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Not to much to this one. Just a test of some things I want to start incorporating into future vids. Namely playing around with the micro crowd system.


Sunny - Micro Climb


al wilder

Yes, more direct interactions like this! I'd suggest having a few fall now and then, specifically whenever she moves or physically reacts in some way

Melvin Givens

“We must scale the walls my brethren!” Love this! I really hope you will eventually try having the micro crowds crawl all over the models’ bodies in the future. You had mentioned beforehand that there’s a micro crowd video with Anastasia while she’s asleep right? Will there be body exploration in that video Nikemd?


great first showing! Nike is going to take this to a whole nother level


Man I had to up that pledge just to see this one. No way I could miss it. Totally worth it! Your micro effects are getting better and better. Just seeing that sheer size difference as they started climbing along was great. Hope to see even larger crowds doing the climbing and eventually seeing the aftermath of all those micros getting smushed of course. Thousands of lil bodies covering the soles 🙏

Black Mugen

My dream scenario! a zoom in there could be heaven


Thank you! That's the plan. Still learning and trying out the best techniques to do it.


Would love to do that in the future! Still learning the ropes with crowd simulation right now though.


I wish she would have been crueler and crushed a few, wiggled, made a few bow, etc. Direct interaction like that and just general sassiness/bitchiness is always great


More interaction is definitely something I'm working toward. But like I mentioned, this one is just a test to get familiar with micro crowd simulation in general. I'm still new to using it.


i never noticed Sunnys right foot is wider than her left, and knowing this is kinda hotter for some reason