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Though they were nearly an hour early, Izuku and the girls weren't too surprised to find Melissa was already waiting for them, nursing a half-emptied frappuccino. 

Perking up at the group's arrival, Melissa rose to her feet, smiling as she said, "I guess I'm not the only one who decided to come early. It's good to see everyone."

With everyone returning greetings and making themselves comfortable around a party-sized table, Momo asked, "How have you been, Melissa? Is your father recovering well?"

Nodding in affirmation, Melissa replied, "I-Island has some of the best Doctors and medical facilities in the world. It'll take three to six months, but Papa should make a full recovery."

"That's a relief..." replied Ochaco, her expression softening to match her words. Everyone had been careful about mentioning Melissa's father in the group chat, so they were genuinely relieved to hear he would recover fully.

Noticing everyone's relief, the smile on Melissa's face became even more radiant than usual. She didn't have anyone she could call a true friend at the Academy, so the past few days had been lonesome since her father was hospitalized and someone she had known for more than half her life was dead...

Directing her gaze to Izuku, Melissa combed back a few strands of loose hair as she revealed, "My Papa said I'll be accompanying you and Uncle Might when you return to Japan. He's arranged to have me become an Assistant Instructor at UA, so we'll be able to see each other every day. Let's work hard to make Air Trek a reality, okay~?"

Though he adopted a smile, Izuku was unable to respond before Mina interjected, asking, "What's Air Trek...?" with a genuinely curious look on her face.

"Oh, oh, I know!" replied Ochaco, channeling her maximum bubbliness as she explained, "They're kind of like inline skates, but they have motors in them and super powerful suspension systems that allow their wearers to traverse difficult terrain, navigate zero-gravity, and fall from great heights without fear of injury!"

Raising her brows, Mina looked to Izuku and asked, "Are they something you've been working on for a while? First time I'm hearing about them..."

"You're welcome to help test the prototypes once they're finished," replied Izuku. "You already use your Quirk to skate around; a custom pair of Air Treks would allow you to do so without melting the buildings and terrain."

Imagining Mina wearing a prototype Water Regalia, creating destructive bubbles with her Acid Quirk, a glimmer of expectation appeared in Izuku's green eyes. He had secretly been geeking out at the possibility of making everyone in his Party the first generation of Kings and Queens. Rumi was a shoo-in for the Bloody Road's 'Fang Queen,' having already mastered the use of Fangs, and Mina's Acid Manipulation made her uniquely suited to the Water Road...

Noticing Izuku's excitement, Mina adopted a teasing smile as she mused, "I sometimes forget that you're really into making things. And sure, I don't mind helping you test the prototypes. I was really into 'aggressive skating' when I was younger, so I can even perform some tricks to help you stress test them."

As Mina was a talented breakdancer whose primary means of getting around quickly was expelling acid from her soles to function as ice skates or rollerblades, Izuku wasn't surprised to learn she was into aggressive skating, a sub-division of rollerblading that revolved around the execution of dangerous tricks. Instead, he replied, "That would be helpful," before looking around the table and adding, "If anyone else would like to help, I doubt Melissa would mind."

"Of course not," replied Melissa, squinting her eyes and smiling brightly as she added, "The more, the merrier~!"

With everyone more than willing to lend a hand, the conversation abruptly became a discussion of the infinite possibilities of Air Treks. Melissa was a little overwhelmed by everyone's enthusiasm, but the smile never left her face as she took notes and drew up some preliminary drafts of everyone's personalized ATs...




With the girls insisting that he escort Melissa home, Izuku did exactly that, accompanying the abruptly quiet beauty to the edge of the cordon zone in relative silence. It was fairly obvious she had something to say, but unless she broached the subject herself, Izuku had no intention of pressing her to speak. Sometimes, people just wanted–needed time to think...

Turning to Izuku after several seconds of silence, Melissa caught him a little off guard by revealing, "Papa seems to believe we're dating..." with an awkward smile on her face.

Not sure what to say, Izuku adopted an awkward smile of his own. He would normally crack a joke at such a time, but the presence of armed soldiers, security drones, and literal mechs forming a perimeter around the central research building made the atmosphere pretty tense.

Surprising Izuku a second time, Melissa broke eye contact and turned away from him as she appended, "He also seems to be aware of your relationships with other girls...if I had to guess, he learned about them from Uncle Might..."

"I...see..." replied Izuku, scratching the back of his head with a conflicted look on his face. He wasn't entirely sure what Melissa was trying to convey, but it seemed like she was suggesting they make things official...

Somewhat confirming Izuku's suspicions, Melissa lowered her head and muttered, "I...had a lot of fun today. Momo, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Mina, Toru, and Kyouka are all nice girls. I think the seven of us can become great friends..."

Raising her head just enough to glimpse at Izuku out of the corner of her eye, Melissa hesitated for several seconds before adding, "I still have a lot of doubts, but since Papa seems to be okay with it...do you...want to try dating?"

Wasting no time, Izuku asserted, "There's no way I would refuse such a proposition. You're an extraordinary woman, Melissa. I would have been happy to remain friends, but there would need to be something seriously wrong with me to refuse dating you."

Regaining a faint smile, Melissa rose to her full height and remarked, "A little over the top, but I guess that's to be expected from the future No. 1 Hero..." Then, extending her hand as if she were asking for a handshake, Melissa added, "Thanks for having me, Izuku." with a much brighter smile on her face.

Accepting Melissa's outstretched hand, a somewhat wry smile marred Izuku's face as he replied, "I should be the one thanking you, Melissa. I already considered myself blessed, but now I feel even more fortunate. Let's work hard to achieve each others' dreams."

