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[October 23rd, 2149]

Though the girls had class and returned to their dorms the previous night, Izuku awoke to the sight of Tsuyu squatting atop him with her legs spread wide, feet on his thighs, left hand resting on his pelvis, tongue dangling from her mouth, and right index finger on her cheek as she revealed, "We drew lots last night, and I got assigned morning duty, kero..."

"Lucky me," replied Izuku, adopting a smile as he casually reached down and picked Tsuyu up by slipping his hands between her calves and thighs. He remembered her being a little self-conscious about her distinct flavor, aroma, and fairly slimy love juices, so he had her sit on his face to remind her he wasn't at all bothered by her froggy aspects.

"I'm glad I can still predict how you'll react..." muttered Tsuyu, catching Izuku a little off guard by grabbing his hair and proactively grinding her somewhat spongey and elastic pussy against him. The texture reminded him of Alissa, but only for a brief moment as he grabbed Tsuyu's legs to hold her in place and extended his tongue to reacquaint himself with her insides.

"Kero, kero..."




"Will you be walking Tsuyu-chan to class and paying your former classmates a visit...?" asked Inko, setting a large plate of sausages and gravy-covered biscuits in front of Izuku and Tsuyu, the latter sitting atop his lap with closed eyes as she was still in the process of cooling down. Her [Thermoregulation] helped to regulate her temperature, but she was still prone to overheating when she got too excited or sat in the bath for too long.

While picking up a sausage to hand-feed the loveable frog girl, Izuku nodded and replied, "That's the plan for this morning. After that, I plan to meet up with Rumi and give my newly tuned Regalia a test drive. Are you okay with me bringing her back for lunch...?"

"Better that than the two of you disappearing for days on end..." retorted Inko, staring at Izuku with an insincere, half-lidded expression. She still wasn't particularly fond of Rumi, but now that she was pregnant, she felt more 'accepting' of all the girls Izuku brought into his life. After all, were it not for the...peculiarities of his circumstances, she would probably still be fat, unhappy, and despairingly alone...

With such thoughts in mind, Inko planted a kiss atop Izuku's head before ruffling his hair and taking a seat. The scene wasn't complete without Eri, but she would be returning from Chiyo's later that evening now that things had mostly calmed down following Izuku's initial return. Mostly being the operative word, as Inko eagerly anticipated 'commemorating' his return in her bedroom, the place she had dreamed about him countless times...




[Class 1-A]

Following the initial hush that fell upon the room when Izuku arrived with Tsuyu, Kirishima adopted one of his characterically jagged-toothed grins and exclaimed, "Holy crap, man...! You must have busted your tail to reach Level 90!"

Demonstrating why he possessed a Title like 'An Absolute, Indomitable Bro,' Kirishima approached and unhesitantly clasped hands with Izuku, genuinely happy to see him again. His Bond Level remained firm at 100, but the real surprise was the rest of his Status.


Name: [Eijiro Kirishima]

Title: An Absolute, Indomitable Bro(Bond+20, Strength+50, Vitality+100)

Quirk: Hardening

Bond Level: 100

Current Level: 25->63

Effective Level: 66->112


Strength: 150->231

Agility: 30->41

Vitality: 300->511

Intelligence: 100->176

Dexterity: 30->47

Luck: 75->123

Free Attributes: 190


[Rapid Hardening], [Healthy Body], [Mental Fortitude]


"Dude, you've become a beast..." said Izuku, briefly casting his gaze over the rest of his former classmates to see how they matched up. Most were in their mid-to-late fifties, but Kirishima, Shoji, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Todoroki, and, most notably, Bakugo were all above Level 60.


Name: [Katsuki Bakugo]

Title: Explosive Hero, Big Ego(Vitality+100)

Quirk: Explosion

Bond Level: 83

Current Level: 30->70

Effective Level: 88->128


Strength: 63->108

Agility: 53->95

Vitality: 323->509

Intelligence: 84->129

Dexterity: 92->132

Luck: 268->314

Free Attributes: 200


[Healthy Body], [Hyperhidrosis]


'Damn, he must have been bugging the crap out of Ryuko since her return. I'll need to pamper her a bit when we meet up...' Izuku concluded, his and Bakugo's gazes meeting. Izuku half expected him to lash out and demand to have his Free Attributes allocated, so he was a little surprised when the spiky-haired youth flatly remarked, "I guess since you're back, the MWTP is about to strike Japan, right? We'll see how long that lead of yours lasts once I can enter breaches directly..."

"Aw, don't mind Bakugo," said Kirishima, waving his hand in front of his face and grinning as he revealed, "He's just worried you might steal his girlfriend once he asks you to let her join the Party."

"You spiky-headed bastard...!" exclaimed Bakugo, demonstrating he still had considerable room to grow by generating tiny explosions in the palm of his right hand.

Ignoring Bakugo's outburst, Izuku raised his brows and asked, "Bakugo, of all people, got a girlfriend? I genuinely thought his mom would have to arrange his marriage..."

"You sons of..." growled Bakugo, but he allowed his words to trail off when Izuku and Kirishima lost their smiles. He nearly stepped on a landmine by insulting their mothers, so he quickly switched topics or, more accurately, reverted to the previous one by clicking his tongue and revealing, "I'm not the only one who got a girlfriend. Because of a certain moss-headed idiot with tentacles, most of us started dating second or third years from UA or other schools..."

"That's right~!" exclaimed Kaminari, producing sparks as he excitedly revealed, "I tried following the advice you gave us at camp and managed to get a date with Mawata Fuwa from Class 2-B! Her Wooly Quirk is super compatible with my Electrification, so we've been teaming up with Best Jeanist for Hero Work Studies...!"

