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"What was that...?" asked Claire, holding her forehead, which felt as hot as a stone left out in the sun.

Answering in Andrew's stead, Serah pointed out, "It was a vision of our past and future...well, a possible future..."

"That's right," affirmed Andrew, nodding as he explained, "When I entered this world, I encountered the Goddess that presides over the cycle of life and death, Entro. She's the one who created Oracle Drive and granted me the ability to stop, start, and travel through particular timelines. What you just witnessed was the sequence of events that would have occurred had I not appeared before you."

"So, what, you expect us to be thankful for the warning and spread our legs...?" asked Claire, glaring at Andrew with such intensity he imagined he could feel her boring a hole into him.

Instead of refuting Claire's words, Andrew mused, "I actually expect you to spread them for a different, albeit tangential reason. This world needs Proxies to represent it abroad, and that status generally requires sex or other forms of intimacy to maintain. As an additional perk, you'll receive a substantial boon from Etro, the Goddess that created humanity, vesting you the power to overcome just about anything this world might throw at you."

"It sounds like you're making a sales pitch..." remarked Serah, adopting a wry smile. If not for Andrew's handsome face and eye-catching physique, she would be feeling more nervous than excited...

"That's because I've been through this particular song and dance quite a few times," explained Andrew, pulling out a pair of manilla folders from his Item Box and adding, "So much so that I've even had time to prepare this. Enclosed, you'll find a general description of my powers and abilities, the benefits you'll gain by becoming a Proxy, and the most recent copy of the Interworld Trade Agreement, a document detailing taxes, tariff rates, and a few prohibitions you'll need to be aware of."

Though neither seemed enthused, Serah and Claire opened the folders, perusing the documents for nearly an hour as Andrew waited, providing snacks and unfreezing their drinks. He also felt he was being a little too formal, but he felt it was necessary for someone like Lightning, and even if they refused his offer, it wouldn't bother him too much. Etro was bound to Valhalla, less the tides of chaos surge forth and consume the visible world, but she was more than qualified to serve as its Proxy as she had a literal hand in its creation.

Finishing the document much faster than her elder sister, Serah wore a serious expression as she met Andrew's gaze and asked, "And what if we refuse? You leave and consign us to our fate...?"

Raising his brows, Andrew questioned, "What makes you believe I'd do something like that? I'm opportunistic, sure, but I'm not a heartless ass. Even if you don't become a Proxy, just knowing the future has afforded you the opportunity to change it. You just won't receive as much support as you could have."

Adopting a somewhat awkward smile, Andrew was tempted to reveal they were the fourth pair of Farron sisters he had dealt with, but he didn't think it would help his situation. That's why, this time, he had come to a timeline where Lightning still went by her true name, Claire. Those that referred to themselves as Lightning were, for lack of a better descriptive, excessively volatile...

Thinking her sister might actually be considering Andrew's offer, Claire's expression became serious as she said, "I'll do it. I'll become your Proxy, but only if you leave Serah—"

Before Claire could finish, Serah interjected, stating, "No, I'll become his Proxy. You're not suited to politics, socializing, and paperwork, Claire. If we can't do this together, I'll bear the responsibility, and you can support me, just as you always have..."

While furrowing her brows to their limits, Claire's voice deepened as she said, "Please don't fight me on this, Serah...I've done everything I could to protect and secure your future these past six years. If you took on this responsibility and something happened to you...I wouldn't be able to live with myself..."

"You're making me sound like a bad guy..." remarked Andrew, earning a silencing glare from the would-be protagonist.

Undaunted by Claire's glare, Andrew shrugged and said, "Well, there's no reason to decide now. I can just add you to my contact list. Then you can contact me once you've talked things through and reached an agreement. Just keep in mind that if either of you attempts to contact me privately, I'll feel obligated to share the chat logs with the other party."

Punctuating his words, Andrew sent friend requests to the two sisters, left a small tower of Gil on the table, and rose to his feet. Then, after enjoying a nice stretch, he pulled out the pocket watch, pressing the crown so that time began flowing anew. Once it had, he gave a two-fingered salute and teased, "Here's hoping I get to see the two of you in even more revealing clothes in the future," before promptly disappearing...




Though it was a fairly big deal that a Goddess had joined the ranks of the Interworld Alliance, Andrew left it to others to entreat Etro for knowledge and wisdom while he, as usual, did his own thing. More accurately, as the sun had risen, heralding a new day in Spira, he was kicked back, relaxed, and lying with his hands behind his head as Yuna and, as a result, Lenne bounced enthusiastically atop his dick.

'Yeah, this is way better...' thought Andrew, smiling with narrowed eyes as a feverish sensation filled his body. Etro's ability to imitate the features of other women was incredible, but her expression rarely changed, and she never once allowed her voice to leak out. Hell, as far as he could tell, she didn't even breathe, blink, or possess a heartbeat...

In stark contrast to Etro's detachment, Yuna was 'very' vocal, sonorous moans emanating from her throat with each movement while Lenne bit her lip and kept her eyes firmly shut. However, despite her best attempts to stifle her moans, the thousand-year-old Diva's throaty groans were the perfect accompaniment to Yuna's lively, uninhibited cries as she reached up to comb through and grasp her hair with both hands.

