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Ascending the steps to the Dawn Shard, Ashe was prepared to retrieve it when a peculiar phenomenon occurred: the bluish-white phantom of her late husband appearing in his armor.

Gasping in surprise, Ashe stepped back and nearly fell as her foot caught the edge of a step. Instead, her back bumped against Andrew's chest as he mused, "Neat trick."

Shifting his gaze to Andrew, the phantom of Rasler narrowed his eyes but didn't speak. His reaction caused a wave of panic to wash over Ashe, but before she could break down and begin making excuses for her 'adultery,' Andrew remarked, "This isn't your husband. If it were a true phantom, we would be able to sense it. What you see before you is a projection, a cruel and unnecessary trick intended to set you on a specific path."

Lost and confused, Ashe opened her mouth but couldn't find any words to articulate. In her stead, it was Andrew, meeting the phantom's gaze, who said, "Your desire to destroy the Empire will not come to pass. However, if you vest Ashelia the power you planned to entice her with, we can at least deal with the 'traitor' pricking your backside."

Unable to ignore Andrew's words, the projection or Rasler stated, "You are not of this world. For what purpose have you come here?"

Adopting a faint smile, Andrew asserted, "I came to prevent tragedy and create opportunities. If you want a more detailed explanation, feel free to ask when we meet face to face. Now, I believe you have something that belongs to my woman."

Understanding that Andrew was referring to her, Ashe both paled and blushed at the same time, appearing somewhat sickly. She hadn't told Basch the specifics of her 'arrangement' with Andrew, so she felt like he had just ousted her in public.

"Hey, what's going on?" asked Vaan, voicing the thoughts of nearly everyone present but revealing he had more information than the rest by asking, "Who is that guy...?"

"Who is what guy...?" asked Penelo, who, like Basch, Balthier, and Fran, could not see or hear Rasler's projection.

Shaking his head, Andrew elected to ignore Vaan's interruption, his eyes exuding severity as he stared at the entity 'behind' Rasler's eyes, stating, "I am not your enemy. If you don't believe me, just watch what I do from now on. It's not like you can't choose a champion, and Ashelia is the best choice on principle."

"We shall observe and determine that for ourselves..." responded the projection, extending its right hand toward Ashe, revealing it had had the Dawn Shard. The latter was momentarily taken aback by its actions, but after staring at the pulsating sphere for several seconds, she reached out to accept it. Then, in the blink of an eye, the projection vanished, leaving her with innumerable questions.

Before Ashe could query him, Andrew caused her to tense by wrapping his arms around her and whispering, "We'll talk about it later, but there's only so much I can tell you before you reclaim the throne and restore your Kingdom. I'm just guaranteeing you have the freedom to choose how you go about it..."

Though she furrowed her brows, Ashe didn't immediately attempt to break free from Andrew's hold. Instead, she tilted her head back and gazed up at him with a serious expression, whispering, "When the time comes, I expect a full explanation..."

"At that time, I will have no secrets..." responded Andrew, pushing his luck by tracing his finger around Ashe's exposed navel. She smacked his hand and stepped away in response, but she would have done so regardless of his actions as they presently had an audience.

After covering her mouth and coughing to both clear her throat and mask her embarrassment, Ashe held up the Dawn Shard and addressed the rest of their group, stating, "Now that I have retrieved the Dawn Shard, we will make for Rabanastre. It will likely be some time before I can announce my return and reclaim my throne, but if you stay true to my cause, the reward will more than make up for any troubles we encounter in the interim..."

Seizing the opportunity, Balthier asked, "Permit us to continue making use of our mysterious friend's power, and I'm in. Considering we're being kept in the dark, I'd argue that isn't too much to ask."

With Balthier directing his words to him, a slight frown marred Andrew's face. However, as Fran had offered to 'warrant' Balthier's blessing on his behalf, he had no reason to refuse the Sky Pirate's request.

"Sure. So long as you act as an agent of Dalmasca or at Princess Ashelia's request, I will permit you to keep the blessing I vested you," said Andrew. "The only caveat is that you don't use my powers for overt criminal acts or cruelty. I consider myself responsible for everyone who utilizes my power, so if you exploit it for malicious ends, expect your own to be painful..."

Raising his hands in a gesture of mock surrender, Balthier maintained a smile and replied, "I'll keep that in mind," as cold sweat broke across his body. Andrew didn't release any power, but the gleam of his glowing blue eyes was colder than ice.

"So, who was that guy that appeared...?" asked Vaan, appearing slightly annoyed as he adopted a casual stance with his hands behind his head. He didn't appreciate being ignored, so he planned to keep asking until he received an answer.

"It was—or at least looked like my late husband, Rasler," explained Ashe, adopting a conflicted frown as she looked to Andrew before returning her gaze to the rest of the group and declaring, "But that isn't important right now. We have recovered the Dawn Shard and the Dynast King's treasure, the ancient Gigas, Belias. We should flee this place before the Empire can encircle and entrap us."

"Can't Andrew teleport us out...?" questioned Penelo, her body tensing as everyone's gazes shifted to her. Fortunately, Andrew promptly answered, "It's certainly possible. I've set up a few dozen waypoints since I arrived in Dalmasca, and there doesn't appear to be anything here to stop spatial movements."

