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As mesmerizing as watching Elle was, Cairn began feeling tired after being inactive for so long. He had gotten up twice, once to grab them some food and another time to take a shit, but that didn't prevent his eyelids from starting to droop as early as 2 PM.

*clip* *clip*


Feeling something was off, Cairn awoke to find Elle straddling his lower abdomen, clipping and filing his nails with the same look she had while crafting Chelsea's bracelet.

Blinking in surprise, Elle met Cairn's gaze and replied, "I tried waking you up, but you didn't respond. Then, while I was watching you, I noticed your nails were a bit long, so I started clipping them."

Not sure how else to respond, Cairn raised his right brow and offered a muddled "Thanks...?" while gradually getting a better understanding of the situation. Elle was wearing the leather undergarment that covered her arms and left her tits exposed, but the shorts she wore as a substitute for panties were nowhere to be seen. Instead, her lower half was naked, her three distinctive tufts of blonde to pink pubes, which he originally thought were a tattoo of some sort, fully visible as her mons squished against his abdomen...

Following Cairn's gaze, a mischievous smile developed across Elle's face as she said, "Humans are known to be in heat all year round, so I figured you'd want to do it. Was I wrong~?"

Though he was tempted to respond that he wasn't some kind of sex fiend, Cairn remained silent as his little brother quickly stood at attention, all but invalidating any argument he could make. Elle immediately noticed due to the heat radiating from it, causing her pink eyes to narrow like a Succubus as she teasingly inquired, "Should I handle everything like the last time, or do you want to try being an active participate...?"

"I'm surprised you even remember we had sex..." retorted Cairn, causing Elle to chuckle in amusement. In truth, she 'had' forgotten they had sex, but after sitting atop Cairn and observing him for nearly half an hour, the memories of the previous evening gradually came back to her.

"So, what will it be~?" asked Elle, placing her hands against Cairn's body, raising her butt, and shifting back slightly so that his shaft was pressing up against her most sensitive region, his tip nestled between her pillowy buttocks. She didn't mind doing everything herself but was curious to see what Cairn could do.

Though it was an opportunity to nip their relationship in the bud before it became a problem, the feeling of Elle's hot and increasingly moist pussy against his dick made it difficult for Cairn to think straight. He didn't think it was healthy for them to have sex when Elle couldn't even remember his face, but since she was the one on the offense, it felt weird to refuse...

"Too slow~" chimed Elle, taking the initiative to guide Cairn's cock to her waiting entrance and lowering her hips, a nasally, girlish moan emanating from her throat as her insides stretched to accommodate him. Looking at her stature alone, it didn't seem possible that she could accept all of him. However, as if logic didn't apply to the situation, it wasn't long before Elle sat flush against Cairn, a prominent flush spreading through her body as her eyes glazed over and she took several gasping breaths...

Despite witnessing the same 'phenomenon' the previous night, Cairn still found himself at a loss for words. Elle's pussy was so tight he could feel her heart pounding through his dick, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Rather, once she began to move, her inner walls stimulating his glans, Cairn's jaw trembled from the intense stimulation.

"That's a cute face you're making~" teased Elle, licking her lips as she observed his reactions with undisguised amusement. She was tempted to kiss him, but unless Cairn leaned forward and brought his face closer, she wouldn't be able to reach his lips. She could 'pull' him forward like she did the previous night, but she vaguely recalled he didn't like that...

Eliciting a surprised "Oh~?" from Elle, Cairn grabbed her ass and hips and began thrusting into her from below. Her undulations were unlike anything he had experienced, but, as a man, he had his pride. If he sat back and let Elle do as she pleased, he felt like he would become a mere tool for her to alleviate her boredom...

Prickling Cairn's ego, Elle began to laugh as he bounced her atop his hips with greater force. Her face was completely red, but instead of melting in pleasure, she became increasingly animated, her eyes shimmering in the room's dim lighting as she put her inordinately high Dex to work, skillfully playing with her nipples.

Feeling slightly annoyed, not by Elle's behavior but by the realization she had faked her climax the previous night, Cairn surprised her by sitting up and abruptly reversing their positions. Pushing down such a petite woman felt really strange, but Elle seemed to enjoy it quite a bit as she spread her legs of her own accord, allowing him to pin her hands to the bed and give her the jackhammer treatment. She could effortlessly overpower him with her 499 Strength, but she seemed to greatly enjoy being on the receiving end, her expression becoming increasingly lascivious as the light from her eyes intensified.

Just as Cairn was reaching his limits, preparing to pull out despite Elle informing him she couldn't get pregnant, the petite Dwarf locked her legs around him like a vice, saying, "Don't even think about it..." in a tone that left little room for argument. For a moment, Cairn thought she had used her Leg Vice, a Skill that allowed her to capture and crush things between her legs, but the reality was that she was simply stronger than him...