Deciding to mess with both girls, Andrew issued a groan of his own as he grasped the duo's asses and pulled them flush against him, releasing his seed deeps inside their integrated pussies. The sudden creampie caused Yuna's pussy to clamp and quiver out of habit, but the intense orgasm she had been building up to never came.

Exhaling a contented groan, Andrew gave the duo's ass a light smack and stated, "Your 'cooperation' is getting better by the day. At this rate, I'll be lucky to last more than a few minutes between rounds..."

Contrasting the 'relief' that should have been present on her face, Lenne was right alongside Yuna as the duo frowned, the interior of their brows twitching. The shot he had just unleashed was the fifth, so if they went with their original agreement, they would need to stop despite his dick still being hard and both of them being on the verge of a powerful climax.

"Just...just once more..." muttered Yuna, placing her hands on Andrew's abdomen before trying to move. Unfortunately, Andrew held her in place with his hands and tail, shaking his head as he said, "We shouldn't burden Lenne too much..."

Hearing Andrew mention her as the reason they couldn't get off, Lenne's brows furrowed deeper. She wasn't nearly as naive as Yuna, so she could tell Andrew was messing with them to gauge her response. The problem was, even if she knew what he was doing, it didn't make her and Yuna any less horny...

"Once more is fine..." muttered Lenne, her naturally deep and captivating voice music to both Andrew's and Yuna's ears as she guided the latter's hands to the former's shoulders. Yuna took over from there, lowering her face to meet Andrew's lips, compelling Lenne to join in. Then, rather than doing it once more, they rounded up to ten...




Though he made a quick stopover to visit Garnet and eat lunch with her, Eiko, and Barret's adoptive daughter, Marlene, Andrew returned to Spira after agreeing to enter a recently discovered dungeon with Yuna, Rikku, and Paine earlier that morning. More specifically, Shinra had detected a Sphere in the 'Great Forest' located to the east of the Moonflow, a region most people steered clear of as, when Sin began attacking coastlines, the majority of monsters migrated to the center of the continent, rendering it inaccessible to all but a brave or exceptionally powerful few.

As it was too dangerous for the Fahrenheit to land in the extremely dense, monster-infested forest, Yuna cast Float on everyone so they could leap from the peculiar airship's deck, dropping several hundred meters into the ruins of an ancient stone city.

Curiously, though Rikku and Paine weren't able to hear her, Lenne seemed to recognize the ruins, quietly remarking, "I think I've been here before..." while looking around, prompting Yuna to do the same.

"What is it, Yunie?" asked Rikku, having heard Lenne utterance spoken through Yuna. More notably, since she was using the Thief Dressphere, her usual, comparably modest outfit had been replaced by a yellow bikini top with tan ruffled sleeves, brown fingerless gloves, a long red scarf that was tinged gold near the ends, yellow bikini bottoms under a remarkably short and green skirt, and flat-soled, blue and white boots.

"It was Lenne speaking through me," said Yuna. She had already informed Rikku and Paine of the presence of her possessor, so she felt no qualms in revealing, "She says she recognizes this place."

"Makes sense if she went on tour a bunch..." responded Paine, wearing a 'Warrior' Dressphere using her own memories as a template. She was the most comfortable in her 'default' attire, so that's what she wore unless the situation mandated a 'Dress Change,' a peculiar phenomenon reminsicent of Magical Girl's transformation.

Speaking and acting through Yuna, Lenne, dressed in the Songstress Dressphere but wielding an ornate summoner's staff, pointed said staff at  an ancient-looking temple, stating, "Yes, I'm certain of it. Those alabaster ruins over there should be the Temple of the Luminous Dawn. If the Fayth has been preserved, it's where one can attune to the Great Aeon of Light, Alexander."

"The Great Aeon of Light...?" parroted Paine, raising her right brow with a confused yet intrigued look. It was known that there were more Aeons than just Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, Shiva, and Bahamut, but she had never heard of one called Alexander.

Nodding in affirmation, Lenne explained, "A thousand years ago, there were Eight Great Temples representing the Principle Gods of the Ancient World. These were Kush, Goddess of the Hearth, Velm, God of Protection, Slone, God of Penitence, Arb, God of Wisdom, Luchel, God of Warfare, Kanaela, Goddess of Warding, Meiyou, Goddess of Light, and Guarduo, God of Darkness. Enshrined in each of their Temples were the Fayth representing them: Phoenix, Carbuncle, Ramuh, Kujata, Odin, Eden, Alexander, and Zodiark."

"That's a lot of Aeons..." muttered Rikku, swallowing nervously as she looked in the direction of the dilapidated temple. The Sphere they were looking for was definitely inside, but even if it hadn't been, they couldn't just ignore such a conspicious-looking building.

Adopting a smile, Lenne revealed, "There was a time where every single Summoner possessed their own Aeon, known as a Juushin. However, as that practice had been banned by the Summoner's Council of Zanarkand, only a handful of extremists practiced it. The rest went on pilgrimages to the Eight Great Temples and eleven Minor Temples. But, unless you were exceptionally talented, the average Summoner would never get a chance to summon any of the Great Aeons. During the time of the Machina War, only Lady Yunalesca and her father, Lord Yevon, possessed the means to manifest them."

"Well, it can't hurt to take a look~!" exclaimed Yuna, creating a sense of incongruency in the group as she was effectively responding to herself. Then, without waiting for anyone to respond, she began running toward the Temple, eager and curious to uncover its secrets...





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