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She was just making her way to work, walking to the bus stop, when she was overcome with a sense of dizziness that stopped her in her tracks. In moments, the dizziness became a tightness spreading across her body, followed by a feeling of stretching and aching, until resolving into a building pleasure. When the pleasure finally peaked, she found her body had become a bulging statue of powerful muscles. She felt fortunate that there were only a couple small holes in her outfit from the ordeal, as she was standing just on the side of a busy road. Not that her incredible transformation and newly tremendous bust hadn't already caused several accidents.

Took me quite a while to stop everything and its mother from clipping through each other on this one, and as a side effect, I ended up making a 4k render of this character. So, if you happen to have a 4k screen that you have setup in a portrait orientation, now you have a new background. ;P



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