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Hey Guys,

I apologize for the posting gap. There are 2 reasons for it...

1. A lot of people have been telling me it's hard to keep up with all the posts. So I am going to space things out a bit during the week. That will also help me schedule things on my end a little easier. Which will start tomorrow (Monday)

2. I am building a tiny city/town to film Giantess content! Over the past few days I've been buying supplies at local craft stores and online. I have also been researching ways to build a set that would strike a balance between, realism, destructibility, and reusability for a few months. I think I have found a way to do it that meets my standards. 

I have the first wave of props coming in tomorrow. So that's when I'll start laying everything out. There will be plenty of update pics/vids once get further along. I'll also have some teaser pics/vids featuring Kate, Sunny, and maybe 🤞 Adriana (she lives 2 hours away 😂) planned as well. 

Everything I bought or will buy is funded by you guys directly! So I appreciate all the support. I will be asking you guys for your opinions on a few things as I get closer to the final stages. So stay tuned!



The time has come! I’ve been very excited for city videos!


The time has come indeed! This first crack at it will be more of a small town vibe. Main Street shops/buildings, homes, maybe a warehouse district.


SO pumped to see the city/town set, to me that's the holy grail ideal of GTS content and there are so few people out there doing it because of the practical complexity involved. Excited to see what you do!


This sounds great! I'm excited to see what happens.


No need to apologize man, you always work so hard for us and your content is amazing! I hope this all goes well for you and most of all: I hope you enjoy doing it! 👍🏽

Edgar Flores


Edgar Flores

Please get closeups and pov shots of whoever is lucky enough to smash it 🙏🏼


A surprise to be sure but a welcome one


I appreciate that! Been enjoying every minute of it. I love what the Patreon support has allowed me to do.


Me too honestly 😂 I can't wait until I can make some of the ideas in my head reality.


Thanks for the update and no need to apologize. Greatness takes time and nothing you put out is anything short of awsome.


Thank you! I really appreciate the support you guys have given me since I have started.