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After relocating to a decently sized clearing, Yoruichi explained, "The foundation of Hoho is stepping. The purpose is to avoid damage, outmaneuver your opponent, and move from point A to point B in the briefest period."

Moving her left foot forward, tapping the ground with her toes, Yoruichi added, "The first Hoho technique prospective Shinigami are exposed to is the 8-Step Method. The principle is fairly straightforward, moving your feet front-to-back, side-to-side, and toward the four corners. The aim is to evade your opponent's attacks at a minimal distance, allowing you to take advantage of any openings they create."

Narrowing her eyes and adopting a cat-like smile, Yoruichi instructed, "I want you to try and touch me. You're free to use your power, but only to enhance your speed and strength."

"I already know you're fast," replied Ohta. "I also understand the basic principle behind the 8-Step Method, so what purpose is there in chasing you around while limiting myself?"

"The 8-Step Method is the basis for several other techniques, including the penultimate form of Hoho, Shunpo," said Yoruichi. "Mastering it would take years, so the best thing you can do for your upcoming battles is learn how to predict your opponent's movements based on the position of their feet and body."

"That's kind of my point," argued Ohta. "I agree with everything you're saying, but I'm not going to run around chasing my opponent and trying to tag them. What happened back in the alleyway was me trying to stay cool and be discreet. If I let my power run rampant, everything around us would have been destroyed."


Crossing her arms in a way that further accented her already large bust,

Yoruichi proposed, "Then, how about using this opportunity to show me what you can do? I'll have a better idea of how to train you if I know what you're capable of."

Glancing at the undisturbed forest around him, Ohta's smile softened near imperceptibly, expressing, "I'd rather not. Not only would that expose my hand, but it would also result in the natural denizens of this forest having their homes destroyed for nothing."

Raising her right brow, Yoruichi remarked, "That's awfully considerate of you. I didn't peg you as the type to care about the devastation you cause. At least, so long as it doesn't inconvenience or expose you."

"Hey, accountability is important," said Ohta. "I might be an asshole, but I'm only a sadist toward those who deserve it. The animals inhabiting this forest never did anything to me."

"Then let's take things to the sky," replied Yoruichi, pointing upward. "As for exposing your hand, you're too sensitive. We determined the source of your psychic power long ago. You possess an inordinate amount of mental energy, vesting you immense psychic abilities. Well, news flash, kid, but that isn't a power unique to you. All creatures, living or spiritual, draw from the same three reservoirs of power: spirit, mental, and physical energy. A Shinigami's primary source of power is their spirit energy, but the process of controlling or materializing that energy is mental, aka, willpower."

To demonstrate her point, Yoruichi pulled out a kunai, seemingly from thin air, before throwing it at a tree. However, instead of driving into the tree's surface, it swerved around it, circumnavigating the trunk before returning to Yoruichi's hand.

"I specialize in Hoho and Hakuda techniques, but I'm proficient in each of the Shinigami Arts, including Kido(Demon Arts)," said Yoruichi. "Each uses mental energy to some extent, but the latter depends on it to cast spells. With sufficient mental and spiritual energy, Kido allows Shinigami to bind their opponents, seal their power, form barriers, cast powerful destruction magic, and heal both themselves and others. Sound familiar?"


Taking advantage of Ohta's silence, Yoruichi adopted a teasing smile and said, "What makes you irregular is that you have way more mental energy than most, even powerful Kido experts. With proper training, you could be one of the most powerful people in all three realms. The caveat is that as you stockpile more and more mental energy in the form of 'psychic power,' your spiritual and physical energies are being suppressed. In other words, it's killing you."

"Sounds about right," replied Ohta, recalling the headaches and severe nosebleeds his past self used to get. It was why his current self tried to conserve and use his power efficiently rather than actively attempting to develop it further.

"Man, nothing gets to you, does it?" asked Yoruichi. She knew that wasn't the case, but Ohta's mental fortitude was exceptional for his age.

Without waiting for Ohta's response, Yoruichi shrugged her shoulders and reasoned, "Well, dying young isn't necessarily a bad thing. Souls don't age conventionally, so if you cling to life unnecessarily, you could be stuck as an old man for centuries after your death. In your case, you could entrust your physical body to a mod soul, an artificial spirit, allowing it to maintain the identity you've crafted while you venture elsewhere."

"What are the downsides?" asked Ohta, genuinely curious. From the moment he learned that Rukia's body was artificially manufactured, he had thought of acquiring a few 'spares' to substitute his own if it broke down. He might not fear death, but that didn't mean he was in a hurry to die. In fact, persistence and survival were two of his proficiencies...

Noticing Ohta's interest, the corners of Yoruichi's smile curled upward as she replied, "None, at least, not in the short term. There's a chance that your soul would become incompatible with your original body as it ages, but there are medications to fix that. The bigger issue is that the artificial soul inhabiting might develop independence if you leave it unattended for too long. In other words, it could end up living a life different from the one you had in mind for yourself."

"That's not that big a deal," replied Ohta. "I don't have any meaningful attachments to this life, so if I 'did' give up my body, I wouldn't fret over the decisions its new owner makes in its comparably short life."

