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With weeks passing without incident, the tension that had been present within the Senju Clan Compound gradually waned. A Gokage Summit was promptly scheduled to discuss countermeasures against Otutsuki, but Wu refused Hiruzen's invitation to participate. Instead, he sent Sasako along, both to guard Hiruzen and explain the situation in greater detail. 

Though he dabbled in them periodically, Wu wasn't particularly interested in politics or discussing solutions that were limited by each of the village's interests. There weren't a lot of countermeasures against a foe that could teleport and hop through dimensions in an instant. Their only real options were to hide the Jinchurikis, revamp their detection systems, and prepare bunkers that could be used if their villages were abruptly destroyed.

Despite nearly a week of discussion, the Gokage Summit accomplished very little. Mei had expressed her willingness to cooperate, but Kiri was currently in the midst of rebuilding and recentralizing power. They didn't have the manpower or the resources as Mei's position within the Land of Water was still shaky, at best. Thus, with no Kazekage in attendance and Onoki being his usual stubborn self, the only thing everyone could agree on was being vigilant...




While the world was at risk of destruction, Wu was far more concerned with the quagmire he had created for himself. Even with the Flying Raijin allowing him to teleport vast distances instantly, helping Koyuki and Mei manage the affairs of the Lands of Snow and Water was beginning to get annoying. He didn't mind backing them up during negotiations, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to make time for the things he 'wanted' to do.

With a harem of eighteen people, not counting tentative outliers such as Fu, Shizune, Aya, Samui, and Hanabi, Wu didn't have the time to tend to each of them. Wu enjoyed spending time with each of them, but the birth of Momo had effectively cut his 'availability' in half. There was also the fact that Kushina, alone, was a monster that could suck him dry if not for his unique constitution. With girls like Kushinada and Sarada around, the latter practically becoming his cockwarmer, the notion of 'free time' had all but vanished in Wu's life.

As someone criticized others for refusing to talk about their problems with the people they cared about, Wu did the only thing he could think of to find a 'solution.' He gathered every established member of his harem, even Koyuki and Mei, for a conference at Taki. His predicament affected each of them, so he laid out the issues he was facing and asked them to help find a solution.

Unsurprisingly, one of the first suggestions was to remove the prohibition Wu had placed on the utilization of clones. However, while that was surely the simplest solution, Wu wasn't comfortable with the thought of sending his clones to fuck women in place of himself. It felt too impersonal, and if he began doing so, it would disproportionally affect some girls more than others.

Though he enjoyed spending time with each of them, everyone that was a mainstay within Wu's harem knew he had a preference for certain girls. At the top, primarily due to their remarkable 'compatibility,' was Kushina. She held the position previously dominated by Tsunade, who, during Wu's stay in the Land of Snow, mellowed considerably. They still had sex, but it was barely once a week as Tsunade was always mentally drained after looking after Momo.

Following close behind Kushina was her surrogate daughter, Kushinada, Tayuya, and Wu's personal cum leech, Sarada. After them was Hinata, followed by Sakura, Ino, Kaia, and Tenten. Then there were the girls he only fucked on occasion, such as Mei, Koyuki, Temari, Kuro, Kagero, and Karui. It wasn't that Wu didn't 'want' to fuck them more; he simply didn't have the time and wouldn't prioritize them over the more 'proactive' and experienced girls.

After explaining his reasoning, Wu allowed the girls to put it to a vote. If they could agree unanimously, he was willing to let his clones fuck them. If even one girl disagreed, they would need to come up with a better, less 'impersonal' solution. And to prevent any overt arguments from occurring, everyone would vote anonymously.

Unsurprisingly, while the majority was for the idea, more than a few girls were against it. Those who truly loved or cared about Wu would rather abstain for days, weeks, or even months if it meant they could be with the real him.

As a compromise of sorts, Kushinada, the Shadow Clone mistress herself, proposed using Wu's clones to fuck the clones of other people. That way, he wouldn't be using his clones to fuck the actual person. It could also be considered a form of training, as, without adequate focus and control, the clones created by the girls would simply disperse.

After discussing the specifics 'in great detail' for nearly three hours, the girls put Kushinada's suggestion to a vote. Since she had presented it as a form of training, even Wu wasn't completely against the idea. As such, all but a single girl voted to approve the suggestion. Koyuki had yet to learn how to produce Shadow Clones, and she was worried that doing so would decrease her already limited time with Wu. She also didn't interact with the other girls that often, so she didn't really care if they hated or disliked her.

With Koyuki openly admitting that she was the one who voted against the proposal, another long discussion took place. Most of the more seasoned Kunoichi quickly realized that Koyuki was simply leveraging her position to have more time with Wu. Thus, while they were slightly annoyed by the retired Actress's obstinance, they got her to compromise after Wu agreed to visit at least once a week while also making himself available for video conferences.

