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After groping Karui for the better part of a minute, Wu had the fidgeting redhead rise from his lap to retrieve Omoi before having the entire group accompany him to the main house's courtyard. He sensed that everyone he was expecting to arrive had done so, so he took them over to carry out introductions before guiding everyone over to Hashirama's residence.

Though there were some very obvious tensions between Karui and Ino, largely originating from the former, she didn't try to pick a fight. Instead, she crossed her arms and just eyed everyone present as if they were her competition. As for Aya and Omoi, the former greeted everyone with a bit of trepidation while the latter just raised his hand and offered a curt "Yo." while doing his best to avoid eye contact with Ino. The latter noticed this but just chalked it up to Omoi being shy as she didn't even remember who he was.

Once the initial introductions were out of the way, Wu warned the group from Kumo not to be too surprised as they made their way over to a large manor next to a lake. There, they found Hashirama sitting on the edge of a pier, a contented smile on his face as he sat with a fishing pole made of Wood Release. He sensed them long before their arrival but waited until they were fairly close before rising to his feet, dusting himself off, turning around, and greeting everyone with a smile.

Though Karui, Omoi, and Aya failed to recognize Hashirama, every nerve in Samui's body tensed when the middle-aged Senju turned around. She had heard the rumors, but she never anticipated that Hashirama was truly alive...

While Samui was having a slight existential crisis, Hashirama approached the group, specifically stopping in front of Wu to ask, "What can I do for you today, Wu-kun? I see you've brought some new friends with you. And from Kumo, no less..."

Nodding his head, Wu explained, "The two dark-skinned girls are going to be competing for the title of Raikage in the future. To that end, I wanted to ask for your help teaching them Senjutsu."

Blinking in surprise, Hashirama replied, "We've already been over this, Wu-kun. Not only is it incredibly dangerous, but unless you have a unique constitution, the amount of Chakra required to learn Senjutsu is immense. Without something like a Tailed Beast, it's nearly impossible."

Passing his gaze over everyone in Wu's group, Hashirama's eyes lingered on Gaara, Fu, Tayuya, and, somewhat surprisingly, Sakura before adding, "Of the people you've gathered, only three meet the basic requirements to begin learning Senjutsu. However, none of them possess the necessary control. Without constant supervision, they risk transforming into a statue or becoming a tree."

As he already had a countermeasure prepared, Wu revealed, "Orochimaru was able to achieve a false Sage transformation with his Cursed Seals of Heaven and Earth. I modified Tayuya's, and she has been able to maintain her transformed state for the past year and a half. That gave me the idea of developing a Fuinjutsu that would allow them to absorb Natural Energy and rapidly expel it if the ratio becomes unstable. After that, it just comes down to practice."

Though he knew about Wu's uncanny talent with Fuinjutsu, Hashirama furrowed his brows and said, "Fuinjutsu is very dangerous, Wu-kun. Even more so than Senjutsu if you're not careful. While it's certainly possible to achieve what you're describing, experimenting on your friends is never a good idea."

Nodding his head in approval, Wu replied, "You're right. However, I believe in myself and the potential of everyone here. If they willfully undergo the procedure, I would greatly appreciate your help training them. My inability to use Chakra is a bit of a handicap when it comes to instructing others..."

Seeing the shadow of his younger brother within Wu, Hashirama made no effort to conceal his considerable exasperation as he exhaled a prolonged sigh and slumped his shoulders. He knew Wu wouldn't be deterred, but more than that, he knew he didn't have the wherewithal to lecture others as his mistakes had plagued the Shinobi World for the past fifty years...

Deciding to believe in the future Wu was attempting to create, Hashirama forced a smile as he said, "I've told you before. So long as you pursue a world where children don't have to die in wars, I will continue to support you."

