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"Nezu-sensei asked you to become Eri's private tutor...?" parroted Izuku, surprised but not overly so as Fuyumi was an Elementary School Teacher. Many schools had also closed due to the MWT Phenomenon, so she likely had a lot of free time.

"That's right," replied Fuyumi, seated across from Izuku after the two had cleaned up and aired out the dining room. The temperature had plunged to around 10°C as a result, but neither of them was adversely affected as Izuku ran fairly hot while Fuyumi lived with the cold.

Smiling awkwardly, Fuyumi revealed, "Nezu-sensei approached me a little more than a month ago and apprised me of your and Eri-chan's situations. I was initially skeptical, but I've been monitoring the news these past few weeks, and the situation looks pretty grim in some countries. I also talked with my father, mother, and Shoto, so...if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. I'll do what I can to protect you, Eri-chan, and the world as a whole."

"You have a very prominent sense of duty. It's no wonder you became a Teacher," Izuku remarked, nodding appreciatively. Unfortunately, Fuyumi wasn't accustomed to receiving compliments, so her expression became even more awkward as she laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head.

"What's wrong...?" asked Izuku.

"It's nothing..." replied Fuyumi, lowering her hand, staring down at the table, and slumping slightly as she added, "But you don't need to force yourself to compliment me. I've seen some of the girls you're involved with. Compared to Mirko or Midnight, I probably come across as flabby and out of shape..."

"That's completely ridiculous," said Izuku. "Also, you should choose your words more carefully. When you say things like that, it makes me want to fuck you until you can't even form such irrational thoughts. And you 'know' I'll do it..."

Swallowing nervously, Fuyumi gained a hint of a smile as she picked up her cup and downed its contents in several large gulps. In the process, Izuku nearly caused her to do a spit take and choke as he remarked, "You have an incredible body with the perfect amount of softness. If the world weren't ending and I didn't have other obligations, we might not come out of your room until it was time for you to give birth."

"Pff-" *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*

Interpreting Izuku's words to mean he wanted to impregnate her, Fuyumi cupped her face and massaged her reddening cheeks with a bewildered, adorably goofy smile. The possibility of getting pregnant had crossed her mind, as, even now, she still had Izuku's semen warming her belly, but his 'confession' left her feeling anxious, confused, and a little excited...

Waiting for Fuyumi's cough to die down, Izuku smiled affectionately and asserted, "Anyway. While I certainly appreciate women who take care of themselves, never doubt for a moment that you're an exceptional beauty, Fuyumi. When you come to live on campus, steel yourself. It may only be once or twice a week, but I'll be certain to 'thoroughly' remind you of that fact whenever the opportunity presents itself..."

Seeing the 'sincerity' in Izuku's expression, Fuyumi's only response was a nervous laugh. She had been warned that Izuku might attack her and had even been looking forward to it. Now, however, as her heart pounded with such vigor that she could feel her insides pulsing in response, she realized Izuku wasn't satisfied with simply claiming her body. He sought her heart and mind as well...a complete conquest of her entire being. It was a little alarming, but at the same time, a part of Fuyumi wished that Izuku would fling aside the table and claim her right there and then...




Though the table was set for lunch, the first thing Endeavor, wearing his Hero Costume but without the flames, did upon returning to the Todoroki Estate was instruct Izuku to follow him. Shortly after that, they entered a gym with the same style as the rest of the house, but the walls, floor, and ceiling had been heavily reinforced and fireproofed to endure Endeavor's intense workouts.

Tossing Izuku a pair of padded but lead-heavy striking gloves, Endeavor said, "Put them on. We can talk while sparring. No reinforcement beyond what you need to match my power."

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Izuku donned the gloves and got into a relaxed boxing stance. The moment he did, Endeavor's body appeared to flicker, his muscular 195cm frame belying his incredible speed as he tried punching Izuku square in the center of his face.

Moving nearly twice as quickly, Izuku punched Endeavor's wrist, knocking his fist up and off course before landing a sonic-boom-generating counter to the man's core. Endeavor was sent skidding back several meters by the blow but managed to keep his footing and showed no signs of injury as he smacked his stomach and said, "That was an excellent hit, but that speed of yours isn't very sporting..."

Shrugging lackadaisically, Izuku retorted, "What do you want me to do? My physical parameters increase uniformly as I boost them. Your Strength parameter is more than twice your Agility, so if I reinforce myself to match the former, my speed increases correspondingly."

"Then excuse me as I close the gap somewhat," said Endeavor, holding up his right fist and exuding intense heat but no flames. Then, in the blink of an eye, he was right in front of Izuku, stringing together a sequence of ever-accelerating, bullet-like punches that occasionally ignited the air, not because of his Quirk but the raw speed with which he was punching.

'I'm starting to feel like I transmigrated into Dragon Ball...' though Izuku, smiling as he weaved between and occasionally blocked Endeavor's Mach 2, going on Mach 3 punches. Tempestuous winds filled the gym, knocking over equipment and sending smaller weights flying around, but Izuku was calm as a cucumber until Endeavor went for a clinch, lurching forward and reaching for his head.