Exhaling a light chuckle, Yoruichi remarked, "You have a very pragmatic way of looking at things. If our operation goes smoothly, you should join my Shihouin family. We're one of the top five families in Soul Society, so if you're looking to acquire standing or status, it's a decent place to lay your roots."

"And become a vassal?" asked Ohta. He didn't know what status Yoruichi held within her family, but it had to be fairly high if she was talking about others joining casually.

"More like a Custodian," replied Yoruichi. "If cultivated, your power is too great for you to be reduced to a mere vassal. You also aren't a native-born Soul, so the history and traditions of the Soul Society don't apply to you. I 'could' assign you as my personal guard, but I neither need protection nor do I think you'd enjoy following me around."

Adopting a smile of his own, Ohta rebutted, "Don't be so sure. If you plan to walk around in pants like that, I wouldn't mind following behind you for a few hours each day..."

"Cute," replied Yoruichi. "However, unless you can surpass me in speed, strength, and Reiryoku density, you lack the qualifications to admire my backside. At least, not in front of members of my clan."

Half-turning away, providing a tantalizing view of her body from the side, Yoruichi added, "We'll discuss this matter in greater detail once the team from Soul Society has come to claim the Kuchiki brat. Having you become a Shinigami now will just draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Once we invade Soul Society, it will no longer matter. If you decide to join us in the rescue operation, you'll either die a criminal or help vindicate both us and the Kuchiki brat. After that, many things become possible."

Disappearing and reappearing several meters away, Yoruichi's golden eyes glistened in the light of the moon as she said, "In preparation for that, let's play a game. There's a good chance you'll need to escape the pursuit of one or more Captains, so, using whatever means you prefer, I want you to try and flee from me. If you can give me the slip or evade me for one hour, I'll reward you once we return to your apartment. Even you should find that agreeable."

"You're not wrong..." replied Ohta. "But I have some terms of my own. If I succeed the first time, you'll give me my 'reward' here in the forest. After that, we'll continue playing until sunrise..."

Raising her brows, Yoruichi remarked, "Wow, you really are an opportunist, aren't you? But sure. Assuming you win the first round, I'm game to play a few more. In fact, each round you win, I'll give you an even better reward. That should get your blood pump-"

Causing Yoruichi's pupils to contract to the size of pinholes, Ohta's body vanished before she could finish speaking. It was incredibly sloppy, but after seeing how Yoruichi had manipulated his psychic energy to execute her movement techniques, Ohta had copied them. More importantly, as she had yet to expel the psychic energy from her body, she was unable to pursue him immediately.

Contrasting the somewhat vicious smile on her face, Yoruichi couldn't help being amused by Ohta's actions. She had anticipated him using his psychic power to restrain her, but his timing had been perfect, catching her completely unawares. Unfortunately for Ohta, while she didn't mind rewarding him, Yoruichi was also a poor loser...

Forcibly breaking free from Ohta's psychic restraints, Yoruichi's body immediately disappeared, seemingly flickering out of existence. Ohta had taken to the sky and was speeding away like an intercontinental missile, but she wasn't called the 'Goddess of Shunpo' for nothing. It might take a few minutes, but she was confident she could catch and ground his ass...




Sensing the remnant psychic power in Yoruichi's body moving away from him, pursuing the mass of energy he had sent hurtling toward the Pacific, a faint smile adorned Ohta's face as he mused, "That wasn't so difficult..."

Understanding that Yoruichi was going to be exceptionally butthurt when she realized he had pulled a fast one on her, Ohta began moving around the forest, implanting his psychic energy into various trees and stones. He had memorized the energy signature of Yoruichi's movement technique, so by pinging the dormant implants remotely, he could make it seem like he was darting around the forest at high speeds...

Sensing that Yoruichi had obliterated his 'goose,' Ohta returned to the clearing where their little game had commenced, lying on the grass and relaxing with his hands behind his head. It took around seven minutes for Yoruichi to catch his goose but only three for her to return, staring down at him with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes as she said, "Okay, I'll admit it. That was pretty clever."

Getting straight to the point, Ohta asked, "Where's my reward? I'm fairly sure that qualifies as 'giving you the slip.'"

Crossing her arms, Yoruichi's cramped smile wilted into a frown as she asked, "What do you want?"

Patting his chest, Ohta replied, "We have about fifty minutes remaining until the end of the first round. Let's take a short nap. I'd prefer it if you remained in your human form, but I don't mind if you want to transform into a cat. Did you know that a cat's purring can help lower blood pressure and has many other health benefits...?"

Hearing Ohta repeat her joke back at her, Yoruichi rolled her eyes before stepping forward and placing her foot on his chest as she asked, "Is this your attempt to inject more psychic energy into my body?"

"You haven't even gotten rid of the energy I left there earlier," replied Ohta, demonstrating his point by causing the already skin-tight fabric around Yoruichi's chest, ass, and thighs to constrict slightly. She had expelled all traces of his energy from the interior of her body, but her clothes, hair, and accessories still carried traces of a psychic imprint.

Understanding why Ohta would go out of his way to reveal his hand, Yoruichi's left eye twitched as she suspected the next round would be even more annoying than the first...




(A/N: Even Aizen can't bake a cake this tasty o_o...)



Thanks for the update, loving everyone’s personality

Christian Jeffress

Loving the comedy, thanks for the great chapter