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"It looks like they've stopped," said Cairn, even though Elle and Kaia could just as easily see Tarou's proximity marker.

"What do you think her intentions are...?" asked Kaia, brows furrowed as she couldn't understand why a Princess of the Runegraad Kingdom would be running around, stealing things in broad daylight.

"Who knows?" replied Cairn. "But, seeing as she's stopped not too far from here, my guess is that she wants to speak with us. Either that, or she's luring us into a trap."

"Then, what are we going to do?" asked Kaia.

"It's simple," replied Cairn. "You and Elle are going to find us a place to stay while I see what our new friend is up to."

"But, what if it's a trap?" asked Kaia, frown deepening as she added, "You could be killed or, even worse, captured..."

"That's why I'm having us split up," said Cairn. "If I kick the bucket, I'm told my body will turn into a spirit, allowing me to move to a safe location and revive after a set time. If either of you dies, it will set us back 10,000 Graadis and drain 10% of your Experience."

Before Kaia could respond, Cairn shook his head, stating, "Also, we have a massive advantage in this situation thanks to my Insight. If I am captured and detained, the two of you can explain the situation to the Pope. Better yet, if they form a rescue party, you can lead them directly to my location. Easy peasy."

Though Kaia was at a loss, Elle covered her mouth and snickered, her pink eyes glistening in amusement as she remarked, "I realized this a while ago, but you're pretty bold, Cairn. Now, give me a kiss. Then off you go to play Hero."

Ignoring the surprised gazes of several passersby, Cairn bent down and gave Elle the kiss she had demanded, her hands grasping his head and holding him in place for several seconds. Afterward, he ruffled Kaia's hair, causing the frustrated Karakut to puff out her cheeks before he made his way in the direction of Tarou's proximity marker...




"Well, this is weird..." muttered Cairn, staring blankly at a sign that said 'Black Cat Cafe' posted above a glazed glass window. The pungent yet alluring smell of coffee hung in the air, but the interior of the relatively small shop, as seen through the front window, was empty.

Looking around, Cairn noticed that none of the passersby seemed to pay any attention to the cafe. Even those who passed by him and followed his gaze out of curiosity just raised their brows before continuing on their way as if what he was looking at wasn't strange in the slightest.

Deciding to use his Insight, Cairn's brows perked up as information about the cafe, its owner, and the materials used in its construction materialized before him. More importantly, it told him about the enchantments applied to the building. Among them, the ones that caught Cairn's attention were the Obsfucation and Anti-Surveilance Diffusion Fields. The first made the building appear abandoned, while the latter, as the name implied, blocked various forms of surveillance and detection magics.

"Looks like our little thief is shy..." muttered Cairn, reaching for the cafe's door, unsurprised to find it was locked. Fortunately, before he could even think to bust it down, the door opened from the inside, revealing a young girl with short, bright yellow hair and eyes that glowed like blue frost fire. Tiny black ribbons adored both sides of her head, and though her height was only around 140cm, her outfit, consisting of a silvery breastplate, full gauntlets, a dark blue bell-shaped skirt, and thigh-high boots, gave the impression she was a Knight.


Name: Alice

Species: Chimera[Human(50%), Hearthling(30%), Locust(20%)]

Gender: Female

Age: 995

Title: Doll-like Monster(Str and Vit increased by 20%. Cha increased by 50%)

Class: Sentinel(Epic)


Level: 60/60(-/-)

HP: 520,982/520,982

MP: 287,419/300,000

Str: 319+376

Agi: 208+87

Vit: 1004+1185

Int: 90

Dex: 280+168

Cha: 600+780

Talent(s): [Indomitable(60/60)], [Danger Sense(60/60)], [Artificial Dragon Heart(-/-)], [Chitinous Plating(20/20)], [Heavy Weapons Mastery(58/58)], [Magic Resistance(50/50)], [Resilience(50/50)], [Regeneration(50/50)], [Inhuman Strength(40/40)], [Bedroom Arts(30/30)], [Dancing(30/30)], [Singing(30/30)], [Slaughter(28/100)]

Skill(s): [Fire Dragon's Breath(MAX)], [Overload(MAX)], [Charge(MAX)], [Heavy Blow(MAX)], [Helmet Break(MAX)], [Ground Quaker(MAX)], [Self Destruct(1/10)]


("Well, that's scary as shit...") thought Cairn, forcing a smile despite the fresh layer of goosebumps that had spread across his body.