Narrowing her eyes in delight, Melissa pointed out, "You've already helped me achieve two of mine. I always wanted a Quirk, and thanks to the Perks you gave me, I now have three Quirk-like abilities..."

Extricating her hand from Izuku's, Melissa habitually combed aside her bangs as she bashfully appended, "I also have a thing for handsome and athletic boys, so...I'm happy things developed this way..."

Though she had yet to see him directly, Melissa had 'petitioned' Mina for a topless picture of Izuku. He wasn't as bulky and broad-shouldered as she would have liked, but he had an eight-pack, defined obliques, and mouth-watering back muscles. If he wasn't set on becoming a Hero, Melissa was certain Izuku could have had a successful career as a male model...

Seeing the tell-tale glimmer of idolatry in Melissa's eyes, Izuku jokingly replied, "If we're talking about looks, you could have had just about any guy wrapped around your finger. Picking me to be your boyfriend makes me one of the luckiest men in the world."

Narrowing her eyes and adopting a broad smile, Melissa mused, "If you keep saying stuff like that, you're going to give me a big head. Let's just compromise and say we're both lucky~."

"Sounds good," replied Izuku, resisting the urge to compliment the bubbly blonde further. Instead, he extended his hand a second time, suggesting, "Here, take my hand. I'll walk you up to the checkpoint..."

Nodding her head, Melissa linked her fingers through Izuku's, swinging his hand and smiling brightly as they approached the checkpoint. She was a little dispirited when Izuku was denied entry into the tower, but knowing they would soon be 'living together,' there was a notable pep in her step as she practically skipped her way to the medical ward to visit her father...




With Momo having invited the Ochaco, Tsuyu, Kyouka, Mina, and Toru to accompany her to Venice for a short holiday with her parents, Izuku saw them off at the airport with Melissa, Toshinori, and the rest of Class 1-A that had come to the island. They were originally scheduled to fly back to Japan later that day, but since Melissa's father had charted a hypersonic stealth passenger jet to ensure his daughter's safety, Toshinori arranged to have them all return together.

As could be expected from a plane that escorted VVIPs to virtually any destination within two hours, the ebony black jet, capable of becoming completely invisible, had first-class amenities. It could only seat sixteen passengers, but each of the seats was capable of fully reclining, and, in an emergency, barriers would activate around them, converting them into escape pods. More notably, there was a private suite with a jacuzzi, a tube-like shower, and an 'automatic wardrobe' that could take a person's measurements and prepare a perfectly tailored dress or suit within twenty minutes...

While Mineta, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima messed around with the automatic wardrobe, Izuku sat next to Todoroki, seated across from Ojiro and Shoji. Melissa was actually the one piloting the jet, with Toshinori as her co-pilot, so Izuku found himself in an increasingly rare situation where it was just him and his male classmates.

Breaking the somewhat awkward silence, Todoroki, seated with his arms crossed, abruptly asked, "Midoriya-kun...what exactly is your relationship with All Might? Forgive me if this comes across as impolite, but are you his illegitimate child or something...?"

Shaking his head, Izuku relaxedly replied, "No, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't view him as a father figure. Our actual relationship is closer to that of a Master and his Apprentice. I can't get into the details, but that's how it is."

"If that's the case, things make a bit more sense," muttered Shoji, keeping his voice low to avoid drawing attention to what he thought to be a touchy subject.

"What do you mean?" asked Izuku, genuinely curious to learn what some of his closest 'friends' thought of his situation.

"Your power is similar to All Might's," asserted Shoji. "You also appear to receive special attention from the school. At the very least, how you are treated is different from that of an ordinary student..."

Before Izuku could ask Shoji to explain, Ojiro took the initiative to reveal, "We know you live on campus, Midoriya-kun. Some of us were concerned about your relationship with the girls in our Class, so we asked Koda-kun to verify the situation using his ability to converse with animals..."


Though he was a little taken aback by the revelation, Izuku wasn't too surprised. He had anticipated someone like Mineta uncovering the truth and then trying to blackmail him, so he just adopted an awkward smile, rubbed the back of his head, and replied, "Sorry, guys...I've wanted to come forward for quite some time, but the situation is more than a little complicated. Even now, I'm honestly not sure how things developed as they have..."

"It's fine," asserted Shoji. "It might have been an issue if you were going around behind their backs, but it's clear that everyone involved is aware of what's going on. That's why none of us said anything until now..."

As he was one of the few that had yet to grasp the situation, a look of confusion marred Todoroki's face as he asked, "Wait...what are you guys talking about? Midoriya-kun lives on campus? And what's this about his relationship with the girls in our Class...?"




Not expecting Todoroki to be so 'oblivious,' Izuku, Shoji, and Ojiro fell silent for several seconds. Then, as it was a good opportunity to come forward, Izuku began explaining the situation from start to finish, even alluding to his Quirk a bit since the lowest Bond Level among the people present was Ojiro at 77. Most of his classmates would be joining his Party in the future, so Izuku figured he might as well plant the seeds to ensure there were fewer problems once the Meta World Transversal phenomenon reached Japan...




(A/N: Goddess acquired...)



“First generation of kings and queens” What does this mean?


In Air Gear, there is a concept known as Road King/Queen, each possessing one of the Eight Reglia. They are basically the best of the best among Stormriders(the name given to people who take Air Trek seriously). As for what makes them special, besides their skill, it's because each Regalia is basically a superweapon of some kind. Feel free to google them for more information.


It is a reference to the manga Air Gear, which is where izuku got the idea for air treks. I haven't actually read that manga, but from the wiki kings and queens are expert air trek users

Christian Jeffress

Thanks for another awesome chapter. I remember the anime air gear, it was really fun, though it makes me think of the anime air master due to the similar name lol, and that was some cool fighting in that anime.