"You also seem to have gotten over your resentment toward me," mused Izuku, nearly causing Kaminari to fall to his knees and cry when he sent the aspiring 'Stun Gun Hero' a Party invite. Everyone else in Class 1-A had joined long ago, so while he had worked hard to keep pace with everyone, his Level was the lowest at 41. The next lowest was the pacifistic Koda at 53, so Kaminari was understandably stressed from working several times harder than nearly everyone else but barely seeing any results...

Fortunately for Kaminari, while Izuku was undoubtedly the type to hold a grudge, he could be forgiving when the situation required. He also knew that Kaminari wasn't a bad person, so after giving the teary-eyed youth an affirming pat on the back, he helped him and everyone else distribute their Free Attribute Points before Aizawa's 'conveniently' belated arrival...




"Now this...this puts a smile on my face..." mused Nezu, his beady black eyes shimmering as he stared at his newly acquired and updated Status. He was so excited, in fact, that his Bond Level shot up from 80 to 83 in a single go!


Name: [Subject 301]

Title: World's Greatest Wingman(Intelligence+300)

Quirk: High Spec

Bond Level: 83

Current Level: 9

Effective Level: 119


Strength: 5

Agility: 20

Vitality: 37

Intelligence: 857

Dexterity: 42

Luck: 230

Free Attributes: 0




"Now, you just need to be nearby when the others battle Ryuko's Earth Beasts, and your Level will skyrocket," said Izuku, causing Nezu's eyes to shimmer with even greater vigor. He didn't need to be told something so obvious, of course, but that didn't make the prospect of becoming even more intelligent any less exciting.

"With this, any debts you may have felt toward me are absolved," said Nezu, subsequently teasing, "It's a shame I'm not a female. I could have expressed my gratitude directly. Instead, I'll leave you with this..."

Picking up the tablet Nezu slid to him, Izuku's throat tightened as it was a list of hundreds of female students, Pro Heroines, and seemingly random women. Not only did it include their photos, but when Izuku clicked on one, it opened to reveal their profile, some sensitive information on their Quirks, an evaluation of their personalities, and an approximation of their Statuses and Bond Levels based on various metrics.

"I understand what's at stake, but this feels like it's crossing a number of lines..." remarked Izuku, furrowing his brows slightly. He felt a little better when he heard Nezu's response, but not much as the white bear-cat-dog revealed, "Much of this is information compiled by the Hero Public Safety Commission. I simply filtered it through a custom algorithm and had the data arranged in order of those I believed would be most beneficial to our cause to least problematic..."

Noticing a distinctive pink-and-indigo-haired profile pic among the list of prospective Party members, Izuku confirmed his suspicions by clicking on the image, the expanded photo showing an exceptionally well-developed woman in a prison jumpsuit.

"I've seen this woman in one of my visions..." revealed Izuku, discarding his previous trepidation as he returned the tablet to Nezu and explained, "She initially battles against us on the side of you-know-who, but it turns out to be a ploy to get him to lower his guard. It doesn't work out, nearly resulting in her death, but she keeps fighting to save as many Heroes and civilians as possible..."

"Kaina Tsutsumi..." muttered Nezu, reading through the aforementioned's profile before nodding approvingly. He had included Kaina since he knew the truth behind her incarceration, but he found it...interesting that Izuku zeroed in on her when she wasn't even in the top half of the list. Nezu had no intention of exposing his youthful protege, but it was fairly obvious that Izuku had been searching for Kaina from the start.

Returning the tablet to Izuku, Nezu smiled knowingly and asked, "Is there anyone else who catches your eye~?"

Finding Nezu's behavior to be somewhat odd, Izuku raised his right brow before returning his gaze to the list, this time scanning it more thoroughly. He briefly paused when he saw people like Todoroki's sister listed among those who had volunteered to join the Special Task Force, but the profiles that really stuck out to him were those of various villains, one of which he immediately recognized despite having no personal interest in.

Turning the tablet around to reveal a juvenile detention mugshot of a girl with raspberry-pink hair, large pink eyes with perpetual black rings under them, and a profoundly listless expression, Izuku revealed, "This girl is a genius hacker who manages to crack the systems of UA. Her partner-in-crime should be a Villain who refers to himself as Gentle, someone who purports to be a Villain but has tremendous potential as a Hero. In one of my visions, he uses his Quirk to stop UA from crashing to the ground after it loses power."

Blinking in surprise, Nezu resisted the urge to ask if Izuku was telling the truth and instead insisted, "Then I will see to it that they are brought into our custody as soon as possible. To that end, please take that tablet with you and let me know if there are any others who catch your interest or stir your precognitive recollection..."

"Right..." replied Izuku, rising to his feet and bowing respectfully before departing with his focus on the tablet. Quite a few caught his attention, including Kaminari's girlfriend from Class 2-A, but as Izuku drew the line at girls in a relationship, he didn't even open her profile. He nearly clicked on Mitsuki's, Bakugo's mom, but since she was married and probably had a Bond Level exceeding 80 just by watching him grow up, Izuku intended to add her to the Party without any shenanigans. Sure, he might be able to envision various scenarios that resulted in the woman bouncing happily atop his dick, but some things were best left to the imagination...




(A/N: That's a dangerous list...)



Thx for the chapter


I think I was grinning the entire time while reading this chapter, absolutely beautiful. Nezu finally got his fully deserved title and we also get to see some more underrated girls finally. I also take back what I said last chapter, this is just a pure orange, maybe with a little apple (filler) in there as well. Absolutely amazing chapter


Mirko was my favorite the moment she fought the nomus in the manga, but nagant is a close second