Catching Cairn a little off guard, the wide-eyed Chimera asked, "Are you the Champion?" in a melodic yet emotionless tone.

"I'm here to see the Princess," responded Cairn. However, he immediately regretted this as Alice promptly grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm hard enough to dislocate it as she yanked him into the room, kicked his feet out from under him, twisted his hand behind his back, pinned him to the floor, and sat atop him in one swift series of movements.

*Ding! You have suffered 548 Damage! Your right arm has been disabled! Your Talent, [Pain Tolerance], has increased to Rank 17!*

"No shit..." grumbled Cairn, simultaneously thankful he was wearing the Ookami's Visage as his face had struck the ground hard enough to crack the floorboards.

"That's quite enough, Alice," said a soft, feminine voice, drawing Cairn's attention to another blonde-haired Chimera, this one with amber eyes and strange 'antennae' drooping from the sides of her head, framing her face. She also appeared much older than Alice, standing around 165cm tall, but her Status proved otherwise...


Name: Amelia

Species: Chimera[Human(50%), [Apis Queen(50%)]

Gender: Female

Age: 963

Title: Broodmother(Affinity with monsters increases. Can command lower-ranking monsters of a similar type and species.)

Class: Duelist


Level: 60/60(-/-)

HP: 191,733/191,733

MP: 247,003/300,000

Str: 219+175

Agi: 337+674

Vit: 690+345

Int: 449+314

Dex: 408+967

Cha: 524+104

Talent(s): [Finesse(60/60)], [Fencing(60/60)], [Artificial Dragon Heart(-/-)], [Honey Production(25/25)], [Cooking(80/80)], [Etiquette(70/70)], [Instruction(70/70)], [Politics(70/70)], [Sword Mastery(70/70)], [Leadership(60/60)], [Tactics(50/50)], [Bedroom Arts(50/50)], [Grooming(50/50)], [Dancing(50/50)], [Singing(50/50)], [Musical Arts(50/50)], [Magic Resistance(40/40)], [Resilience(40/40)], [Reflexes(40/40)], [Regeneration(10/10)]

Skill(s): [Lightning Dragon's Breath(MAX)], [Overload(MAX)], [Charge(MAX)], [Swift Thrust(MAX)], [Weakness Exploit(MAX)], [Incitement(MAX)], [Piercing Thrust(MAX)], [Self Destruct(1/10)], [Lifestyle Magic(10/10)]


("I shouldn't have come to the Capital...") thought Cairn. He knew there were bound to be powerhouses lurking about, but he never expected to encounter artificially created Level 60s. If the Kingdom and its backers had such technology, why even bother training and recruiting soldiers and Knights? He supposed they could be trying to keep it a secret, but still...

As Alice got off Cairn's back, Amelia approached, looking like she was going to offer him a hand before blinking in surprise as she noticed his arm had been dislocated. Her expression didn't change much, but Cairn had the feeling she was panicking as she turned to Alice and said, "You went too far, Alice. Go and retrieve a Healing Potion from our emergency supplies."

"Leave it to me~!" replied Alice before scampering off with her hands spread out like a child emulating an airplane. In her wake, Amelia knelt next to Cairn, brows furrowed apologetically as she said, "Please do not take Alice's actions to heart. It was never our intention to harm you..."

"That doesn't make me feel better," replied Cairn, hissing as he rolled onto his back and cradled his arm. He had heard that dislocating your shoulder was painful, but he didn't expect it to 'burn' as much as it did.

"Please allow me to assist in resetting your arm," said Amelia. "It will help to ease the pain..."

Though he was briefly tempted to tell Amelia to fuck off, Cairn restrained the urge and asked, "What do I need to do?" in a resolute tone.

"Please sit up," replied Amelia, subsequently offering her assistance when he complied. Then, without further explanation, she grabbed his wrist, put her hand under his arm, and pulled his hand straight out, skillfully guiding the ball of his arm back into place. A sharp pain shot through Cairn's body as she did so, but it subsided surprisingly quickly.

"Once Alice returns with a potion, you will regain full functionality of your arm," assured Amelia, summarily releasing Cairn's arm and sitting with her hands folded across her lap. Then, completely out of nowhere, she asked, "Shall I provide you relief?"

