PODCAST: The Leftovers of The Pizza Planet Truck (Patreon)
2023-12-12 12:39:28
Here's a podcast! This is some of the extra stuff that I decided to cut from the video when it changed from a broad history of the early days of Pixar to the focus on The Incredibles.
- The Creation and Evolution of Buzz Lightyear by Pixar (Disney Rewards, 2022)
- Chuck E. Cheese's Just Announced Nationwide Delivery & It Comes With A Prize (Bustle, 2018)
- A pizza lover discovered that the local pizzeria she thought she'd ordered from was actually Chuck E. Cheese, highlighting a popular tactic that many restaurants use (Business Insider, 2020)
- Aladdin (Box Office Mojo)
- Straight-to-video: Straight to the bank (Chicago Tribune, 2005)
- ‘Jafar’: New Journeys to Profitland? : Videos: Industry experts predict Disney’s sequel to ‘Aladdin’ will wind up among the all-time top sellers. (LA Times, 1994)
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