"Fine, but if you get pregnant..." muttered Cairn, picking up his pace as a bead of sweat dripped from his chin, coincidentally landing on Elle's lips and prompting her to lick them before replying, "I won't," in an assertive tone. At the same time, she reduced the strength in her legs, permitting him greater freedom of movement but keeping them hooked around him, just in case he tried anything funny...

Setting aside his reason, Cairn pumped Elle's pussy like a machine before bottoming out in her at the last moment to release the biggest load of his entire life. He genuinely wouldn't have been surprised to see her stomach inflate slightly, but it was flat as a washboard as the petite Dwarf released a contented sigh, eyes glazed over and mouth slightly ajar. It was difficult to tell if she had climaxed, but she seemed to greatly enjoy the feeling of his semen spreading through her pussy as she absentmindedly caressed her lower abdomen with the porous glove of her right hand...

Unfortunately, though his dick could rival a porn star's, Cairn didn't have the constitution of a hentai protagonist. The moment he blew his load, the blood flowing to his penis quickly subsided, the pressure from Elle's pussy and her lubricating love juices practically 'ejecting' his increasingly-flaccid member from her steamy, semen-stained depths.

Dealing a minor blow to Cairn's pride, Elle promptly regained her senses, staring at him with what he determined to be slight disappointment as she casually inquired, "Are you finished?"


Realizing she had struck a nerve, an awkward chuckle emanated from Elle's throat. She wasn't a nympho or anything, as could be seen by her lack of Bedroom Arts, but since she was doing her best to give Cairn all her attention, she couldn't help being dissatisfied that things had ended so quickly. It was a lot like being assigned a super interesting project but unexpectedly only taking a few minutes to complete it...

Catching Elle a little off guard, Cairn got off her, allowing her to rise to a seated position before tentatively inquiring, "Does this world have male enhancement drugs or aphrodisiacs...?"

Adopting a broad smile, Elle replied, "Tons. But you don't need to be too concerned with things like that. Not only are they bad for your body, but I don't need you to be able to blow your load a dozen times to be satisfied. It might be easier to stay focused while you're railing me, but that doesn't mean it's the only way to hold my attention."

Following a brief moment of silence, Cairn asked, "Did you have anything in mind...?"

"Three things~!" replied Elle, holding up three fingers and waving them from side to side. "First, you can simply tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it. That includes sucking you off, clipping your nails, waggling my ass like an exotic dancer, or giving you a full-body massage. So long as it doesn't end up with me crippled or killed, I'm down to try just about anything."

Without waiting for Cairn's response, Elle retracted one of her fingers, adding, "Second, you can pick me up or hold me, preventing me from doing other things until I get used to you. This is definitely the simplest solution, but I'd honestly prefer it if you stuck a hot iron up my butt and twisted it."

Sparring Cairn the time required to imagine such a scene, Elle retracted her second finger, leaving only her index waggling as she said, "The third option is to have me teach you forging, crafting, or tailoring. You won't be able to become a master, but I can at least teach you enough to show off in front of other humans."

Though the third option was tempting, Cairn would have chosen Divine Smith if he had any intention of delving into the abyssal chasm that was production Classes and Skills. There were virtually no limits to technology and innovation, so even if you dedicated everything to mastering a craft, your greatest achievements would invariably be surpassed by the children of future generations. Cairn had a great deal of respect for the individuals who pioneered new fields and technologies, but he would rather leave his mark on history as a powerful warrior than a prolific producer...

"I don't mind learning, but I'd honestly prefer to watch you work instead of picking up a hammer myself," contended Cairn. "As for what we can do to get closer...how about you practice sewing while sitting in my lap? You do need 60 Tailoring to mend my Shadowsilk Set, and if I'm holding you, I won't doze off like before. I might even learn a few things..."

"So, basically a combination of all three options~?" asked Elle, smiling broadly and eyes glistening as she found Cairn's proposition humorous. At the same time, she felt like she had gleaned some insight into the 'nature' of Cairn's mysterious 'Jack-of-All' Class...

With Cairn responding in the affirmative, Elle made herself comfortable atop his lap, subsequently giving him permission to fondle her breasts and even finger her while she pulled out a thick piece of Alabaster Gator Hide and began processing it in preparation to make, of all things, a new pair of undergarments. She preferred leather with fur lining the interior, but since it looked like she and Cairn would be together for at least a few years, Elle decided to prepare a few items to keep things 'interesting.'




While Cairn was busy deepening his relationship with Elle, a young man with prominent brown skin, white hair, and piercing blue eyes was staring listlessly at a glowing blue orb roughly thirty centimeters across. He had apprehensions about what he was tasked to do, but as the collar around his neck tightened, he had no choice but to extend his hand, implanting an object that looked like an embryo into the sphere's or, more accurately, the Dungeon Core's interior...




(A/N: Hey, which wise guy mixed plot with my lemons–!?)



Good chapter and thanks for it


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