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Last night this warrior dreamt of her body growing head and shoulders above anybody else. Of her muscles inflating until she had the strength of dozens of men. And of her breasts becoming things of legend. A truly... pleasurable dream. Of course, upon waking she found that this was not just a dream, as her body had, in fact, taken on all of these unbelievable properties.

IMPORTANT: I am going on vacation for about a week around Christmas. Posts may not be steady while I am gone. I am trying my best to get things scheduled for release all the way through, but I may run out of time.

Alright, so, this piece is the first one entirely created on my new rig. Not that it's anything special, as will likely be the case until at least I get back from my vacation late in the month, but if you know where to look you just might notice a slight increase in quality. Let me know if you have any ideas for how I can improve my pieces, as I now have the hardware to try just about anything.



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