Taking advantage of his slightly shorter stature, Izuku hunched down and struck Endeavor's muscular chest and abdomen nineteen times before the man could be pushed back by the first. As a result, his nearly 145kg body was sent crashing into the roof, ricocheting off of it before punching the ground to prevent himself from bouncing or skidding further.

Furrowing his brows, Endeavor extricated his fist from the concrete under the tempered floorboards, remarking, "With speed and reactions like that, you're already at a level where you could stand at the peak of most Heroic Rankings..."

"But if you used your flames, I'd be toast, right?" asked Izuku, maintaining his smile.

"I'm aware that your power places a significant strain on your body," said Endeavor, rising to his feet and massaging his right shoulder with his left hand as he asserted, "Unless you went for a killing blow from the start, I would win a war of attrition..."

Instead of denying it, Izuku nodded affirmingly, stating, "You're right. But is that really a consolation, knowing that the only reason you can beat me is because I'm unwilling to kill you...?"

"Goading me won't work. Not anymore..." said Endeavor, his expression becoming serious as he lowered his guard and revealed, "I heard about what you did for my son, and I know why you were angry with me during our first meeting. I won't make excuses for my past behavior. Instead, as I told you back at my Agency, I will fight for as long as I can until you, my son, and the coming generations are ready to shoulder the burden of this world's future. That is my penance..."

Closing his eyes, Izuku shook his head, confusing Endeavor as he said, "Not quite..." in a subdued tone. Then, opening his eyes and meeting the crimson-haired Hero's gaze, he said two words that caused the man's expression to become icy while the surrounding temperature skyrocketed, specifically, "Touya Todoroki..."

"Where did you hear that name...?" asked Endeavor, hands balled into fists as he fought to restrain his flames.

"That's one of the things I'm here to discuss," revealed Izuku, holding up his hands in a gesture of mock surrender as he revealed, "Your son is still alive. I don't know where he is or what he's doing at the moment, but he's definitely still out there, likely being manipulated by All-for-One..."

Though there was a chance he was wrong, especially with how things had changed with Toga, Izuku did his due diligence to confirm that Touya, aka Dabi, had 'died' several years prior. He also rummaged through news articles and searched the internet to verify that a flame wielder matching Dabi's description had been tied to numerous arsons. He had hoped that Krua had pulled some strings to spare the eldest Todoroki from his tragic fate, but with how much things had already changed, Izuku was relieved to know at least a few things matched his recollection...




After hearing that his son had not only survived his self-immolation but fallen into the hands of predatory Villains, Endeavor, sitting cross-legged in front of Izuku, slumped his head and shoulders, muttering, "What have I done..." while staring at the palms of his visibly trembling hands.

"You fucked up," said Izuku, matter-of-factly. Then, just as casually, he stated, "But, just as you're prepared to fight tooth and nail for the future, it's not too late to get your shit together. You can start by mending your relationships with the family you have left. Because it will take all of you to free your son from the prison of manipulation and anguish that turned him into a weapon to be used against you for All-for-One's satisfaction..."

"That...monster...!" growled Endeavor, flames bursting from his body at the mention of All-for-One. He knew he was responsible for creating the circumstances that allowed Touya to fall onto the path of villainy, but that didn't lessen his fury toward the person or group of people who had taken advantage of his son's plight to turn him into a weapon.

Shielding his face and eyes from the intense heat, Izuku said, "Cool your jets, old man. I still have a few things to say before I go. Then you can get a jump start on your actual penance by apologizing to your daughter, wife, and sons..."

Restraining his flames but not extinguishing them, Endeavor glared up at Izuku with an expression of fierce resolution, asking, "What do I need to do?"

"First, you're going to hear a bunch of rumors stating that you acquired a powerful Artefact or ability in the breaches," explained Izuku. "I can't say when you'll acquire it, but these rumors are true and necessary to ensure you obtain said power. When questioned, feel free to be as mysterious or assholish as you want, but never outright refute the claim. The condition to acquire the power is that enough people believe you already have it. Do you understand?"

"What is this power?" asked Endeavor, not caring about the rest of what Izuku had said until the latter responded, "It's something that will allow you to save not just Touya but many others. As for what it is, you'll know without a shadow of a doubt once you acquire it since it will allow you to surpass your limits and potentially rival All Might..."

Though he had largely given up on surpassing Toshinori, the glimmer of resolution in Endeavor's eyes became focused like a laser beam when he heard Izuku mention surpassing his limits. He didn't like how roundabout the latter was being, but he assumed it was a situation where if he knew the specifics of the future Izuku had predicted, the possibility of it coming to pass decreased. This was especially true if the incident that led to him gaining the promised power involved having to endure a tragedy, so after several seconds of deliberation, Endeavor nodded and responded with a grim but resolute, "I understand..."




(A/N: Izuku fast as a fuckboi (O w O)...)



Thx for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter!