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After gaining access to the Support facilities, Izuku split his afternoons between his duties as Vice Representative, helping Hagakure train, and working in the Development Studio. Mei had readily agreed to help him conceive and produce a new Hero costume, so the two of them worked together to ensure it was as stylish as it was functional.

Unsurprisingly, Hagakure couldn't help wanting to know where Izuku disappeared to when they didn't train together. As a result, it wasn't long before her curiosity got the better of her, driving her to follow him in secret. She didn't enter the Development Studio directly, but she caught him exiting with Hatsume, compelling her to ask, "Who was that girl with the pink dreadlocks?" a few days later.

Though he was briefly confused by Hagakure's words, Izuku collected himself fairly quickly, asking, "Are you referring to Mei-san, the girl from the Support Department...?"

Pointing to her own set of invisible eyes, Hagakure added, "The girl with the scopes for eyes."

Nodding his head, Izuku affirmed, "That's Mei. Mei Hatsume. She's been helping me design a new Hero costume, but I'm confused. When did the two of you have the chance to meet?"


Realizing she hadn't thought of an excuse to explain how she knew Mei, Hagakure fumbled for a bit before flailing her arms and exclaiming, "That isn't important right now! Aren't the Support facilities supposed to be off-limits to students from other Departments?"

"Yeah, but I received permission from the Principal to make use of them," replied Izuku. "I'm sure I've mentioned this in the past, but I have a knack for creating and modifying things. Before I enrolled in the Hero program, I 

was seriously considering enrolling as a Business or Support student."


Recalling Ochaco mentioning something in the group chat about Izuku having made a fortune by modifying patents, a potent blush developed through Hagakure's face. She had 'mistakenly' believed that Izuku was using his free time to flirt with girls from other Departments. Now that she knew the 'truth,' she felt like an idiot.

Feigning obliviousness to what Hagakure was thinking, Izuku remarked, "Speaking of which, I heard about a third year who was able to have a Hero costume made from his hair. His Quirk is powerful, allowing him to phase through objects, but the caveat is that it also causes him to phase through his clothes. By donating some of his hair follicles, the Support Department was able to cultivate enough to manufacture him a costume that became permeable along with his body. Want to try doing the same?"

Though she was a little surprised and happy to learn Izuku was thinking about her, even when they weren't together, Hagakure smiled wryly and explained, "I'm actually a third-generation Invisibility user. My parents and grandparents tried something similar in the past, but the result was that the clothes would become visible as the cells in the hair died. Trust me, if there were a way to avoid having to run around naked in my Hero costume, I would know about it."

Rubbing the back of his head, Izuku smiled wryly as he remarked, "That's a shame. Though, at the risk of sounding a little perverted, it's also kind of hot. The other day, when you suddenly fell silent, I thought for a moment you were going to suggest training in our Hero outfits. I'd be lying if I said the notion didn't make me a little...lightheaded."

If she was blushing before, Hagakure was completely crimson when she heard Izuku's rather 'brazen' remark. She often lamented being invisible, but, in this particular instance, she was extremely grateful no one could see her face.

Cupping her fiery cheeks, Hagakure averted her face and body, her eyes swimming in their sockets as she muttered, "Midoriya-kun, you perv..." in a 'tickled-pink' tone. She had little experience dealing with boys since the majority simply ignored her. After all, while Invisibility had a certain allure to it, most people based attraction purely on what their eyes could see...

Thinking he may have pushed a little too hard, Izuku's expression became genuinely apologetic as he said, "Sorry, that was probably out of line. I'll be more careful from now on."

Catching Izuku a little off guard, Hagakure shook her head with enough vigor that her entire body moved with the motion. Then, in an incredibly hushed, nearly inaudible voice, she stammered, "I-It's fine...the truth is, I actually did consider it...just a little bit..."


While muttering 'I see...' in his mind, Izuku couldn't prevent a smile from developing across his face as he said, "That's a relief. I was afraid I had offended you. These afternoon training sessions have been enjoyable, so I would have regretted it immensely if they came to an end."

Seeing the relief in Izuku's expression and hearing the sincerity in his tone, the butterflies in Hagakure's chest and stomach threatened to rise up from her throat in the form of a girlish squeal. Instead, she massaged some of the tension from her cheeks, a vain attempt to calm herself as she mustered the courage to suggest, "We could try it, you know...training in our Hero costumes..."

As if she couldn't believe her own words, Hagakure covered her invisible face with her equally invisible hands, forcibly containing a squeal. As for Izuku, he was momentarily stunned by the proposition, his mind drawing a complete blank as his lips replied, "I would like that..." seemingly of their own accord.

Sneaking a peak at Izuku through her fingers, as she was the sole person unable to see through her body, Hagakure noticed the dazed, somewhat 'adorkable' look on his face. Izuku was several centimeters taller than the original, but his rounded face, large eyes, and four-spotted freckle pattern made him more cute than conventionally handsome. He was working hard to change that, but there was only so much he could do. The rest was up to genetics, testosterone, and his pituitary gland.

Realizing that Izuku was more baffled than 'eager,' Hagakure covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. Doing so caused Izuku to regain his senses, an embarrassed smile developing across his face as he said, "Sorry. I think I may have spaced out for a bit. I must not be getting enough sleep."

