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'Well, this isn't how I expected things to go...' thought Andrew, sitting in a cluttered storage room atop a bed with a stone frame, patiently awaiting Penelo's return. He had the impression a misunderstanding had occurred, but he decided to see how things played out, half out of curiosity and the other half to acquire information.

Returning after twenty-seven minutes, Penelo appearing flustered and covered in sweat, expressed, "Sorry it took so long. I needed to explain the situation and find someone to look after the store. Today is busier than usual due to the Consul's Ceremony and the fete being hosted at the palace..."

"I'm not in a hurry," replied Andrew, leaning back on the nearly rock-hard bed, propping himself with his hands.

"Then...what do you want me to do first?" asked Penelo, swallowing hard. Her dream was to become a famous Dancer, but as she was still saving up to receive lessons and earn her license, she only knew the 'theory' behind what she was supposed to do.

"Surprise me," replied Andrew, still not entirely sure what the blonde had in mind. He didn't even know if 5,000 Gil was a lot of money, so for all he knew, she would simply wash his feet or wipe away his sweat. According to Nanamo, such services were common in desert kingdoms with little in the way of technology.

"Right..." muttered Penelo, tentatively approaching Andrew and dropping to her knees, aided by her bronze knee and shin guards. Then, making it fairly obvious what he had paid for, she gazed up at him and asked, "Can you take off your pants, or do you want me to do it for you...?"

Deciding to remove all uncertainty, Andrew narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "How does this end?"

Tilting her head to the side, Penelo hesitated for several seconds before asking, "Didn't you want to buy my time? That usually involves...you know, sex and stuff..."

Shaking his head, Andrew replied, "I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. That being the case, why don't you hop up here..."

Seeing Andrew pat his right thigh, Penelo responded with a nod before rising to her feet and sitting with her back to him. He intended for her to sit with her legs splayed and facing him but decided not to correct her as he wrapped his hands around her body, resting his palms on her abdomen as he asked, "Are you absolutely certain this is something you want to do? You mentioned it was your first time..."

"I'm an orphan..." replied Penelo, hanging her head to observe Andrew's actions as she explained, "Times were hard even before the Empire took over. Now, it costs a lot of money just to live above ground. My dream is to become a famous Dancer and save enough money for an airship, but I need money to take lessons and acquire a license..."

"What do you need an airship for...?" asked Andrew, fairly certain he knew the answer but wanting to hear it from Penelo's mouth.

"It's for my childhood friend and the other orphans. We want to leave this place and be free of the Empire's influence..." expressed Penelo, her face becoming increasingly red as nervousness swelled within her, causing her to tremble slightly.

"Is this something all Dancers do...?" questioned Andrew, deciding against asking for the specifics of Penelo's 'childhood friend.'

Instead of answering Andrew's question, Penelo supplied one of her own, specifically, "You're not from around here, are you?"

"Did my tail and the currency I used not make that obvious...?" countered Andrew, snaking his tail around the front of Penelo's body to demonstrate that it was real, not some accessory like the wings adorning her shoulders and poking against him like bronze blades.

Staring at Andrew's tail, the tip creeping its way up to nestle between her breasts, Penelo asked, "Can I touch it...?" in a faint tone.

"I suppose that's fair, given the situation..." replied Andrew, moving his hand down to trace the pattern carved into Penelo's bodysuit, a series of seams made to resemble underwear. He noticed that one of the seams, specifically the one bordering the fabric that covered her crotch, had tiny hooks that kept it in place, allowing expedient removal. Without it, Penelo would need to remove her entire outfit to relieve herself.

As Penelo grabbed, squeezed, and, somewhat surprisingly, licked his tail, Andrew asked, "Back to my earlier question...is this something all Dancers do?" while continuing to caress the seams of her outfit.

"Well, yeah..." replied Penelo, holding the tip of Andrew's tail up to her nose to give it a whiff, noting it smelled of shampoo as she explained, "It is one of the few ways outside of military service a 'lowborn' can gain the status necessary to purchase property or open a store. I've been able to stay and work here due to Migelo's past friendship with my parents, but I can't depend on him forever..."

"And how much does an airship cost...?" asked Andrew, causing Penelo to stare back at him with puzzlement. When she saw the relaxed smile on his face, however, she replied, "It depends on the Class. The smallest Fighter craft costs between 80-100,000 Gil. The commercial transport ships used to ferry people between cities cost at least ten times that. Military-grade airships are illegal to buy with weapons attached, but I once heard about a decommissioned Light Cruiser being auctioned for 230,000,000..."

Though the prices Penelo mentioned were within the range of Andrew's expectations, he still raised his brows and asked, "And you're planning to save up enough money to purchase one of these...?"

"Eventually..." muttered Penelo, but her words trailed off near the end as she knew how difficult the road ahead was. She didn't even mention the costs of acquiring a license and leasing a dock at the aerodrome. Without sufficient security and routine maintenance, the odds of someone stealing your airship or having it fall into disrepair were high. And then there were fuel costs...

