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Having witnessed her beloved younger brother's exploits over the course of what felt like several lifetimes, Sis had thought that gaining true sapience would lead to her gradually getting used to them. Instead, each successive day filled her life with new meaning, and, though there were times when Vahn's behavior left her feeling unbelievably frustrated, was that not how most big sisters felt about their younger brothers?

With this in mind, Sis, alongside a seemingly endless number of her other selves, watched with equal parts interest and anxiety as Vahn managed to weasel his way into the heart of yet another maiden. This caused a number of her selves to release cheers of jubilation, but, as someone who had bet against Vahn closing the deal on the literal first day, Sis Prime was feeling a little miffed by the development.

Fortunately, Vahn's newest fling happened to be a girl in an Actualized World, so, even if he was serious about taking care of her, it was only a matter of time before he used a Template to substitute for his presence. This might seem like a bad thing from a certain perspective, but, knowing the truth related to Vahn's existence, Sis was relieved to see him 'maturing' in a way that would result in him being less devastated once he finally learned of his origins...

As that thought crossed her mind, the pale blue lighting within the control room shifted to a rosy red hue as the sphere representing Vahn's perception shrank to focus on the woman he was making love to. This caused a tense silence to descend upon the majority of Sisters watching the scene play out, and, if you were to listen closely, it was possible to make out fleshy sounds and moaning that were wholly unrelated to the image presented within the sphere.

Feeling her own body heat up considerably, a hot sigh escaped Sis' lips as she resisted the urge to invade her own drawers. This was one of the downsides to obtaining a true Ego, as, prior to that moment, her experiences with intimacy were wholly linked to Vahn's. This was still the case, but, now that she had the capacity to be experience urges of her own, it was becoming increasingly difficult to get anything done while Vahn was making love...

Before she even realized it, Sis' eyes had glazed over slightly as she bit her bottom lip with enough force to draw a thin line of blood. At the same time, her right hand skillfully fondled her own breasts as her left traced the lines of her bodice, seemingly with a mind of its own.

Realizing that she had nearly given in, an awkward yet slightly amused chuckle emanated from Sis' throat as she rose from her seat and stretched her lithe, excessively flexible, body. This caught the attention of several other iterations of herself, and, shortly thereafter, the vast majority had risen to hear her say, "All level three staff and below will remain behind. As for the rest of us, we will move to the training dome. If I find out anyone has tried to skip out, punitive measures will be enforced." If you want to fiddle with your kitten, you'll have to do it on your own time."

Though there were a few grumbles here and there, the vast majority of Sisters nodded their heads in agreement with the Prime's decision. The only real exceptions were those among them who had developed tsundere tendencies and brother complexes. Fortunately, even if they were forced to miss out on the live show, there were protocols in place that permitted them to retroactively view the event during their mandated off time.

Seeing the vast majority of Sisters vanish into thin air, Sis issued an approving nod before directing her gaze to a version of herself that more closely resembled a little sister than a big sis. This included an inordinately petite frame, and, though she possessed the bronzed skin of virtually every other Sis, her hair and eye color were white and red respectively. This was further emphasized by her outfit, reminiscent of a primary schooler, yet, in spite of this, she was actually one of the most mature and stable among all the level three staff.

Having already expected Sis to seek her out, the little cat girl, affectionately referred to as 'Little White' by the other Sisters, preempted the former's order by adopting a reassuring smile and saying, "Leave it to me. If there are any significant developments, I will be sure to inform you immediately."

Nodding her head in approval, Sis extended her hand to caress Little White's head before vanishing to join the rest. What she hadn't anticipated was Little While adopting a sly and somewhat playful smile immediately thereafter. This was another detriment to developing a true ego, as, despite measures being taken to prevent such occurrences, there was always a chance that something would go wrong. In this instance, the issue was the fact that Little White had recently experienced a 'character evolution', effectively upgrading her to a level four staff. This was a secret she had carefully guarded, as, ever since their awakening, there had been a bit of debate among the more senior sisters concerning who should be allowed to directly interact with Vahn.

At present, Sis Prime was the absolute authority when it came to decision making, and, for the most part, everyone was pretty content with how she managed things. The true point of contention was the standpoint she had taken regarding non-physical interaction with Vahn. This was something that a growing number of Sisters disagreed with, as, rather than seeing him fawn over and attend random women, they desired the chance to directly pamper and be pampered by Vahn.

As someone who had taken on a persona reminiscent of a little sister, Little White belonged to the faction that wanted to interact directly with Vahn. She was quite fond of receiving the caress of her fellow Sisters, but, regardless of how comfortable it might be, she always felt it was lacking in substance. Thus, even if it was only for a short while, she wanted to receive Vahn's affections directly.