Extending a hand, Wu traded fist bumps with Hashirama before turning to the group gathered behind him, saying, "For the next year, Lord First and I will be testing everyone's aptitude for Senjutsu. I'm willing to give each of you the chance to learn it, but if you can't sustain the transformation after a year, the seal I create will expire. This is a training method, not a crutch. If you can't make the power your own, you have no right to wield it..."

Passing his gaze over everyone present, Wu stopped on Samui, adding, "I will also synchronize the seal with Konoha's barrier. The moment you step outside the village, it will immediately dissolve."

Placing her left hand on her hip, Samui remarked, "I'm not here to spy on the Senju Clan..."

Rolling his eyes, Wu retorted, "You're a Kunoichi from a foreign nation. If you didn't do a bit of spying, you would be incompetent. Besides, I never said you couldn't gather intel on us. I'm not a coward that holds secrets to his chest. Once I unify the Five Great Shinobi Nations and substitute the existing Kage, most of my techniques and training methods will be made available to the public. Only those that can be classified as Kinjutsu will remain a secret."

As he desired a world filled with powerful people, Wu didn't care if others emulated his techniques. He relished the thought of others being able to contend against him on equal footing, so he wouldn't care if Samui spent the next year or two observing him with a notepad in hand, documenting his every action. He would just view it as an opportunity to fuck her brains out.

Directing his gaze to Sakura, Wu asked, "How about it, Sakura? Would you like to attempt learning Senjutsu...?"

Without any hesitation whatsoever, Sakura nodded her head and replied, "Of course...!" with a resolute expression on her face. She was committed to becoming Hokage at this point, but more than that, she trusted that Wu wouldn't do anything to harm her.

Nodding his head in approval, Wu added, "Then you can come with me. Everyone else should go ahead and start their morning exercises. Temari, Tenten, and Hinata, please teach the group from Kumo the basics while I'm away. Sparring is allowed, but try to avoid injuring one another."

With the trio responding in the affirmative, Wu guided Sakura into the interior of Hashirama's and Tobirama's shared residence. The latter had given him permission to make use of his Jutsu Development Lab, so Wu took Sakura into the usually restricted chamber and instructed her to disrobe. She was hesitant at first but quickly complied when he told her she didn't need to remove her underwear.

Seeing the rather mature red undergarments Sakura was wearing, Wu's brows perked up as he playfully inquired, "Are those for me...?"

Blushing slightly, Sakura hugged her folded clothes as she replied, "Who else would they be for?"

Inhaling a deep breath, Wu had to suppress the urge to spin Sakura around and take her on the spot. Her confidence had been increasing steadily since her triumph against Nadare, so she was beginning to reach irresistible levels of competency.

As a form of compromise with himself, Wu drew Sakura into his embrace, eliciting a sheepish "Wu-kun..." from her as he slipped his hands into her panties, cupping her soft yet firm ass cheeks before planting a kiss on her lips. In response, Sakura nearly pushed him over the edge by pressing her crotch into him, an indication that she was more than willing to continue, even if the location wasn't to her liking.

Retracting his lips after several seconds, Wu's gaze was fiery as he met Sakura's pale green eyes and asserted, "You're so unbelievably sexy right now..."

Adopting a faint smile, Sakura leaned into Wu's body, pressing her modest breasts against him as she playfully mused, "And whose fault do you think that is...?"

Though he understood she was referring to him, Wu tilted his head to the side and replied, "Ino's...?"

Rolling her eyes, Sakura extricated herself from Wu's embrace, sauntering over to a nearby medical bed before bending over invitingly as she asked, "Do I need to lie down, or...?"

Raising his left hand, Wu earned a narrow-eyed smile from the seductive pinkette as he said, "Give me a moment. If things keep developing in this direction, I won't be able to hold myself back..."

Though she was tempted to tell him there was no need to, Sakura knew she wasn't mentally or emotionally prepared to be on the receiving end of Wu's 'serious' ministrations. She had made that mistake a few times in the past and wasn't really in the mood for a pleasure-induced coma...