Following the concessions made for Koyuki, some of the other girls came up with the idea of arranging a schedule. Wu was initially against the idea, but he relented when it was decided that he would be the one deciding how his time was allotted. To that end, Sarada would effectively be acting as his Secretary, keeping track of his appointments, coordinating with the girls to plan events, and reminding him of important holidays or birthdays.

While some of the younger girls, especially Ino, were envious of Sarada's appointment, they didn't openly protest. Wu had sat down with all of them a few days after Sarada became his personal disciple, explaining that she 'needed' a purpose to avoid crumbling under the notion that everyone she had ever known or loved had been killed. That was more than enough to deter even the most envy-prone girls from seeking trouble, so Sarada had spent nearly seven weeks glued to Wu's dick without protest.

Fortunately, one of the benefits of training Senjutsu was that it had a very calming effect on the mind. Only Sakura, Hinata, Tayuya, Kaia, Naruto, Fu, and Gaara had gained the ability to sense and absorb Natural Energy independently, but everyone had benefitted immensely. Even the weakest among them could lift more than 8,000 kilos, while Naruto, largely thanks to the advice he had received from Kushinada, went from struggling with 10,000 to squatting more than 40,000 kilos in less than two months.

With everyone advancing rapidly, Wu could hardly wait to see how strong they would be at the end of the compulsory training period. After the five years he set aside to groom Sakura, Temari, Kuro, Aya, or Karui into Kages had come to an end, Wu would permit everyone to train at their own pace. He wouldn't prohibit them from training at the Senju Clan Compound, but it would no longer be 'mandatory.' Rather, he wanted them to get out and explore not just the world but the cosmos beyond.

Understanding that the reins of the future would invariably shift into the hands of successive generations, Wu was more concerned with Momo's generation than single-mindedly ensuring people within his own remained at the top. He didn't want his daughter to grow up bogged down by weak and judgmental brats, so, once a few other matters had been decided, he broached the final subject of the conference, maternity.

Though the girls destined to become Kage would have to wait until they claimed the hat, Wu opened the discussion by affirming he was willing to impregnate all who were prepared to receive his seed. It wasn't really a 'requirement' to stay as a member of his harem, but he would inevitably have to prioritize those willing to bear his offspring over those who simply wanted to fuck.

As it was a fairly important matter to consider, Wu gave everyone until the next morning to decide. To alleviate the pressure, he also informed them they would be gathering every three months in the future. He didn't want them forcing themselves unless they were genuinely prepared to become mothers, so even if they refused the following morning, they would have many other chances in the future...




In the wake of the thirteen-hour conference, Wu retired to Kushina's hut without his usual tagalong. Sarada was also among the girls who had to decide if she wanted to be impregnated, so he gave her the night off so she could think clearly without his cock inside of her.

What Wu hadn't anticipated was Kushina saying, "I want a baby..." as she rode his cock more forcibly than the first time they had sex. The look on her face made it 'very' apparent she wasn't joking, so Wu just nodded his head, saying, "I'll figure something out..."

Truth be told, Wu had already found a solution to Kushina's condition in the form of Sasako's Rinnesharingan. Once the latter had learned about how Kushina was able to remain 'alive' despite being an Edo Tensei, the incredibly pragmatic woman considered becoming one herself. Doing so would allow her to fight without rest, and, so long as she avoided certain types of attacks, attacks that would have killed her regardless, she could defeat most members of the Otsutsuki by simply outlasting them.

Among the Jutsu unique to the Rinnegan, there was one that allowed the user to sacrifice their life to resurrect the dead. During the Fourth Great Shinobi War, the same Jutsu had been used to grant someone under the effects of Edo Tensei a new body, so Wu knew for a fact it was possible to bring Kushina back to life.

With such thoughts in mind, Wu managed to get Kushina to reduce the intensity of her milking by asking, "What about Minato? And how do you plan to explain things to Naruto?"

Furrowing her brows slightly, a twinge of guilt pervaded Kushina's heart as her first instinct was to ask, 'What about him?' She still loved Minato, but the circumstances that led to them getting married didn't leave her with many options. She was a stranger in Konoha that was ostracized by everyone, even before becoming a Jinchuriki. Minato was the only boy to compliment her hair, and he had even saved her when Kumo managed to kidnap her. He had effectively prevented her from having to spend the rest of her life as a breeding sow while also being the only person who treated her like family. If she didn't marry him, the Council would have 'given' her to someone...especially in the wake of Uzu's destruction...

Instead of voicing her thoughts, Kushina buried her anguish deep in her heart as she squeezed her insides tightly around Wu's cock. The boy had conquered not just her mind and body but also her heart. It was far too late to go back at this point, so, in response to Wu's words, she leaned forward, her face mere centimeters away from his as she asserted, "I've made my decision..." before kissing him on the lips. When Wu responded by releasing a massive load into the deepest depths of her pussy, all of Kushina's remaining doubts vanished...




(A/N: Managing a harem ain't easy...)



No, no it is not.