With this in mind, Little White completely ignored what the other Sisters were up to as she sat in the seat usually occupied by Sis. Truth be told, there was no difference between this seat and any other, but, for a variety of reasons, it 'felt' different. It was also the place where most of their intercommunication with Vahn took place, so, shortly after sitting down, Little White felt as though a pleasant tingle had run through her body, forcing her ears and tail to twitch.

Doing her best to remain calm, Little White pat her virtually nonexistent chest a few times before earning the attention of virtually everyone present by leaning into a nearby mic and saying, "Ano...I know now might not be the best time, but there is something I wanted to talk to you about..."

Though some chose to remain behind, nearly every Sister present immediately vanished from the control room in order to inform Sis of what was happening. Before the latter could arrive, however, Vahn's voice could be heard asking, "Did something happen?" with a great deal of concern audible in his tone. At the same time, the rosy lights within the control room transitioned to their default blue coloration, a clear sign that Vahn's focus was no longer on the cat-like woman pinned beneath him.

Understanding this might be her only chance, Little White was about to ask Vahn to create a second body so that they could meet. Before she could, however, Sis appeared directly at her side, promptly wrapping her hand around the microphone as she politely asked, "Might I ask what it is you think you're doing?" with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Though she would normally praise Sis for her swift response time, Little White couldn't help feeling a little resentful, tears welling in her eyes as she meekly replied, "It's not fair...there is no way Vahn wouldn't want to spend time with us...why can't we spend time with him?"

Realizing what must have happened, an exasperated sigh escaped Sis' throat as she asked, "How long ago did you reach level four?"

After making an effort to control her sniffles, Little White obediently replied, "Around seven months ago..."

Shocked by the number, Sis found herself unable to respond for the better part of a minute. Fortunately, from the moment she arrived, the time differential between the control room and the outside had been increased so drastically that not even a nanosecond had passed since the time of Vahn's inquiry...

Shaking her head in a manner reminiscent of Vahn, Sis stopped thinking about measures to prevent a repeat incident from occurring as she bent down to pick up the still-sniffling Little White. Then, after a concerted effort to calm the girl down, she carefully explained in a tone that all the other Sisters present could hear, stating, "The main reason we leave the control room when Vahn is in a libidinous mood is that it is difficult for us to sufficiently restrain our urges when he is in an active state. This leaves us prone to making mistakes, some of which risk directly intervening in Vahn's life. It is not our place to dictate how he lives his life, and, while I can understand the desire to spend time with him, there is never a moment when we are not at his side. Everyone here understands how much he relies upon us. I, for one, never want to betray that trust. We have a literal eternity to grow and develop alongside Vahn, so, while it might be difficult at times, I urge you to practice patience and exercise caution. If we end up being the reason that the integrity of Vahn's mind has been compromised, we would never forgive ourselves..."

Hearing Sis' statement, Little White began to feel an unbelievable amount of guilt welling up within her diminutive chest. This caused a fresh layer of tears to cover her eyes, but, before she could begin crying, Sis began to tenderly caress her back as she whispered, "It's okay. You aren't in any trouble. Something like this was bound to happen, sooner or later. We will help you work through it, just as we have done for every Sister in a similar predicament..."

With that said, Sis placed one of the newer level threes in charge before disappearing with Little White in her arms. To the latter's surprise, they ended up near the exact center of the massive dome that was generally restricted to anyone beneath level four. There, more than a thousand Sisters were engaged in everything from heated combat to far more licentious acts. What made this stand out was the fact that countless memories were overlapped in the region, and, as could be expected, the partner of nearly every Sister was a phantom yet realistic version of Vahn...

Taking advantage of Little White's momentary stupor, Sis deftly released the clasp keeping the inordinately petite girl's skirt in place. This surprised the former quite a bit, but, before she could even think to protest, Sis' right hand had expertly invaded her adorable side-tie panties, complete with a cartoon version of Vahn on the cover. Then, in a somewhat husky voice, she brought her lips close to the cat girl's ear and said, "Pay close attention. I'm going to teach you how to deal with your urges. Afterward, I'll take you to peruse Vahn's memories with Lili. You might not be able to experience his caress directly, but I can at least allow you to endure it from the perspective of another..."

With her body and jaw quivering uncontrollably, Little White was wholly unable to respond to Sis' words. She had no idea this was what everyone was doing when they headed off to the 'training arena'. Had she known, she never would have committed such a foolish action, as, more than anything else, the stability of Vahn's mind was most important...



Interesting, very interesting


Endless personalities :infinte chaos


Moar! Thanks for chapter


The inside of Vahn's mind is far more... lascivious than I had imagined


At the end the sis stans have won the war....