After taking a few seconds to compose himself, Wu instructed Sakura to lay flat on her stomach. It would be far more effective to apply the seal to the front of her body, but he knew that most girls wouldn't be comfortable with having a mess of graffiti semi-permanently applied to their chest and abdomen.

Fortunately for Sakura, Wu could make the pattern just about anything, so he questioned, "Any preferences on the design? I was thinking of using a five-petaled cherry blossom pattern as the core."

As she didn't want to waste too much of Wu's time, Sakura replied, "I'm fine with anything, so long as it doesn't stand out in my usual attire. I'm not really prepared to explain to my parents why I have a tattoo covering my back or other parts of my body..."

Providing a mixture of relief and concern to the pink-haired Kunoichi, Wu explained, "The seal will need to extend to your arms and legs, but it will only be visible when you're actively drawing or circulating Natural Energy. As you learn to draw in and regulate the energy on your own, the seal can be shrunken down or removed entirely."

Though the notion of having a seal covering her entire body made her feel a little squeamish, Sakura nodded her head and replied, "I understand." in a firm, resolute tone. She knew how powerful Senjutsu was, so if she were serious about becoming Hokage, she would need to master it along with the Strength of a Hundred Seal that Tsunade was planning to teach her...

With Sakura expressing her consent, Wu spent the better part of two hours drawing a constellation-like pattern on her body. He did his best to make it as innocuous as possible, but as the energy would need to course to every part of her body evenly, not even the soles of Sakura's feet were spared a five-pointed cherry blossom pattern. The very last one went on her forehead, making use of the ample real estate provided.

Once the procedure was finished, Wu had Sakura sit up, asking, "How do you feel...?" while handing her a small mirror. Her brows scrunched when she saw how big the seal on her forehead was, but she eventually replied, "I feel fine. Great, actually. I can feel a steady stream of warmth flowing through my body."

As it was currently mid-December, a persistent chill permeated the air, even when indoors. Removing her clothes had initially caused Sakura to feel even nippier, so it was pretty obvious the seal was doing 'something' as she no longer felt even a little chilly.

Nodding his head in approval, Wu explained, "The seal has the effect of passively absorbing small amounts of Natural Energy to try and acclimate your body to it. However, unlike the unaspected Natural Energy I produce, you'll be drawing from the flora and fauna around you. Every living thing, even people, exude trace amounts of Natural Energy, interchanging it with that of their surroundings. Your most prominent Affinities are Earth, Water, and Fire, so you should mediate in or around hot springs. Fortunately, we just so happen to have a mineral bath, and you can always go to the Land of Hot Water once your Senjutsu matures."

Returning a nod of her own, Sakura responded with a curt, "Understood." before asking, "Now how do I turn it off and on...?"

Poking the pattern on Sakura's forehead, Wu explained, "Pull your Chakra away from this mark, and the rest will fade. Inversely, when you want to activate it or draw in additional Natural Energy, you will focus your Chakra on this mark in the future. While doing so, try to pay attention to even the subtlest changes in your Chakra's composition..."

Demonstrating just how monstrous her Chakra Control was, the patterns on Sakura's body immediately faded. Then, just to confirm she could turn it back on, she did so, smiling as she said, "It's a lot easier than I thought it would be."

Ruffling the pinkette's hair, Wu mused, "My little genius..." before planting a kiss on her forehead and adding, "Just don't get overconfident. Until you can perceive and draw in Natural Energy on your own, only train it around Hashirama or me. The seal is designed to expel the surplus, but it's better to be safe than sorry. If I enter your room to find you've turned into a Jizo Statue...I'm not exactly sure what I'd do..."

Interpreting Wu's words as worry, Sakura took advantage of the fact she was seated and he was standing right in front of her to draw him in using her legs. Then, with her arms linked around his neck and shoulders, she narrowed her eyes and asserted, "I'm not going anywhere..." 




(A/N: Wu is about to create a bunch of monsters...)


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