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"Thanks for not taking this any further than you needed to..." muttered Ryuko(Ryukyu), her expression awkward and flushed as she put her red, qipao-like Hero Costume back on.

"No problem," replied Izuku, using a towel to wipe the remaining massage oil from his hands as he teased, "I may be greedy and have my faults, but I'm still an aspiring Hero. I wouldn't take advantage of my positions to get my rocks off. I'm just sorry you felt obligated to leave your boyfriend as a precaution..."

Smiling even more awkwardly, Ryuko combed back her bangs and looked away from Izuku's muscular figure, muttering, "I'm certain he'll forgive me since we didn't go nearly as far as I expected..."

Though all Izuku had done was massage her, Ryuko was feeling 'anxious' since he had removed his top to allow his unique pheromones to circulate the sauna-like chamber. Doing so made the massage more effective, but it also made Ryuko inordinately 'aware' that he was male...one who could have dominated but decided to spare her...

"Then, once we've finished distributing your Free AP and picked out your Perks, you're good to go," said Izuku, offering his best smile despite the sizeable tent he was pitching with his trousers. Ryuko noticed it, but while she felt compelled to ask if he needed 'assistance,' she restrained herself, fearing what might follow...


Name: [Ryuko Tatsuma]

Title: Dragon Mommy(Vitality+100)

Quirk: Dragon

Bond Level: 81

Current Level: 57

Effective Level: 85


Strength: 63->100

Agility: 41->100

Vitality: 598->700

Intelligence: 86->100

Dexterity: 69->100

Luck: 113->255

Free Attributes: 0


[Healthy Body], [Scale Armor], [Dragon Force]

[Scale Armor]: Materialize the scales of a dragon to cover your body.

[Dragon Force]: Utilize a portion of the power you wield as a Dragon in your human form.





After assuring Ryuko several times that she didn't owe him anything, even though her newly acquired Dragon Force Perk was a game changer, Izuku saw to his own reward by meeting up with Ochaco and Toga. The two had become even closer than sisters while he was away, so in place of a thicc, adorably demure dragon girl, Izuku was privy to the mesmerizing sight of two Ochaco(s) making out, enthusiastically servicing his cock, and taking turns riding him. He could have done without Toga teasing him by turning into various girls from his fan club and Class 1-B, but at least by doing so, she helped to alleviate some of the 'intrigue' that might have driven him to want to sleep with them directly...




"I traditionally advocate full transparency in our group relationship, but it's probably best if we keep this a secret..." said Izuku, smiling wryly but with a glimmer of intense fascination in his eyes as Toga, transformed as Rumi, enthusiastically kissed and beat his dick while Ochaco snuggled up beside him, observing the scene with a listless smile.

"I don't know..." replied Toga, taking a moment to lick the full length of Izuku's shaft before adopting a cheeky smile, licking her lips, and musing, "Rumi strikes me as a very competitive woman. If I were to transform into her, she'd probably get a kick out of humbling or humiliating herself..."

"And you're okay with that...?" asked Izuku, raising his right brow. Toga's reworked Quirk had eliminated her bloodlust, but her desire to 'become' others seemed to be even more pronounced. He would need to ask her to know for sure, but Izuku suspected the true reason she had transformed into the girls from his fan club and Class 1-B was to 'monopolize' their first times and other significant experiences.

"I absolutely adore being teased and bullied by the people I transform into~" replied Toga, holding Izuku's cock and rubbing her cheek against it with her characteristically creepy but alluring smile as she explained, "The look of conflict in their eyes...their frustration...their desire. The more they give me, the more 'complete' I feel..."

Halfway through her words, Toga surprised Izuku for the umpteenth time that afternoon by transforming into a famous pop idol. Doing so crossed a number of lines, but since he hadn't said anything about her changing into girls from his fan club or Class 1-B, he just raised his brows as Toga used the idol's ability to produce mouths virtually anywhere on her body to give him a hand and blowjob at the same time...




[October 28th, 2149]

Feeling it might be awkward to be trapped with Ryuko in the helicopter that Nezu had prepared to transport their group, Izuku set out for Kyoto early the next morning on foot. More accurately, he flew through the sky using his Sky Regalia, enjoying the feeling of the wind passing through his hair as he made periodic stops to prevent crime or help people in need.

Fortunately, though he made several stops along the way, Izuku reached his destination, a large, predominately red-and-black temple complex on a forested mountain, appropriately anointed Mt. Inari. Unfortunately, he wasn't the first to arrive as, alongside a heavy JSDF presence, Ryuko was also present, slackjawed to see him arrive nearly two hours early.

Taking things in stride, Izuku touched down near Ryuko, skating over to her before looking at the faint shimmer a few meters away, asking, "Have there been any changes to the ETE(estimated time of emergence)?"

Regaining her senses, Ryuko adopted her cool, famously stoic Ryukyu persona, shaking her head as she smoothly replied, "None. The system Melissa developed initially had a target window of two hours, but it has since been refined to within fifteen minutes of the breach's emergence. She's quite dependable, isn't she?"

"Almost to a supernatural extent," affirmed Izuku, looking around the area to check the statuses of practically everyone present. He didn't like being surprised, so with the HPSC(Hero Public Safety Commission) going out of its way to publicize the SBCTF's inaugural operation and warn the public of the impending breaches, Izuku came early to ensure no surprises were lying in wait on-site. 

"Is your intuition telling you something?" asked Ryuko, getting even more serious as she joined Izuku in surveying the area. Fortunately, as this was a breach all but chosen for them by Sir Nighteye using his Foresight Quirk, the odds of anything unexpected happening were remote. After all, in his twenty-odd years as a Pro Hero, Sir Nighteye's predictions had only been wrong twice.

