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After waking back in the real world and undergoing another medical examination, Izuku made his home, now resembling a large mansion encircled by black pylons capable of generating a force field powerful enough to endure the blast wave of a nuclear explosion, so long as the impact wasn't point-blank. More importantly, though it couldn't be seen from above, the house was now connected to UA's underground network of tunnels, providing access to its cores and several other secret facilities.

"I'm hooooome-!" shouted Izuku, followed by a brief silence until Eri and Mana appeared, the latter shouting, "Chichiue~!" as she flew down from the second floor and tackled him. Eri took the stairs like a good girl, and following behind them was Maria, modeling an old-fashioned Maid outfit that somehow made her tits appear even larger.

By the time Izuku was finished greeting the two adorable little girls, Inko, Fuyumi, Izuna, and Fumino appeared with his triplets, Mila, Alina, Daisuke, and Yoshino in tow.

"I'm guessing Rumi is out crushing breaches...?" asked Izuku, greeting the diverse group of beauties with kisses before taking his son, Daisuke, from Izuna, an affectionate smile adorning his face.

"She should be back within the next hour or two," Inko replied, smiling but feeling a smidge envious seeing Izuku fawning over a child that wasn't theirs. Fortunately, it wouldn't be too much longer before she birthed him a son of her own...

"Then I'm gonna take it easy in the living room," said Izuku, taking nearly the entire group along with him as he sat on the couch and made himself comfortable with Fumino and Fuyumi naturally flanking him. Izuna wanted to tell the latter to move her ass but instead followed Inko to the kitchen, preparing Izuku a cup of black peppermint tea and taking it to him before returning to assist with dinner preparations. As such, Izuku was permitted to relax for at least a few minutes until Daisuke started crying, triggering a chain reaction that made him feel helpless but appreciative as he watched Eri and Mana fretting adorably and doing their best to help while the more mature women in the group smoothly handled the situation...




[Within the Operating Theater at the Heart of UA]

"Are you certain you want to do this?" asked Nezu. "I understand your reasoning, but if this becomes a drawn-out conflict, we'll require you to hold everything together..."

"It'll be fine," assured Izuku, adopting a notably world-weary smile as he explained, "I re-rolled and invested most of my attributes into Vitality and Intelligence. My brain should have a much easier time bearing the load of sustained Mana usage. And if push comes to shove...I can always pass on the power of One-for-All to someone else and become a lynchpin..."

"I see..." muttered Nezu, looking regretful as he exhaled a tired sigh and remarked, "Your mental age likely exceeds most of your teachers at this point, but I can't help feeling you're too young to endure the burden of an entire world's fate..."

"That's why I'm sharing it with so many people..." said Izuku, smiling as he closed his eyes and reflected upon the past four days, approximating 749 days in the dreamscape. He didn't know what his opponents were capable of, but they were far better prepared than they had been days prior. All he had to do was beat Shigaraki and All-for-One alongside Toshinori, and the rest could be entrusted to their allies. If not, odds were they were fated to perish from the start. After all, if the only thing keeping a civilization from perishing was a single or small group of people, it wasn't an exaggeration to say they had failed as a species...

Nodding in approval, Nezu regained his usual smile, patting Izuku's arm as he said, "Then I have nothing else to say. See you in a year."

Returning a nod of his own, Izuku put on a headset that would monitor his brain activity, closed his eyes, relaxed his body, and enjoyed the feeling of fading away as a saline solution and morphine flowed into his veins. Once he was completely out, the operating table he was on was lowered into a glowing green solution, similar to the substance Toshinori was submerged in when David was checking his condition. The main difference was that it had been saturated with finely ground Mana Stones/Crystals to ensure his Mana wouldn't be exhausted during the twenty-four hours the experiment was set to run...




"This feels weird..." muttered Izuku, staring down at himself and flexing his fingers a few times as he gradually acclimated to the feeling of being submerged in cool liquid despite the fact he was standing on the edge of a cliff. His perception of the outside world didn't disappear when he was in the dreamscape, so if someone spoke to him or he was in danger, not only would he awaken, but his body would react instinctively to avoid the threat, courtesy of Danger Sense.

Sensing that Izuku was alone, Nana materialized behind and to his right, asking, "Is this the long haul...?"

Adopting a smile, Izuku turned to face Nana, causing her to blush ever so slightly as he gestured for her to come close, allowing him to embrace her as he explained, "There will be twenty-seven people in total, six of whom will be entering with their physical bodies. Please watch over and do your best to get along with them..."

Though she reciprocated Izuku's embrace and buried her face into his neck, Nana remarked, "You're behaving strangely...did something happen in the outside world?"

Shaking his head, Izuku grasped Nana's ass as he replied, "I just spent some time with my kids. Now, more than ever, I want to ensure there is a world for them to inherit when I'm gone. This place will also disappear if Telania falls, so I'll give it my all to protect her and grasp hold of a future where, at least for a short while, there is more happiness than misery..."

