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Though he felt a bit like the star attraction in a brothel, meeting customer after customer, Izuku readily agreed when Yui revealed she had been told to ask if he wanted to take a group bath once they were done. There, he reveled in the sight of the fourteen girls in their birthday suits, happily but nervously chatting away as they huddled loosely around as if he were the sun to their planetary system. The topic of conversation was the Meta World Transversal Phenomenon, but due to the presence of his still-erect cock, it was a little difficult for some of the girls to focus. Fortunately, this was noticed by Tsuyu, who, earning a playful 'no fair~' from Toga, made it disappear with her pussy...




Stepping out of 1-A's dorm, Izuku concluded the protracted yawn he had been trapped in before staring up at the sky above. It was only 6:43 PM, but the sun had already long descended over the horizon. Ordinarily, he wouldn't be able to see many stars due to Masutafu's light pollution, but tonight, undoubtedly as a result of the MWT Phenomenon, he could even see the Milky Way...

Tearing his eyes from the mesmerizing sight, Izuku pulled out his cell phone to see how many new breaches had appeared and to 'reserve' a few. Due to Nezu's influence and pressure from the public, the current policy of the HPSC was to shut down or contain breaches as quickly and efficiently as possible. There was no such thing as private ownership of a breach, and if any were to be kept open, the local/provincial government would first need to explain their rationale and receive public support, as any money made from the resources within was to become a part of the provincial budget, not to enrich individuals or corporations. A number of exceptions were being prepared for breaches that appeared on private property, but since the land and resources within weren't factored into its market valuation, independent and routine surveys of the breach's interior would need to be conducted so it could be taxed accordingly.


Receiving a text, Izuku habitually thumbed the notification to find it was the start of his DMs with Nejire, asking, 'Did you have fun~?' followed by several head-tilt emojis.

Smiling wryly, Izuku responded with a curt, 'Always,' before waiting for Nejire's response. Due to the Proximity Function, it wasn't difficult to discern what he had been up to or that he was alone since, unless he disabled it, everyone in the Party could ascertain the location of the other members. With it, Izuku could discern that Nejire was in Class 3-A's dorm a few buildings over, presumably in her room, as her next message was a selfie showing her lying atop a bed in a baggy t-shirt and a dark purple thong, accompanied by the text, 'Want to come over and help me choose my Perks~?'

'I'll be on your patio shortly,' replied Izuku. His original plan was to return home and unwind by letting Inko take the lead. However, since one of his texts was from Nezu, informing him that Endeavor had invited him to the Todoroki estate for breakfast, Izuku figured it was better to meet up with Nejire since he might not be able to make good on his promise to stop by the Ryukyu Agency the following day. Thus, after ensuring there were no prying eyes, he leaped up to the balcony/patio of Nejire's room and gently rapped the reinforced glass door leading to its interior.

Disabling the tinting that prevented people from peeping into her room, Nejire surprised Izuku by appearing with her breasts pressed against the glass. She was still wearing her baggy t-shirt, but it was possible to make out she wasn't wearing a bra as the heat and moisture from her recently showered body caused a foggy condensate to spread through the glass's surface.

Adopting a smile, Izuku breathed against the glass, fogging it up with the intention of writing something. Before he could, Nejire slid the door open and said, "Feel free to come inside~" with her right eye closed and the tip of her tongue extended.

Stepping into the room without hesitation, Izuku took a moment to look around at the veritable army of stuffed animals present before turning to meet Nejire's gaze after she slid the door closed and reactivated its tint. For the briefest of moments, a glimmer of anxiety appeared in the depths of her peculiar white pupils, but it vanished nigh-instantaneously as she raised the hem of her shirt, revealing her freshly shaven pussy, bereft of panties as she playfully inquired, "Did the other girls drain you dry, or are you as inexhaustible as the rumors say~?"

"If you're willing, I'm more than able," replied Izuku, his bulge forming into a tent as he spoke. Nejire's brows perked when she saw this. Then, with a curious glimmer in her eyes, she released her hold on the hem of her shirt, lowering herself to her knees and sitting on her heels as she asked, "Can I see it~?" with a wide-eyed smile.

"First things first..." said Izuku, his smile gaining a hint of wryness as he asked, "Are you sure about this? I'm almost positive that Amajiki-kun has a crush on you, and I doubt he's the only one."

Shrugging her shoulder, Nejire unhesitantly revealed, "That's actually one of the reasons I'm doing this. I adore Tamaki and Mirio, but neither are my type. I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before one of them confesses to me, compromising our friendship. So, before that happened, I figured I could hop onto the Izuku-kun Express, ride it for a while, and then hop off once things calmed down or I found someone I liked."

Bringing her hands together and closing her right eye, Nejire adopted an apologetic expression and appended, "Don't get me wrong. You're super handsome, and I'm 'really' looking forward to having sex with you, but my tastes are a little...unconventional. I don't dislike handsome and beautiful people, but I'm more attracted to those with appearances others consider unique or inhuman. Tamaki-kun's Quirk gets me really excited, but his lack of confidence is a major turn-off. I tried boosting it by giving him a reach-around using my Quirk during our second year, but then he didn't come to school for two whole weeks..."