With Andrew turning his attention to her, Ashe intuited that he was leaving the decision to her, her expression becoming serious as she offered a curt nod and stated, "We can seek further opportunities to improve once we've alluded the Empire's pursuit. For now, we return to the Strahl and make for Rabanastre."

"Sounds like a plan," replied Andrew, placing his hand on the small of Ashe's back and guiding her toward the rest of the group as he explained the conditions and requirements for teleportation. In response, everyone formed a circle with their hands before closing their eyes. The latter part was unnecessary, but Andrew enjoyed their looks of surprise when, less than two seconds later, he informed them to open their eyes as they were already at their destination...




[July 1st, 1800 AC(Alexandrian Calendar)]

'Gods have mercy...' pleaded Ashe, her reddened face half-buried in a pillow as Andrew reshaped her insides with a deep, rhythmic thrust from above, his hips smacking against her ass and sending tremors through her body.

Though he preferred his partners to be more active, Andrew couldn't help grinning as each of his movements squeaked out tiny moans from Ashe's throat, her pussy clenching powerfully each time he poked her innermost walls and pulled his hips back. Ashe was a remarkably stubborn woman, but no matter how she suppressed her voice, she couldn't stop her body from responding honestly.

Upon returning to Rabanastre, the first thing Ashe did was attempt to get in contact with the local Resistance. Unfortunately, their leader, Captain Azelas, had gone missing. The rest were wholly unaware of her identity, and even fewer trusted Basch since many still blamed him for the death of their King. As a result, Ashe was turned away and even threatened by the remaining Resistance forces, forcing her to act independently as her uncle, Marquis Ondore, mobilized his forces.

With little else to do as she waited, Ashe had been training and learning how to control her Magick from Andrew properly. Penelo and even Fran often joined them, but once the sun went down, Ashe found herself at the mercy of Andrew's insatiable libido, feeling that her mind and body were breaking more with each passing day. Not in a literal sense, but that was only a small comfort as Ashe found herself sinking deeper into the abyss of pleasure.

*tok* *tok* *tok*

Though Ashe was too far gone to hear it, Andrew's ears perked at the sound of someone knocking on their door, prompting him to adjust his position and sit on his knees, raising the Princess's ass to keep pounding her as he called out, "Door's open!"

In response to Andrew's call, a silvery-haired Viera poked her head into the room, her wine-red eyes briefly taking in the libidinous scene with a hint of envy as she revealed, "Dinner will be prepared shortly. Will you be taking a bath beforehand...?"

Nodding in affirmation, Andrew answered, "We'll be there in a bit," before returning his attention to Ashe and picking up the pace. She could easily accept his full length at this point, so he bottomed out in her nearly twice a second as his desire to cum compounded. The intense pleasure caused Ashe to slip in and out of consciousness, largely due to her propensity for holding her breath, but Andrew didn't cease until he was on the verge of blowing. When he did, Ashe's body seized and shuddered as he stretched her to her limits and released several ounces of semen inside her.

Noticing that the Viera was still present, Andrew met her hungry gaze with raised brows and a slightly amused smile, lightly smacking Ashe's ass as he remarked, "This isn't an exhibition. You should leave before my friend here regains her senses."

Folding her hands over her lap, the Viera bowed her head and said, "As you will," before turning to depart. Andrew's eyes instinctively lowered to glimpse her perky and full brown ass, but as eager as he was to sample a Viera, he promised Fran she would be his first...




Regaining her senses after several minutes, Ashe accompanied Andrew to take a bath, her expression dazed and her demeanor lethargic as she was tended to by a trio of Viera. Andrew had made the bathhouse he visited in the past their temporary residence, so Ashe had been receiving Princess-like treatment while he lived like a King, doted on by basically every Viera in the commune.

"You good...?" asked Andrew, not even batting an eye as one of the Viera flanking him took the liberty to give his still-erect penis a 'very' thorough cleansing. He still remembered Garnet's suggestion to act naturally, even in compromising circumstances, so his expression remained a completely relaxed smile as Ashe looked over to meet his gaze.

Closing her eyes, Ashe exhaled a sigh and admitted, "I was thinking that, at the rate things are going, I will lose myself long before I reclaim what's mine..."

"There's nothing wrong with taking things easy every now and then," said Andrew. "You've already waited more than two years. What're a few more days as we wait for the first rains of the rainy season...?"

Adopting a half-lidded, slightly accusatory expression, Ashe stared at Andrew and muttered, "It wouldn't be a problem if someone learned the meaning of the word restraint..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Andrew pointed out, "You're the one who didn't want me sleeping with other women until we produced an heir. I certainly wouldn't mind Penelo, Fran, or one of these beautiful bunnies keeping me company in your stead."

"It would be our pleasure," said the Viera to Andrew's left, her sultry voice tickling his ear as her grip on his cock tightened.

Though she frowned seeing the Viera's conduct, Ashe knew she wouldn't last if she kept trying to endure Andrew's libido alone. She thought things would get easier as she got used to it, but as her sensitivity increased, her thoughts of revenge and rebuilding her Kingdom were gradually replaced by a yearning for even greater pleasure...

"Do what you will..." muttered Ashe, closing her eyes and relaxing into the embrace of the Viera seated behind her. Unfortunately for those tending Andrew, his promise with Fran compelled him to refuse when they offered to relocate somewhere with greater privacy...





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