"Turn around," said Andrew, causing Penelo to hesitate before she rose to her feet, turned around, and settled onto his lap. The sudden proximity of his face to hers made her feel uneasy, but she comforted herself with the knowledge that he was, at the very least, handsome.

Contradicting his words, Andrew cupped Penelo's perky ass, unabashedly rubbing it as he asked, "How much would it cost to have you 'not' sell your body?"

Blinking in surprise, Penelo tilted her head to the side and asked, "What do you mean...?"

"You're a good girl," explained Andrew. "Someone that cares about her friends and is willing to sacrifice for them shouldn't have to. So let me know how much you need to be free of your burdens, and I'll do what I can to provide it. From there, you'll only do what you want, not what you think you must..."

Furrowing her brows, Penelo muttered, "It sounds like you want to buy me, not just my time..."

"Only if that's what 'you' want," replied Andrew, shrugging as he added, "If you would rather settle down with a boy you like, more power to you. I just don't think you should have to sell your body to attain your and your friends' freedoms. As for why I chose you to give this opportunity to, let's just say your personality, outfit, and other features left a good impression on me..."

Punctuating his words, Andrew gave Penelo's ass a squeeze, making it clear he wouldn't mind taking things to the next level but that he had no intention of having her whore herself out to him. Her outfit and desire to be a Dancer certainly stood out when he played the game, but now that he understood what the profession entailed, he would rather set the kind girl on a different path.

Though an image appeared in her mind when Andrew mentioned a boy she liked, Penelo's expression became serious as she swallowed hard and asked, "Can I ask for any amount...?"

"Within reason," replied Andrew, adopting a wry smile as he noted, "I have access to quite a bit of funds, but they aren't infinite. Since you compared it to me purchasing you, let's start with what you think you're worth. Your 'quote' back in the shop was 500 Gil an hour, so if we multiply that by the number of hours in a day and compare it to the average life expectancy of a Hume, that comes to...262,800,000 Gil across sixty years."

Hearing Andrew casually value her as more than a Light Cruiser, Penelo nearly fainted. Even literal slaves were only worth 10-50,000 Gil, so she thought she would be stretching the limits of Andrew's philanthropy by asking for 300,000...

Still reeling, Penelo gazed up at Andrew with slack-jawed disbelief as she asked, "You have that kind of money...?"

Shaking his head, Andrew said, "No questions. Just tell me what you want to do."

Feeling overwhelmed, Penelo shrank in on herself and swallowed audibly. She didn't believe for one second that she was worth 262,800,000 Gil, so the most rational explanation was that Andrew was teasing or testing her. However, as he didn't strike her as a cruel person, she chose to believe it was the latter, pressing the tips of her fingers together as she responded, "Five...five million is enough..."

"Enough for what...?" asked Andrew.

Swallowing a third time, Penelo raised her gaze and clarified, "Five million, and I'm yours..."

"You don't have anyone you like?" asked Andrew, raising his right brow as he was fairly certain she did.

Averting her gaze, Penelo replied, "I do...but he's immature, constantly getting into trouble, and always worrying me. I hoped we could be more someday, but we're more like brother and sister now. Besides...he knows I plan to become a Dancer and has never tried talking me out of it..."

"Then allow me to clarify something..." said Andrew, squeezing Penelo's ass as he explained, "I have many women and am likely to acquire even more. If that bothers you, it would be better to just take the money and follow your heart's path. Regardless of what you choose, I won't retract my offer. I value my word far more than 5,000,000 Gil..."

Though she wanted to believe Andrew's words, their current position left Penelo feeling like she couldn't simply back down. Thus, after a prolonged silence, she tentatively proposed, "What if we just do it this one time...that way, I won't feel as indebted to you and can move on with my life. Then, if you ever return to Rabanastre and I'm not in a relationship...I'll dance, just for you..."

"If that's 'really' what you want, I'm not going to try and talk you out of it," replied Andrew, pulling Penelo's crotch flush against his bulge as he said, "But you need to say it..."

Swallowing harder than all the other times, Penelo replied, "It's okay...I came here expecting to give up my first time, so I would feel...guilty if I turned back now..."

"Then, first things first..." muttered Andrew, waving his hand over the bed and depositing several full-sized gold bars onto its surface, allowing them to cling and clang against each other as Penelo stared in awe. Each had a value of around 200,000 Gil, so Andrew carelessly stacked thirty of the lustrous ingots before lying on his back and grinning as he said, "Let's see how a prospective Dancer moves her hips..."

Tearing her eyes from the mountain of gold, Penelo met Andrew's gaze and adopted a serious expression before nodding in affirmation. She had a lot of questions, but she didn't want to annoy Andrew by asking them at that exact moment. Instead, she raised her butt, supporting herself on her knees as she unfastened and set aside the cloth covering her cleanly shaven crotch and butt. Then, as Andrew had already removed his pants, creating even more questions in Penelo's mind, she pinned his dick to his abdomen with her pussy and began grinding against him while rolling her hips like a belly dancer. His size was a bit concerning, but Penelo knew they had gone much too far for her to back down...





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