2020 Plans! (Patreon)
Hey gang! So I recently did a whole annual breakdown of the channel's performance over 2019. In a nutshell, this has been the best year of the whole channel's life, in terms of consistent views and subscriber numbers. There's still lessons to be learnt, with the more guide heavy videos not performing as well as others, but it's a strong start to the new look channel and I'm happy to continue on this path in 2020 as well! So what are the plans?
The next video is the Sonic video as previously mentioned. It's definitely set to be a mammoth video and the Xmas/New Year break didn't really allow for much time to dedicate to it but I chipped away wherever I could. I just really want to do this video justice so I'm being a bit more meticulous and fancy with the editing than normal, but I hope this means it'll be way more fun and rewarding to watch! Think like the editing on the Roger Rabbit video but moreso!
Beyond that though? I generally try to not think too many videos ahead. I certainly have a long list of ideas but few I feel ready to dive into yet. I've wanted to make a video about Groundhog Day and how the film benefits more by not explaining how or why the timeloop is happening, but that'll be more apt to time up with Feb 2nd (the actual groundhog day) and to do that would mean putting the Sonic video on hold, so I don't think I want to. I already had to postpone my idea for a Halloween video about the Casper movie but dropped it in favour of focusing on the Kids TV video, so maybe that'll finally happen this year!
Other ideas more at the forefront are:
- How well have the 4 Shrek movies actually aged? They're very pop-culture heavy so are the references are now outdated, or have they become more like time-capsules?
- There's a UK sitcom called One Foot In The Grave which was often written backwards, starting with the final funny image, something so ridiculous, and then script the rest backwards so the events of the episode lead up naturally to this image, making this sitcom more like a murder mystery!
- A study into Storyboards aka Scripting without a Script. Shows like Steven Universe and even movies like Mad Max Fury Road were written this way.
- A common complaint about cartoon shows are how the shows of NOW are different to the ones of THEN and then this image usually shows up to illustrate a point. Except there's a lot more to that image than it shows and if you follow the crew behind the scenes, there's probably a great deal more in common than people realise.
I don't know what video I plan to do after the Sonic one, but here's a few contenders! Unless I think of something totally different of course!!