win over the entire group, courtesy of Erina's cooking...




As the initial Pikachu he possessed was too tired to exert itself, Leon was directed to the Zapdos's nest by the smallest and weakest of the females. She was also the Pikachu that had been pushed down by the Raichu, so it wasn't an exaggeration to say the other females had thrown her under the bus, not caring if one of their 'competitors' died.

'Do they always make you do things like this...?' asked Leon, keeping a close eye on the Pikachu's surroundings and periodically having it move over and examine objects he could loot. This included a Thunder Stone, so he was excited to return to the estate and have Mordred or Gakuto use it on their respective Eevees, evolving at least one into a Jolteon.


'It can't be helped. The weakest in the group must do as the strongest command in order to survive...' replied the Pikachu, exhibiting a degree of 'fluency' rare for a Pokemon.

'Where we'll be returning to, you won't have to worry about things like that,' assured Leon. 'And if you want to become more powerful, you can pair up with a human to defeat monsters. I know many people who would be overjoyed to have such a cute partner.'

Wagging its ears, the Pikachu seemingly disregarded everything Leon had said, asking, 'You think I'm cute...?' while the tip of its heart-tipped tail tensed and twitched.

'Yeah, though not in the way you might be thinking,' said Leon. 'As for the person I have in mind, there's a girl named Miu who I think you would get along with.'

'I don't know...' mumbled the Pikachu, adding, 'I don't like girls. They're mean and sometimes bite my ears and tail. Can't I stay with you, Leon? You're nice to me and have a really pleasant smell.'

'I get that a lot...' replied Leon, a wry smile adorning his nonexistent face as he concluded that Pikachus must belong to the Field Egg Group. Most Pokemon never brought up his scent, but those belonging to the Field and Human-Shaped Egg Groups brought it up frequently.

'Well, you're welcome to stay with me if that's what you want,' said Leon. 'But I can't help you produce eggs. You'll have to search for another nice-smelling Pokemon for that.'


Raising its tiny forepaws and performing a kind of waddling dance, the Pikachu exclaimed, 'Yay! I get to be with Leon and eat lots of delicious food! And I won't have to make any more painful eggs~!'

As most Pokemon eggs were around the same size, regardless of what was hatched out of them, Leon couldn't help imagining the tragedy that was the Kiwi Bird from his previous life. The Pikachu he was possessing wasn't much larger than the seemingly uniform eggs gathered by Wanko, so he genuinely couldn't imagine how it could accommodate, much less squeeze an egg out...

Fortunately, just as Leon was deciding he never wanted to know, the Pikachu he was possessing stopped at the entrance of a cave that, like the altar where he met Bulma, was clearly carved out of the stone. This one also led down to a bright blue light, but instead of a green outline appearing as they moved closer, a spiky, bright red one came into view, prompting him to tell the Pikachu to retreat. Afterward, he escorted the entire group back to the entrance, leaving most of them at the 'Pokemon Sanctuary' the island's residents had constructed while he took the runt of the group with him to the estate, introducing it to the personnel of the manor and thankfully getting it to bond with Miu once everyone returned from the Tower...




"It's okay...to go deeper...!" exclaimed Bulma, sitting atop Leon's invisible lap and reclining against him with her legs spread wide, his fingers moving in and out of her sopping wet pussy as she squirted each time he scraped her insides. They had previously agreed that each of their 'training sessions' was valued at a hundred Thousand-Grain Crystal Fragments. That meant ten sessions for a single red crystal, but since the base salary of someone employed at the estate was roughly one red crystal a month, it was a very 'lucrative' arrangement for Bulma.

"I need to leave soon for one final scouting trip, so let's wrap this up..." said Leon, biting Bulma's shoulder and squeezing her right breast as he sank his fingers as deeply as possible into her tight but accommodating pussy and churned her insides. Her climax caused her to expel fluid more than a meter from where they were seated, so, curious to see if he could get her to shoot even further, Leon delayed his departure for a short while longer...




(A/N: Pregnant Pikachu be like...)



Thx for the chapter