Though he wouldn't have batted an eye at Amelia's offer under normal circumstances, her Rank 50 Bedroom Arts gave Cairn the impression she wasn't talking about providing him a cold compress.

Just to be sure, Cairn asked, "By 'relief,' do you mean...?"

Confirming Cairn's suspicions, Amelia nodded affirmingly, stating, "I will service you with my mouth, hands, or body. However, as you are awaited by the Princess–"

Interrupting Amelia's words, Cairn held up his uninjured left hand and said, "Pass." in a firm, decisive tone. He had nothing against Chimeras, but even if he weren't in a 'committed' relationship with Elle, Carin would have refused Amelia's proposition. She was definitely attractive, but he wasn't some sex-crazed buffoon that stuck his dick in anything with a pulse. He was perfectly happy with his immortal little gremlin...

Seemingly unperturbed by Cairn's refusal, Amelia asked, "Then, is there anything else I can do to appease you? I do not wish you to meet with the Princess in a dour mood..."

"I only came here to retrieve my rat," replied Cairn. "But, if you insist, I wouldn't refuse a strong coffee and a bite to eat."

Though eating nutritious food and consuming liquids bolstered his Health and Mana Regeneration, Cairn's request had a different purpose. First, he 'had' to try coffee prepared by someone with Rank 80 Cooking. Secondly, if she ended up mixing something into it, he would know for certain if they were attempting to deceive or capture him.

"Certainly," replied Amelia, rising gracefully as she added, "But I must first consult with the Princess. She was planning to converse with you over tea and snacks."

"Then, you might as well take me to her," said Cairn, rising to his feet with a pained groan.

Meeting the slightly shorter Chimera's gaze, Cairn added, "My friends are waiting for me, and at least one of them will have noticed I was attacked. Unless that Princess of yours wants to entertain 'guests' from the Church, I suggest we move things along..."

"I will pass your words to Her Highness," replied Amelia, bowing steeply with her hands over her lap. She didn't seem concerned by his mention of the Church, but there was a discernible 'pep' in her steps as she departed in the same direction as Alice.

Taking stock of his surroundings, resembling a fairly ordinary, albeit old-fashioned, coffee shop, Cairn made his way behind a counter displaying various pastries. The Princess, Hilde, had snatched something of his, so he didn't think she would mind too much if he helped himself to a cookie or two. Thus, after confirming they were ordinary cookies, cinnamon rolls, and other pastries, Cairn snacked on a simple chocolate chip cookie while placing the rest into Inventory for Kaia and Elle.

*Ding! You have acquired the Thievery Talent!*

Undaunted by the accusation of theft, Cairn looked around to see if there was anything else he could appropriate when Alice appeared with a pint-sized red bottle in her hands. Their gazes overlapped, but only briefly as the petite Chimera shifted her distinctive blue eyes to the display counter, immediately noticing the lack of pastries.

Redirecting her gaze to Cairn, Alice portrayed the most expression he had seen on her face as she adopted a frown and said, "Stealing food is bad..."

"You're not wrong," replied Cairn, shrugging his shoulders as he added, "But kidnapping a person's companions is far worse. I'm willing to listen to your lecture, but only after you chastize that Princess of yours..."

Narrowing her eyes slightly, Alice said, "Do not compare yourself to Her Majesty. You might be the Champion, but you haven't done anything to earn our respect or trust..."

"And you have?" countered Cairn, raising his right arm slightly. It was no longer dislocated, but the pain and swelling hadn't subsided, forcing him to hold it in a sling position.

"I don't like sly people..." grumbled Alice. However, despite her words, she carried the potion over and presented it to Cairn, adding, "Drink this. Also, the Princess told me to apologize, so what do you want me to do?"

Understanding she was making a similar offer as Amelia, Cain suppressed a sigh, shook his head, and asserted, "I don't need your apology..." before uncorking the potion and downing its contents. After, he wiped his mouth and handed the empty bottle back to Alice, saying, "Lead the way to your Princess."




(A/N: It's amazing how much bravado you can have when you've already accepted death xD...)



Thanks for the chapter. Poor Cairn, getting his ass handed to him by every loli he meets


Thanks for the update. Cairn just getting the crap kicked out of him. Nice to see some pretty powerful chimera