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(A/N: This What If scenario immediately follows the events of Chapter 56. It's also fairly brief, as I don't have the patience to write long and explicit furry content xD...)




Though he was surprised when Kaia kissed him, what left Cairn at a loss for words was the fact he didn't dislike it. Rather, feeling her heart racing and the warmth of her body suffusing his cold body, a certain part of him began to react of its own accord.

Feeling something hard pressing against the diaphragm of her lower body, the beating of Kaia's two hearts became even faster. However, that pace was nothing compared to when Cairn slid his hands up her sides, running his fingers through her recently sheared fur until his thumbs reached the fabric covering her breasts. Then, while holding her gaze with an intense one of his own, he swallowed hard and pulled up the fabric, exposing her modest breasts, perky pink nipples, and Statuette of the Goddess nestled between...

"It's okay..." affirmed Kaia, her voice faint and trembling slightly as the effects of her medicine were woefully incapable of suppressing the heat spreading through her body, making her feel feverish.

Swallowing a second time, Cairn leaned forward and returned Kaia's kiss. At the same time, he ran his hands up and down her sides, enjoying the texture of her fur as she leaned into him. The thought that he was doing something wrong reared its ugly head, but Cairn promptly dismissed it as it sure as hell didn't 'feel' wrong. If anything, he felt guilty about taking so long to reward Kaia's unwavering companionship and support...

Surprising Kaia immensely, Cairn moved his hands from her sides, slipping them between her forelimbs before lifting her. In response, she placed her paws on his shoulders and scooted forward instinctually, bringing her exposed breasts in line with Cairn's face, allowing him to nuzzle them as he moved his hands to what qualified as her butt.

"Let me remove my armor..." panted Kaia, her rising body temperature causing her breathing to become labored and visible due to the sub-zero temperatures of the Den of Greed's 9th Floor.

Hearing Kaia's words, a peculiar sense of incongruency struck Cairn, but rather than taking a step back, he nodded his head, releasing his hold on the excited Karakut's body and even helping her to remove her harness and the various blankets covering her body, storing them in his Inventory before bringing out his bedding set.

Staring at Cairn with a hint of frenzy in her wine-red eyes, Kaia advised, "Just lie down...I'll take care of everything..."

Though he didn't like being passive in the bedroom, Cairn nodded in affirmation, offering a curt "Sure," before sprawling out atop his futon, removing his equipment and clothes. The moment he was finished, Kaia hopped on top of him, 'kneeling' on his shoulders with her forelimbs as she shifted her hindquarters, lining up her startlingly hot lagomorphic pussy with the tip of his dick. Then, with a series of jerking motions, she began breathing heavily and loudly as she tried her best to accept the entirety of his cock.

"It's...inside..." panted Kaia, holding the sides of her face and staring up with glazed eyes and an impassioned look on her face. Compared to Felix, Cairn may as well have been a Taurian, so Kaia felt like her body had been irreversibly altered by the invasion of his cock. Yet, rather than feeling a sense of loss, she felt...complete.

Contrasting Kaia's almost overwhelming sense of gratification, Cairn felt awkward and a little uncomfortable. The inside of her pussy was so hot it felt like his dick was being cooked in an oven. He also didn't like that she had him pinned, the thick fluff between her forelimbs obscuring his vision and nearly smothering him. Her scent made his head feel fluffy, likely as a result of the Draught Vira had given him, but he wasn't particularly fond of the position they were in...

Increasing Cairn's discomfort but overriding it with pleasure, Kaia dug the surprisingly long and sharp nails of her hindlegs into the futon and began 'pumping' her hindquarters with quick, intense movements. Her pace was a little fast, but Cairn resolved to endure it, grabbing Kaia's fluffy rear end and enjoying the ride. Karakuts were sexually charged creatures, but so long as she got a bit of semen inside of her, Kaia's estrus should subside, allowing him to switch to a more comfortable position.

Fortunately for Cairn, Kaia seemed 'determined' to milk him as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, while they were able to swap positions a number of times after that, he soon learned the hard way what 'sexually charged' meant. The more he and Kaia went at it, the more vigorous she seemed to become. He, on the other hand, quickly became exhausted, earning him a newfound respect for Felix...






Kaia doesn’t get this because you don’t like furries 😭


It's not that I don't like furries; I have nothing against them. I just don't like writing R18 content, in general, so writing furry erotica is especially taxing.


Man, and here I was hoping kaia would be the girl for him but I guess that won't happen anymore.


Webnovel/qidian disapproves of anything that could be even remotely construed as furry 'propaganda.' Kaia is a great companion, but she could never be the heroine.