"Saying that while grabbing my butt undermines your point a bit..." mused Nana. Then, putting a bit of strength into her arms, she whispered, "But, if it's you, I'm certain you'll come up with something. Just be sure you never let your ideals compel you to make sacrifices for the common good. There is no telling what the value of a single life is worth, so never be blinded by the big picture. If the enemy is too strong, don't be afraid to retreat. Then, even if it ultimately amounts to a feeling dream, we can at least find peace in this place, cherishing our final moments..."

Weakening his hold on Nana to meet her smiling but somewhat anxious gaze, Izuku cupped and caressed her left cheek as he expressed, "I'd be lying if I said the notion hadn't crossed my mind. But while I would do my utmost to cherish every single moment, I would never be able to rest easy knowing I had run away and turned a blind eye to those whose final hope rests in the possibility that a Hero will appear..."

"Toshinori would tear up from pride if he heard you..." remarked Nana, leaning back using her Quirk and wrapping her legs around Izuku's waist. The individuals Izuku was going to draw into the dreamscape were set to enter a few minutes apart. With a minute outside correlating to 6 hours, 5 minutes, and 14.4 seconds inside, Nana intended to make good use of the time she had Izuku to herself...

"We had a remarkably similar conversation after I returned and made him the Godfather of my children," revealed Izuku, tearing apart Nana's pants as he adopted a cheeky grin and added, "And I'm not ashamed to admit I also teared up when he told me he was proud of me..."

"It's amazing how having children can change a person, isn't it...?" asked Nana, her voice faint and a hint of melancholy appearing in the depths of her distinctive, purple-grey eyes.

Nodding in affirmation, Izuku slipped his cock into Nana's pussy, grabbed her hips, and began a slow but forceful piston as he replied, "I know you still feel regret over what happened to Kotaro and his family...because of that, I won't try to convince you to bear my child. But carrying guilt even after you've died benefits no one. Once you're ready, know that I'll always be waiting to guide you onto a new path...one where we can embrace the future together..."

Though she furrowed her brows, Nana didn't attempt to refute or argue against Izuku's words. She was the one who had told him, Toshinori, and Gran Torino they needed to move on rather than dwelling on a past they couldn't change. She had also given up on fading away to oblivion once All-for-One had been defeated, so while she didn't vocalize that she was willing to bear Izuku's child, she forced his cock deep into the innermost depths of her pussy by locking her legs around him.

Narrowing his eyes and adopting an affectionate, smoldering grin, Izuku leaned over Nana, caressing her face and combing aside her bangs as he whispered, "Looks like I have even more reasons to fight and win..."




[One Year Later, Dreamscape Time]

Seated on the edge of a beach whose water resembled the fabric of the night sky, Izuku, holding the hands of his and Inko's son, Noah, helping the green-haired toddler stand, remarked, "It's almost time..."

"Must we leave...?" asked Inko, topless and wearing black bikini bottoms as she cradled and breastfed a little girl with maroon-red hair, the child of Izuku and Shino, Satsuko.

"I could adjust the flow of time and allow you and everyone else to remain here, safe from harm..." replied Izuku, staring into the glowing green eyes of his second eldest son as the youth gazed back at him. Then, turning to meet Inko's gaze, he smiled affectionately and added, "But we both know I can't stay. For you, Noah, and everyone else...I have to ensure our world doesn't fall into the hands of those that would see it brought to ruin..."

Smiling sadly, Inko looked like she had many, many things to say but was interrupted by Luna, wearing a stylish black one-piece, appearing behind them and exclaiming, "Here you two are! Come on, everyone's waiting for you to start eating...!"

Leaning back, Izuku silently held Luna's gaze until she rolled her eyes, knelt behind him, linked her hands around his neck, and licked his nose before stating, "If I interrupted something, blame Nemuri-san. She's the one who sent me over..."

"It's fine," assured Izuku, floating to his feet and holding Noah in his right arm as he looked down at Inko and added, "We were just discussing the possibility of having a few of you remain here to continue expanding the compound and facilities."

Rising to her feet and brushing the sand from her tail, Luna replied, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea, but if we're going to do something like that, I'd like to call over my folks and a few of my close family and friends. This place is like a Garden of Eden, but I miss my kin, and it's creepy how there are so few animals..."

Nodding in affirmation, Izuku said, "Feel free to contact them once we get outside. I'll talk to the Principal about making the arrangements."

"And that's why I adore you..." mused Luna, giving Izuku a quick hug and licking his cheek before pinching Noah's. She had ultimately decided not to have kids of her own just yet, as they had their hands full dealing with Izuku's current children, but she was now absolutely certain she wanted at least 2-3 litters. She just needed to convince her sisters to join her so they could have greater influence in the kingdom Izuku would invariably establish, both in the real world and the dreamscape...




(A/N: Feels like we're nearing the climax (O _ O)...)



Thx for the chapter


I am late yet again, I totally missed the notification for this chapter. Regardless, it was an amazing chapter! We learned the names of his triplets with Rumi ( which I was surprised 2 of them weren't Japanese names, Mila and Alina can't be written in Japanese due to that lack of a character that includes the letter L), and the brief time spent with the children and the women definitely gave off that pleasant fluff vibe I've been feeling these last several chapters. And while I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't cringe while reading his conversation with Nana, I enjoyed it nonetheless.