Though neither sensed anything amiss, Izuku and Ryuko kept their guards up and made small talk to quell any feelings of awkwardness. Lucky for Ryuko, her agency was where Tsuyu, Ochaco, and Toga had been doing most of their Hero Work Studies. As such, they had plenty to talk about until Mirio, Tamaki, and her Sidekick-in-training, Nejire, arrived in a fairly high-tech jet developed by Melissa using her ever-expanding knowledge of Air Trecks...




"This is what the inside of a breach looks like? It honestly doesn't seem all that different from the shrine we were just at," said Nejire, scanning the area with her wide, curious blue eyes. As for her observation, it was fairly spot-on as the interior of the breach resembled Mt. Inari but much larger and with a far more intricate temple complex.

"I can only guess what other breaches are like, but this is definitely what the inside of this one looks like!" exclaimed Mirio, giving a thumbs up as he smiled as broadly as his face would allow.

"Can you quiet down?" asked Tamaki, appearing extremely anxious as he looked around and pointed out, "I feel like there are tons of eyes watching us. We don't need to draw even more attention to ourselves..."


Humming loudly, Nejire turned to Izuku with her hands behind her back, leaning forward slightly and staring up at him with a playful smile as she inquired, "What shall we do, Paragon-san~? You're the only one here with experience entering breaches, and the Principal placed you in charge."

"That's right!" exclaimed Mirio, giving another thumbs up as he shouted, "Rumor around the school is that you traveled to London's Royal Academy of Heroics to gain experience entering breaches! You must have learned a lot!"

"Talking will have to wait," said Izuku, gesturing with his chin toward one of the many immaculate fox statues decorating the otherwise dilapidated ruins they were in, revealing, "Those statues are Level 73 monsters called Inarizou. They are stuck in statue form so long as you're paying attention to them, but the moment you turn away..."

Catching the trio off guard, causing Nejire to take to the sky and Mirio and Tamaki to jump away and adopt combat stances, Izuku casually captured a wispy white fox that came darting toward him by the neck. It turned into an ordinary-looking fox statue the moment the trio stared at it, but before, its lower half was long, much like a snake, and it moved nearly as fast as a bullet fired from a low-caliber pistol.


Name: Inarigumo

Race: Inarizou

Title: None

Bond Level: 0

Current Level: 73

Effective Level: 73(638)


Strength: 27

Agility: 173

Vitality: 341(6000)

Intelligence: 37

Dexterity: 108

Luck: 44

Free Attributes: 0


[Ethereal Form], [Stone Change], [Petrifying Saliva]


[Lesser Illusion], [Sensory Deprivation], [Petrifying Bite]


'Petrification...I wonder how that affects regeneration...' pondered Izuku, feeling a slight urge to put the hypotheses forming in his mind to the test. Skills and even Quirks were ostensibly powered by Mana, so as long as his resistance and regeneration were greater than the encroachment rate of the petrification, he should be fine.

Hovering over Izuku with her Wave Motion Quirk, allowing her to convert her Vitality into spiral shockwaves, Nejire asked, "Is that a monster? What are you going to do with it...?"

Raising his gaze, Izuku received a fairly voyeuristic view of Nejire in her Hero Costume. Like most Heroines, her base outfit was a three-tone, predominately royal blue bodysuit that left little to the imagination. She also had a high black collar, mint-green markings covering her torso from over her shoulders to between her plump thighs, accented by turquoise strips, knee-high boots with the same mint-green coloration, and spiral accessories adorning her wrists and ankles. The former was thicker and helped to conceal yellow gauntlets, and the entire costume was brought together by utility straps wrapped around her thighs and drill-like horns formed from her inordinately long, royal-blue hair, which also fell helically to the back of her calves.

"Ordinarily, I would defeat it," replied Izuku, reciprocating Nejire's smile as he noticed her Bond Level increase to 89. She was clearly aware that her aloft position was a feast for the eyes but didn't seem to mind that he was looking. If anything, she appeared to spread her legs slightly wider as she asked, "Then, I'm guessing you want us to do the honors?"

"Assuming you can," responded Izuku, tossing the fox statue into the air like a clay pigeon. Nejire immediately released two blasts of bright yellow, paradoxically slow but fast-moving spiral energy beams at the hapless stone slab. Unfortunately, while the hits were direct, all she accomplished was sending the statue flying.

"Oh, wow. They're super tough," remarked Nejire, carefully landing next to Izuku to avoid depleting too much of her stamina. As she did so, Mirio and  Tamaki approached but kept their guards up, the former sweating a bit but still smiling as he remarked, "If Nejire-chan's energy wave can't finish them off, we might be in a predicament."

"You'll be fine so long as you don't allow them to bite and hold on to you," said Izuku, further explaining, "To defeat them, you just need to grab onto them while they're in their statue forms and then look away. The moment you do, they'll lose their durability. After that, well...it's unpleasant, but it's a lot like wringing the neck of a chicken..."

"Ugh...hard pass..." groaned Nejire, losing her usual smile and adopting an expression of mild disgust as she hugged herself and shuddered. She was an exceptionally upbeat person most of the time, but when she didn't like something, she wasn't shy about making it known. Thus, while Mirio and Tamaki awkwardly followed Izuku's instructions, she provided overwatch to ensure they weren't ambushed too frequently...




(A/N: It seems like Nejire wants to give Izuku the good ol' dick twist...)



Here we go again giving all the XP to other people smh did he atleast get his blessing? Did I miss that or something?

Daniel Foley

He has to be a leader and try to get their Bond Levels high enough to join the party. And I think the Blessing will be at the end of the Breach.


Thanks for the chapter!