Raising his brows, Izuku asked, "Are you a virgin...?" but Nejire just smiled brightly with her eyes closed, forgoing a verbal response as she promptly pulled down his pants. Then, as if she hadn't heard his previous question, her blue eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her right hand and exclaimed, "Oh, wow! I knew you were big based on your photos, but this bad boy is barely smaller than my forearm..."

Holding her hand to Izuku's hip to make a direct comparison between his penis and her forearm, Nejire's smile became more prominent as her eyes glistened with anticipation. In truth, it was only around 2/3rds the size of her forearm, but it was still substantially larger than anything in her rather expansive 'collection.'

'If only the shape were more exotic...' thought Nejire, suppressing a sigh as she took the initiative to start jerking Izuku off. That was usually more than enough to make most guys shut up and just go with the flow, so she was a little surprised when Izuku placed his hand on her head, caressing it as he said, "Well if you just want to be sex friends, I'm down. But while it definitely makes me a hypocrite, I'm not into sharing. If I find out you're fooling around with other guys or influencing the others to consider doing the same, I won't just take it in stride..."

Cupping Nejire's chin and compelling her to look up and meet his gaze, Izuku adopted his most smoldering grin as he added, "Also...I'm a very greedy person. Hopping aboard the 'Izuku Express' might be easy, but disembarking is another matter. Not because I won't permit you to leave, but because I'll make it so you never want to..."

Punctuating his statement, Izuku allowed Blackwhip to cover much of his body and dick. Green-and-turquoise, lightning-like tendrils erupted from the latter to wrap around Nejire's head, neck, and upper body, but instead of reacting with fear or trepidation, the blue-haired girl's eyes widened as she willfully opened her mouth and extended her tongue, eager to receive his bulging, undulating, ostensibly amorphous cock...




[October 29th, 2149]

"Let's wrap things up here," said Izuku, removing his dick from Nejire's womb and the similarly-sized Blackwhip-formed strap-on from her ass, allowing the semen inside the former to shoot out like a geyser, making a mess. The notion that she would use and then leave him at her leisure had annoyed him a bit, so to conclude the nearly seven-hour fuckathon, Izuku spent the final fifteen minutes fucking Nejire's womb, causing her to tense and spasm uncontrollably as she exhaled loud, throaty, incomprehensible moans and nearly tore apart her bed and stuffed animals with involuntary activations of her Quirk.

After holding her top-down-booty-up pose for several minutes, allowing the stream of semen from her pussy to become a sap-like dribble, Nejire rolled limply onto her side, her face completely red, eyes unfocused, and chest heaving as she stared at Izuku with a comprehensively enraptured look. She had heard about how 'thorough' he could be, but now that she had experienced it directly, Nejire felt a slight urge to distance Izuku from the other girls so she could keep him for herself...

Recognizing the possessive gleam in Nejire's eyes, Izuku smiled and said, "Be a good girl and get along with the others. I don't fuck girls who cause trouble or intentionally disrupt the group's harmony. Understood?"

Narrowing her eyes and smiling mischievously, Nejire rolled onto her back and responded, "Yes, Daddy," in impeccable English. Then, with her legs spread, she pressed down on her belly, forcing another stream of semen from her pussy as she exhaled a long, titillating sigh. This was followed by involuntarily pissing herself, but when she noticed Izuku shaking his head and observing her with a non-judgmental smile, she just let it out, musing, "I think you may have broken me a little..."

Shrugging, Izuku casually replied, "It is what it is. I wasn't going to let an amazing woman like you slip away from me without a fight, so I gave you what you wanted. From now on, you're a part of my harem. You're free to jump ship if you want to, but before you do, come to me. I'll see if I can't ease your doubts, and, if nothing else, I can send you off with one heck of a bang..."

Punctuating his words, Izuku lay next to Nejire and began kissing her as he slipped the middle and ring fingers of his right hand into her pussy and extended tendrils of Blackwhip to stimulate her interior walls. She needed to get some rest before she left for the Ryukyu Agency, but with three Vit-related Perks, including [Healthy Body], she would be fine even with three to five hours of sleep...


Name: [Nejire Hado]

Title: Simca Blue(Vitality and Dexterity+50. Vitality increases by one each time you cum inside her.)

Quirk: Wave Motion

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 39

Effective Level: 111


Strength: 50

Agility: 50

Vitality: 500

Intelligence: 100

Dexterity: 129

Luck: 287

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Regeneration], [Vital Surge]

[Regeneration]: Boosts natural recovery rate by 50x and consumes Vitality to regenerate missing limbs and recover from severe injuries.

[Vital Surge]: Vitality increases by 1000% and doesn't decrease for a short period, but the user loses the ability to recover naturally and enters into a rejuvenating coma once their stamina depletes.





(A/N: This chapter is the result of an avid reader asking me not to skip over Izuku's interchange with Nejire. I'm not sure if this meets your expectations, but it should be better than a simple paragraph or two :P)



Sad i was really looking forward to nejire detailed lemon