Seemingly having found her courage, Hagakure's tone contained a hint of laughter as she mused, "Oh~? Are you thinking your mind is playing tricks on you? I was serious when I suggested we trained in our Hero costumes, you know~?"

Amazed by how quickly Hagakure's aura had changed, Izuku's feigned embarrassment gained a hint of authenticity as he ran his hand through his hair and replied, "I'm not sure that's a good idea...I certainly 'want' to, but it might cause some misunderstandings that could get us in trouble with the teachers and staff. Not to mention our classmates..."

Believing that Izuku might be a so-called 'sheep in wolf's clothing,' Hagakure felt a little emboldened, leaning forward in a way that nearly permitted him to see down her collar as she asserted, "It's fine. It's not like we'll be breaking any rules. We'll just be training. Just like we have for the past week..."

Resisting the urge to get a better vantage, Izuku replied, "If it's okay with you, I'm certainly not going to complain. I mean, this is a tremendous win from my point of view..."

Regaining a bit of her timidity, Hagakure fixed her posture, hands linked behind her back as she avoided Izuku's gaze and responded, "Then we'll start tomorrow. I need to...prepare my heart a bit..."

Without waiting for Izuku's response, Hagakure turned around and ran away. They hadn't even started training yet, so this placed Izuku in a somewhat awkward position. Fortunately, it wasn't like he was without options, so after a moment of consideration, he decided to make his way to the Development Studio. There were a lot of Support students present since it was a school day, but each had a designated workstation to avoid mishaps, sabotage, or theft of work. Izuku happened to share Mei's, much to the chagrin of her many cynics and admirers, so the two spent the afternoon 'making babies,' stopping only when Power Loader kicked them out and told them to go home...




True to her word, Hagakure showed up to training the next day in her Hero costume. More accurately, she showed up in the version that ditched her gloves and boots for 'maximum stealth proficiency,' nearly catching Izuku by surprise if not for his [Keen Senses] Perk.

Interrupting Hagakure's attempts to sneak up behind him and pointlessly cover his eyes with her hands, Izuku turned around, staring at the empty space where he presumed her face was located as he asked, "Hagakure-san? Is that you...?"

Thinking for a moment that Izuku could see her, Hagakure covered her body with her hands, blushing across her entire body as she asked, "H-How did you know it was me?"

Tilting his head slightly, Izuku pointed to the padded flooring below and said, "I could hear you approach, and your feet leave indentations in the matting. Now that we're this close, I can also smell your conditioner. Did you take a shower before coming to meet up...?"


Slowly lowering her hands, not that Izuku could see them, Hagakure's expression became slightly accusatory as she remarked, "You have really good senses..."

"Thanks," replied Izuku. "As aspiring Heroes, it's important for us to be aware of our surroundings. Yours is the most comprehensive I've heard of, but you're not the only one with an Invisibility Quirk. Besides, I was really looking forward to this, so it's impossible for me not to notice you approaching."

Feeling a little better, Hagakure regained a hint of her usually bubbly personality as she moved a little closer to Izuku and asked, "Were you reeeeeeally looking forward to this? Is being in the presence of a naked girl all it takes to excite you~?"

Waving his hand dismissively, Izuku asserted, "You aren't just any girl, Hagakure-san. You're my classmate, and I'm still one hundred percent convinced you're one of, if not the cutest girl in our Class."


Moving even closer to Izuku, Hagakure's tone was inordinately faint as she asked, "But how can you be sure without confirming it? Go ahead...so long as it's just my face, I don't mind if you touch me..."

Blinking in surprise, Izuku asked, "Seriously...?" in a similarly hushed tone. Hagakure nodded in response, but realizing Izuku couldn't see her, she softly replied, "It's fine...I want you to know what I really look like, even if it's just a vague impression through touch..."

Swallowing the knot that had formed in his throat, Izuku extended his hand, not realizing how close Hagakure was standing to him. As a result, the tips of his fingers pushed against something 'very' soft, causing a faint but startled "Ah...!" to emanate from Hagakure's throat.

Retracting his hand as if he had just touched a hot burner, Izuku's eyes widened as he internally exclaimed ("Well, that was fucking stupid!") in his mind. Fortunately, Hagakure wasn't discouraged by the very unexpected mishap. Instead, she surprised him by grasping his hand with her own and saying, "Here, I'll guide you..." in a nearly inaudible tone.

Overwhelmed by the surrealness of the situation, Izuku became stock still as Hagakure guided his hand along the contours of her face. As she did, a vague impression of her features appeared in Izuku's mind, aided by his Intelligence. However, this vague impression was more than enough to confirm what Izuku had heard in his previous life. Hagakure truly was an extraordinarily stunning young woman...she was also very warm, almost hot to the touch...

Finished with her face, Hagakure hesitated for a moment before guiding Izuku's hand down her throat, stopping just above her collarbone as she nervously inquired, "Well...what do you think?"

Voicing his honest thought aloud, Izuku unhesitantly affirmed, "You're beautiful..." in a sincere tone.




(A/N: This lucky bastard...)



Ah so she also doesn’t know what she looks like